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WebSpeed Essentials
Running and Deploying WebSpeed Applications : WebSpeed security : Securing your Web server : Microsoft IIS
Microsoft IIS
If you are using Microsoft IIS, then WebSpeed includes an example file explaining how you can hide the Messenger's name. It is called cgiip.wsc and, by default, is located in the C:\InetPub\Scripts directory. It is recommended that you rename the file to something that is meaningful only to you, for example, orders.inet. The extension (.inet) must be an unused extension on your machine. You should also delete the cgiip.exe and wsisa.dll Messenger files in the Scripts directory.
If you open the orders.inet file using a text editor, you will see instructions on how to configure IIS to run this script when it is part of the URL.
Note: If you are using IIS 4.x or 5.x, you might find that the Configuration button mentioned in the instructions is disabled. To enable the Configuration button, first choose the Create button just above it.
Use the extension you have chosen (for example, .inet) instead of the .wsc extension mentioned in the instructions.
At the end of the newly created orders.inet file, change the WebSpeed service name from wsbroker1. For the example above, use Orders.
All lines beginning with # are comments. The only required line is the one that references the service name or host and port of the WebSpeed broker.
Assuming that you have changed the Scripts directory to be web, the URL becomes:
If you have more than one WebSpeed service, then you will need a .inet file for each service.