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Administering Hybrid Data Pipeline : Authentication : Integrating external authentication with a Java plugin : Configuring user accounts for Java plugin authentication

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Configuring user accounts for Java plugin authentication
Once a Java plugin service has been registered, user accounts can be configured to use the service. As described in the following sections, user accounts can be configured through either the Web UI or the Users API.

Using the Web UI to configure a user account for Java plugin authentication

To create a new user account, take the following steps.
1. Navigate to the Manage Users view by clicking the manage users icon .
2. Click + New User.
3. Under the General tab, provide tenant, user name, and user role information.
4. Click the Authentication Setup tab.
*Option 1. If you are adding the Java plugin service as an additional authentication type for the user account, click + Add Authentication Service.
*Option 2. If you want to use only the Java plugin service, modify the properties of the current authentication type.
5. Select the Java plugin service from the Authentication Type dropdown.
6. In the External Usernames field, specify the user or users you want to associate with the Hybrid Data Pipeline user account. Any user name provided should correspond to a user name persisted by the authentication service.
7. Click Save.
To modify a current user account, take the following steps.
1. Navigate to the Manage Users view by clicking the manage users icon .
2. From the list of user accounts, click the user account you want to modify.
3. Click the Authentication Setup tab.
*Option 1. If you are adding the Java plugin service as an additional authentication type for the user account, click + Add Authentication Service.
*Option 2. If you want to use only the Java plugin service, modify the properties of the current authentication type.
4. Select the Java plugin service from the Authentication Type dropdown.
5. In the External Usernames field, specify the user or users you want to associate with the Hybrid Data Pipeline user account. Any user name provided should correspond to a user name persisted by the authentication service.
6. Click Update to save your changes to the user account.

Using the Users API to configure a user account for Java plugin authentication

To create a new user, take the following steps.
The following POST operation creates a user account using an external authentication service. Here the end user (user_external) authenticates via a Java plugin external authentication service ("authServiceId": 43). This end user inherits all the attributes associated with the testuser account. For further details, see Create a user account.
POST https://MyServer:8443/api/admin/users
Request payload
"userName": "testuser",
"tenantId": 1,
"statusInfo": {
"status": 1,
"accountLocked": false
"passwordInfo": {
"passwordStatus": 1,
"passwordExpiration": "2020-01-01 00:00:00"
"permissions": {
"roles": [
"authenticationInfo": {
"authUsers": [
"authUserName": "user_external",
"authServiceId": 43
Response payload
Status code: 201
Successful response
"id": 4,
"userName": "testuser",
"tenantId": 1,
"statusInfo": {
"status": 1,
"accountLocked": false
"passwordInfo": {
"passwordStatus": 1,
"passwordExpiration": "2020-01-01 00:00:00"
"permissions": {
"roles": [
"authenticationInfo": {
"authUsers": [
"authUserName": "user_external",
"authServiceId": 43
To modify a current user account, take the following steps.
The following PUT operation updates user account 101 to use the a Java plugin external authentication service ("authServiceId": 43) for managing authentication. Two end users (user_1 and user_2) have been associated with the account. Their credentials are managed through the authentication service that has ID 43. Each user inherits all the attributes associated with user account 101. For further details, see Update authentication information on a user account.
PUT https://MyServer:8443/api/admin/users/101/authinfo
Request payload
"authUsers": [
"authUserName": "user_1",
"authServiceId": 43
"authUserName": "user_2",
"authServiceId": 43
Response payload

Status code: 200
Successful response
"authUsers": [
"authUserName": "user_1",
"authServiceId": 43
"authUserName": "user_2",
"authServiceId": 43