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Internationalizing Applications
Preparing the User Interface

Preparing the User Interface

The design of the user interface is crucial to the success of any application with a worldwide audience. If you want to be competitive in a global market, you must design a user interface that meets the needs of each audience.
This means designing a user interface that is:
*Generic enough to be used as is or easily modified for any audience.
*Easy to learn and use. A user interface that is customized for the audience gives the user more confidence in the product and better suits the user's needs.
*Capable of working well for your users. If you design with internationalization in mind, the user interface will support many languages. In addition, you will not have to increase development efforts, redesign for every audience, or schedule extra time for maintenance and quality assurance.
* Screen layout and composition
* Graphics and icons
* Designing with the AppBuilder
* Designing to allow for translation