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Connection property descriptions : CatalogOptions

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Determines which type of metadata information is included in result sets when an application calls DatabaseMetaData methods.

Valid values

0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10


If set to 0, result sets do not contain remarks or synonyms.
If set to 1, result sets for the DatabaseMetaData method getTables() contain remarks information, and result sets for the DatabaseMetaData method getColumns() contains remarks information and default column values.
If set to 2, result sets contain synonyms that are returned from the following DatabaseMetaData methods: getColumns(), getExportedKeys(), getFunctionColumns(), getFunctions(), getImportedKeys(), getIndexInfo(), getPrimaryKeys(), getProcedureColumns(), and getProcedures().
If set to 3, result sets contain synonyms, remarks information, and default column values (as described for values 1 and 2).
If set to 4 or 6, a hint is provided to the driver to emulate getColumns() calls using the ResultSetMetaData object instead of querying database catalogs for column information. Result sets contain synonyms, but no remarks. If set to 4, synonyms are not returned for getColumns() calls and getTables() or getProcedure() calls. Using emulation can improve performance because the SQL statement that is formulated by the emulation is less complex than the SQL statement that is formulated using getColumns(). The argument to getColumns() must evaluate to a single table. If it does not, because of a wildcard or null value, for example, the driver reverts to the default behavior for getColumns() calls.
If set to 8, result sets contain accurate metadata information for VARRAY, TABLE, and OBJECT data when the following DatabaseMetaData methods are called: getColumns(), getProcedureColumns(), and getFunctionColumns(). Setting this value can negatively impact performance.
If set to 10, results sets contain accurate metadata information for VARRAY, TABLE, and OBJECT data (as described for value 8) and synonyms for other data types (as described for value 2).


*Performance may differ between value 4 and value 6, depending on how individual queries are formulated and whether emulation is used. You may want to perform a benchmark to gauge which value provides the best performance for your application.

Data source method




Data type


See also

Performance considerations