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Alerts Guide and Reference
Alerts Setup and Maintenance : Viewing alert information : Viewing alerts : Viewing alerts in the Resources page
Viewing alerts in the Resources page
The following figure shows the Resources page with Alerts column, when you click Resources > Go to Resources in the management console menu.
Figure 5. Alerts displayed in the Resources page
You can find the following information in the Resources page:
*Icons related to an alert's severity level appear in the Alerts column along with the number of Open and Unseen alerts of a resource.
*A figure that shows the Alerts section of the Resource view when you click a resource. This section displays the types of open alerts for the selected resource.
*Tooltip information that contains the reason for generation of an alert.
If you stop and restart OpenEdge Management, the outstanding alerts list clears. This same alert information cannot be reloaded. However, if the conditions that originally triggered the alerts still exist when OpenEdge Management restarts, new alerts are generated.
Note: Resource changes can happen very quickly, and the information contained in the Alerts list and the Alerts Detail Summary page represents the operational status of your system at the moment the information was collected. Click Refresh as you view alert details to ensure that you are reviewing the most current information.
For detailed information about each alert, see Alerts Reference.