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Pacific Application Server for OpenEdge: Introducing PAS for OpenEdge
Apache Tomcat and the Pacific Application Server for OpenEdge

Apache Tomcat and the Pacific Application Server for OpenEdge

Pacific Application Server (PAS) for OpenEdge is a Web application server based on the Apache Tomcat Web server and servlet container. This chapter introduces you to the key concepts and features of Tomcat. It also gives you an idea of how Tomcat was modified and extended in the Pacific Application Server.
For more information about Tomcat, start with the Documentation Index on the Apache Website. However, be aware that PAS is an implementation of Tomcat tailored to support Progress products, and that PAS for OpenEdge is specifically tailored for ABL application development and deployment.
In this section: 
* The ROOT application
* Manager applications
* Web applications
* CATALINA environment variables
* Containers and connectors
* Pacific Application Server directories
* Instances