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Installation and Configuration
Configuration : Configuration : Overview of OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer : OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer elements and descriptions
OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer elements and descriptions
The figure below shows the conceptual relationship among the OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer elements, products, and tools. It also identifies each element of OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer, briefly defines the element, and points to other sections within this document or the OpenEdge documentation set where additional information about an element can be found.
Although all Unified Brokers are controlled through the same Unified Broker Properties file (, each broker type maintains a unique port separate from any other server in the group. Any configuration change made to a Unified Broker administered through the AdminServer is stored in the file.
Figure 7. Overview of the OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer interactions
The shaded elements in the above figure, WebSpeed and AppServer and, are two of the Unified Brokers products. They are intended to represent all Unified Broker products in this graphic to show how the Unified Brokers relate to the other elements. The OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer only runs in Windows. However, you can connect to remote UNIX systems and administer various supported components on those remote UNIX systems.
The following table highlights and describes each element of OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer.
Table 46. Elements of OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer
For more information about this element, see ...
As the central control, the AdminServer:
*Manages each instance of an installed OpenEdge server2 product by providing administrative access to OpenEdge products installed on your network
*Governs remote management and configuration capabilities
*Supports an administrative feature which users can set to limit access to OpenEdge products
OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer configuration tool3
A graphical user interface tool to:
*Initiate administrative tasks on local or remote machines that require a running AdminServer
*Perform a variety of administrative, managerial, configuration, and validation activities for OpenEdge products
Using OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer; also, see the OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer online help for extensive information about using the tool.
Mergeprop utility4
A command-line utility that supports functionality similar to that supported by the OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer configuration tool. The mergeprop utility can be used as an alternative approach when the OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer configuration tool is not available.
Command-line utilities
A basic command-line tool that allows you to control (that is, start, stop, and query) servers and validate property files associated with OpenEdge products.
Unified Broker
As the central control within particular OpenEdge products, the Unified Broker is:
*The key process through which each of these products' resources are individually managed by the product, and these resources are made available to clients.
*A collective term used to identify specific OpenEdge products that employ the same mechanism to implement the broker processes.
*A standard processing technology within certain OpenEdge products. file (Unified Broker properties file)5
Common text file location in which data for each Unified Broker6 product is stored. The OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer's and the mergeprop utility's capabilities can be applied to the contents of the file to manage, configure, or validate properties for each of these products. The file is located in OpenEdge-install-dir/properties/ directory. file (Configuration Manager properties file)
Common text file that contains configuration information for all OpenEdge databases7.The OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer's and mergeprop utility's capabilities can be applied to the contents of the file to manage, configure, or validate properties for each of these products. The file is located in OpenEdge-install-dir/properties/ directory. file and product configurations ; also, see OpenEdge Data Management: Database Administration.
AdminServer file
Common text file that contains information for plugins to be loaded and managed by the AdminServer. The AdminServer file is located in OpenEdge-install-dir/properties/ directory. file (OpenEdge clients' configuration file)
Common text file that contains configuration information for all OpenEdge clients. The file is located in OpenEdge-install-dir/properties/ directory.
Note: Do not make user-modifications to these property files as these properties support OpenEdge and Progress products only.
Contact Progress Technical Support if you want to modify these properties.

1 The AdminServer must be running to use the management command-line management utilities (such as ASBMAN, DBMAN, NSMAN, and WTBMAN) or the OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer configuration tools. Only mergeprop and the OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer configuration tool perform the actual configuration of Progress server products and such changes affect the data stored in the or files.

2 See OpenEdge products supported by the AdminServer (Windows platforms) and the OpenEdge products supported by the AdminServer on page 16 (Unix platforms) for specific products.

3 Commands entered and accepted either through OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer tool or the mergeprop tool immediately affect the data stored in the file or file.

4 Commands entered and accepted either through OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer tool or the mergeprop tool immediately affect the data stored in the file or file.

5 Commands entered and accepted either through OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer tool or the mergeprop tool immediately affect the data stored in the file or file.

6 The Unified Broker products include these OpenEdge servers: AppServer, WebSpeed, NameServer, and the Oracle DataServer, the DataServer for MS SQL. See the specific book within the product documentation set for more information about each Unified Broker product.

7 Only those OpenEdge databases that are configured to autostart will start when the AdminServer starts.