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Java Open Clients
Configuring and Deploying Java Open Client Applications : Building an Open Client application that uses a Java proxy

Building an Open Client application that uses a Java proxy

Before you can build an Open Client application that uses a Java proxy, your system must have the OpenEdge Toolkit installed and it must have a properly configured Java SDK.
To build a client application that uses a Java proxy:
Note: ProxyGen provides the proxy .java files only for documentation. Do not attempt to modify and rebuild your proxy from these files.
1. Set up the Java client development environment.
The OpenEdge ToolKit installation includes the JavaSoft JDK; however, it does not set up the system for general use of the JDK. If you are developing your client application on the same machine where you installed OpenEdge ToolKit and you want to use the JDK for your client application development, see the JavaSoft documentation for information on setting up the environment to use this JDK.
2. To build the client application on a machine other than the proxy generation machine, you must:
a. Copy the proxy .class files to a directory that mirrors the package hierarchy specified for generation of the proxy in the Java Client Details group of the ProxyGen Generate Proxies dialog box. The package name implies a directory structure that you must maintain when you copy the proxy. You also can put the class files into a .zip or .jar file, as with any other Java classes.
b. Copy the proxy .java files to any directory on the system, typically together with the corresponding .class files.
ProxyGen provides the proxy .java files only for documentation. Do not attempt to modify and rebuild your proxy from these files.
c. Select and copy the Java Open Client Runtime package to any directory on the system.
For information on selecting a Java Open Client Runtime package, see JavaOpen Client Runtime package.
3. Update the Java CLASSPATH setting for the client application's developmentenvironment to include the following:
a. The directory containing the proxy (.class files) or the zip or jar file from Step 2. For class files, this is the directory above the package hierarchy.
b. The Open Client Runtime package you copied in Step 2.
4. Write, compile, and execute the client application. (This is the focus of the remainder of this book.)