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Programming Interfaces
COM Object Data Type Mapping : Data type conversion strategy : Converting ABL to COM data types

Converting ABL to COM data types

ABL uses ABL type specifiers and the object's Type Library to convert ABL data types to COM data types for COM object properties (set), method input parameters, and event output parameters. This is the procedure that ABL follows for these conversions:
1. If ABL includes type specifiers, ABL performs the conversion based on these specifiers.
2. If ABL does not include type specifiers, ABL checks if the COM object provides any type information through its Type Library interfaces. If available, ABL performs the conversion based on that type information.
3. If neither Step 1 nor Step 2 results in a conversion, ABL performs the default conversion.
For information on ABL type specifiers and how to use them, see UsingCOM Objects in ABL.