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Messaging and ESB
Guidelines for Using and Programming for the OpenEdge Adapter for Sonic ESB : Native Invocation methodology

Native Invocation methodology

The OpenEdge Adapter for Sonic ESB supports a Native Invocation methodology for exposing ABL applications to the Sonic Enterprise Service Bus (ESB). When a Sonic ESB process is created using the Native Invocation methodology, ABL procedures are called directly via an OpenAPI call to an OpenEdge Application Server.
The Native Invocation methodology provides the following benefits:
*Simplified exposure of ABL code as a service
*Simplified process of mapping ABL parameters to Sonic messages
*Reduced overhead, improving run-time performance over Web Services Invocation methodology by eliminating conversions to and from SOAP messages
The Native Invocation methodology relies on invocation (.esboe) files that are imported directly into the Sonic Workbench.
At the highest level, the steps for exposing an ABL procedure are:
1. Develop your ABL code and create invocation files.
2. Import your invocation (.esboe) files into your Sonic project in Sonic Workbench.
3. Create a Sonic ESB Process, adding your invocation files to the process, one at a time, and mapping your input and output parameters to message definitions.
4. Save your ESB Process and upload it to your Sonic Domain for testing and deployment.
This process can be further simplified if you have at least Sonic V7.6 and have integrated OpenEdge Architect and Sonic Workbench into one Eclipse environment.
The sections that follow discuss these development steps in greater details. For a complete example of creating and testing an ESB process using a Native Invocation file, see SampleNative Invocation ESB process.
* Creating an invocation file
* Declarative invocation files
* Non-declarative invocation files
* Import Native Invocation files into Sonic Workbench
* ABL parameter naming
* Testing an ESB Process containing OpenEdge Native Invocation Services