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Internationalizing Applications
Preparing the User Interface : Screen layout and composition : Culturally specific issues : Calendar, date, and time formats
Calendar, date, and time formats
Different cultures follow different calendars. The week might run from Monday to Sunday or Sunday to Saturday depending on the culture. Different cultures might also follow different calendar years. For example, the year 1996 is 2539 on the Buddhist calendar and Heisei 8 on the Japanese Emperor calendar.
Date and time formats also vary from culture to culture. For example, the same date could be represented as 16-02-2014 or 2/16/2014, and the same time could be represented as 2:42:10 PM or14.42.10. Punctuation and capitalization in the date and time format also vary. A slash (/) might separate the numbers in a date format (as in 2010/9/18) or a period (.) as in (2010.5.4). You must design date and time formats that are appropriate for the audience.