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Alerts Guide and Reference
Alerts Reference

Alerts Reference

This chapter provides detailed information about the asynchronous alerts and polled alerts that OpenEdge Management can generate for asynchronous rules and polled rules.
* Alert organization and properties
* <Specific Log File Rule Name>
* ActionNotRun
* AS_AverageProcedureDurationHigh
* AS_BrokerAbnormalShutdown
* AS_BrokerNormalShutdown
* AS_BrokerStartup
* AS_ClientAbnormalDisconnect
* AS_NameServerUnavailable
* AS_QueuedRequestPercentHigh
* AS_RejectedRequestPercentHigh
* AS_ServerAdded
* AS_ServerKilled
* AS_ServerTrimmed
* AS_ServerUnavailable
* BadSearchPattern
* ContextSwitchHigh
* CPUBusyThresholdExceeded
* CPUNotFound
* DB_AbnormalShutdown
* DB_AgentCrash
* DB_AgentDown
* DB_AgentIdle
* DB_AgentReadError
* DB_AgentStartup
* DB_AIWWritePercentLow
* DB_AreaSpaceUtilizationHigh
* DB_AutoStartFail
* DB_BIPartialWritesHigh
* DB_BIWWritePercentLow
* DB_BrokerReconnectFail
* DB_BufferIOHigh
* DB_BuffersFlushedatCheckpointHigh
* DB_BusyAIBufferWaitsHigh
* DB_BusyBIBufferWaitsHigh
* DB_CheckpointLengthShort
* DB_DatabaseCommitsLow
* DB_DatabaseCrash
* DB_DatabaseDown
* DB_EmptyAIBuffersWaitsHigh
* DB_EmptyBIBufferWaitsHigh
* DB_FathomTrendDatabase
* DB_NormalShutdown
* DB_PartialAIBufferWritesHigh
* DB_PhysicalReadHigh
* DB_ReadsToRequestsHigh
* DB_RecordWaitsHigh
* DB_ResourceAdded
* DB_ResourceDisabled
* DB_ResourceEnabled
* DB_ResourceNameConflict
* DB_Startup
* DB_TrendingStopped
* DB_UserCountHigh
* DB_VariableAreaExtentGrow
* DiminishedFileGrowth
* DiskAvgQueueHigh
* DiskBusyThresholdExceeded
* DiskNotFound
* ExcessiveFileGrowth
* FathomTrendingUnavailable
* FileDoesNotExist
* FileExists
* FileIsDirectory
* FileModified
* FileSizeEqual
* FileSizeExceeded
* FileSizeLow
* FileSizeNotEqual
* FileStale
* FileSystemNotFound
* FileSystemUsedThresholdExceeded
* HTTPDownloadFailure
* HTTPRedirect
* InvalidProgressVersion
* JobStartFailure
* LatchWaitCountHigh
* LogActionWriteError
* LogFileIOException
* LogFileNotFound
* MalformedPattern
* MalformedURL
* MemoryNotFound
* MS_BrokerAbnormalShutdown
* MS_BrokerNormalShutdown
* MS_BrokerStartUp
* MQA_BrokerAbnormalShutdown
* MQA_BrokerNormalShutdown
* MQA_BrokerStartUp
* NetworkResourceFailure
* NetworkResourceTardy
* NetworkResourceTimeout
* NetworkResourceUnreachable
* NoContentInPage
* NoSearchCriteria
* NS_AbnormalShutdown
* NS_ApplicationServiceNotFound
* NS_BrokerRegistrationFailure
* NS_BrokerTimeout
* NS_ClientRequestRejected
* NS_DuplicateBrokerUUID
* NS_NameServerReregisteredBroker
* NS_NormalShutdown
* NS_Startup
* OD_BrokerAbnormalShutdown
* OD_BrokerNormalShutdown
* OD_BrokerStartup
* OR_BrokerAbnormalShutdown
* OR_BrokerNormalShutdown
* OR_BrokerStartup
* PageContentChanged
* ProcessCPUBusyThresholdExceeded
* ProcessPhysicalMemoryThresholdExceeded
* ProcessVirtualMemoryThresholdExceeded
* ProjectCreated
* ProjectLoadFailed
* ProjectNoRead
* ProjectUpgraded
* ProjectVersionLater
* ReportRunFailed
* ResrcDoesNotExist
* RunQueueHigh
* SearchPatternFound
* SearchPatternNotFound
* SystemMemoryUsedThresholdExceeded
* TaskInQueueFailure
* TaskExecFailure
* TaskLocalDBAssocError
* TaskQueueFull
* TaskRemoteDBAssocError
* TaskRunError
* TaskStderrListenerFailed
* TaskStdinReadFailed
* TaskWaitFailure
* TemplateNotLoaded
* TimerExpired
* VirtualMemoryUsedThresholdExceeded
* WS_AgentAdded
* WS_AgentKilled
* WS_AgentTrimmed
* WS_AgentUnavailable
* WS_AverageProcedureDurationHigh
* WS_BrokerAbnormalShutdown
* WS_BrokerNormalShutdown
* WS_BrokerStartup
* WS_NameServerUnavailable
* WS_QueuedRequestPercentHigh
* WS_RejectedRequestPercentHigh
* WSA_StartUp
* WSA_ShutDown