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Java Open Clients
Configuring and Deploying Java Open Client Applications : Deploying an Open Client application that uses a Java proxy

Deploying an Open Client application that uses a Java proxy

To deploy a client application that uses a Java proxy, you must first perform the following steps in the specified order, on the system where you plan to run the application:
1. Install a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Many platforms already come with a JVM. For more information on the available Java run-time environment (JRE) for your platform, see the sections on Java requirements in OpenEdge Getting Started: Installation and Configuration.
2. Copy the required files for the client application and proxy to the deployment system:
a. Copy the client application.
b. Copy the proxy .class files to a directory that mirrors the package hierarchy specified for generation of the proxy in the Java Client Details group of the ProxyGen Generate Proxies dialog box. The package name implies a directory structure that you must maintain when you copy the proxy. You also can put the class files into a .zip or .jar file, as with any other Java classes.
c. Copy the same Java Open Client Runtime package that you used to build the application to any directory on your system. See Building an Open Client application that uses a Java proxy.
d. Copy the following third-party Apache Tuscany jar files to the same directory where you copied the Java Open Client Runtime package in Step 2.c, above. These files reside in the specified OpenEdge installation directory, as shown:
3. Update the CLASSPATH setting for the Java environment that will run the client application to include the following:
a. The client application classes.
b. The directory containing the proxy (.class files) or the .zip or .jar file from . For class files, this is the directory above the package hierarchy.
c. The Open Client Runtime package and third-party jar files you copied in Step 2.
The mechanism to update the CLASSPATH setting depends on the Java environment you are using. For instructions on updating CLASSPATH, see the documentation for your Java environment.
4. If you use HTTPS (SSL), copy your digital certificates to the location required by your application. The Open Client Toolkit includes the certificate management tool (procertm utility), which provides a way to import, export and remove certificates to and from .jar and .zip files. See Java Open Client Certificate Management Utility.
5. Run your Java Open Client application as designed.