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Administration Guide
TCMAN Reference : Server actions : Display server instances (instances)

Display server instances (instances)


Show the names and locations of the instances created from the PAS installed in $CATALINA_HOME by displaying the contents of the file where instances are registered for tracking.
By default, instances are registered for tracking $CATALINA_HOME/conf/instances.{windows|.unix}. The file name extension indicates the OS platform where the PAS server is installed.

Syntax instances [general_options]


Specify one or more of the general TCMAN options. Run help instances to see which general options are appropriate.

Output format

The following is the format of the output from a TCMAN instances action:
alias-name | full-file-path | type | state
The user-defined name for the instance.
The location, in the OS file system, of the instance's root directory.
The designation of the server instance type (for example: instance, service, . . .).
An indication of the instance's validity. OK is returned for a valid server and invalid is returned for a corrupted or non-existant server.


Display the instances of the core server installed in /psc/pashome:
/psc/pashome/bin/ instances
acme1 | /psc/wrk/acme1 | instance | ok
acme2 | /psc/wrk/acme2 | instance | ok


*By default, instances are registered when you execute a $CATALINA_HOME/bin/tcman{.sh|.bat} create action, which automatically adds instance entries to an instances file. TCMAN removes instance entries from the file when you execute a delete action.
You can manually add or remove instance entries from instances by using the register or unregister actions.
*By default, the name and location of the file where instances are registered is $CATALINA_HOME/conf/instances.{windows|.unix}.
You can change the location of the instance registration file by adding and setting the property in the file. Use the TCMAN config action as in the following example: config ''
where PATH is a path name or an environment variable.
You can also change the location and/or name of instance registration files by setting the environment variables, PAS_AS_INSTANCE_DIR, and PAS_AS_INSTANCE_FILE.