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Guidelines for Using and Programming for the OpenEdge Adapter for Sonic ESB : Native Invocation methodology : Testing an ESB Process containing OpenEdge Native Invocation Services

Testing an ESB Process containing OpenEdge Native Invocation Services

Once you have created your ESB process with native invocations, you can test it with the following general steps that describe the test process:
1. Save your ESB process and upload it to your Sonic Domain.
2. In Progress Explorer, configure and start an AppServer broker, typically esbbroker1, to run your ABL procedures.
3. In Sonic Management Console, confirm that the AppServer parameters for the default OpenEdge Native Servicesdev.OpenEdge service is configured to connect to the AppServer you started in the preceding step, by performing the following steps:
a. Click the Configure tab and expand Services.
b. Select OpenEdge Native Services.
c. Select the dev.OpenEdgeService Name.
d. Verify the AppServer parameters in the Init Parameters section. If necessary, modify to match the AppServer broker.
4. In Sonic Workbench, click the Container view. The default container for native invocations is dev_OpenEdgeTest. Select the dev_OpenEdgeTest container. Right-click and select Start to start the container.
5. Create and run Scenarios that verify the execution of your process, including a successful round-trip to and from your OpenEdge Application Server. For more information on creating and running Scenarios, and testing your ESB process, see your Sonic Workbench documentation.