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WebClient Applications
Deploying an Application : Choosing an installation method : External installer : Application installer registry key entries for vendor and application
Application installer registry key entries for vendor and application
The installer is responsible for setting the Application Directory. The installer either gets the Application Directory information from the ApplicationsPath key set by WebClient, or overrides this value by prompting users to indicate where they want the application installed.
If the installer runs successfully, it must store the ApplicationInstallVersion so the WebClient initializer knows that it has run and does not need to run again.
To register this information, your installation program must create the following registry key and registry key values for this key:
Where <Basekey> is either the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (HKLM) or the HKEY_CURRENT_USER (HKCU) registry hive depending on the installation type, and <VendorName> and <ApplicationName> match the values you enter in the General tab of the WebClient Application Assembler when you define your application.
The following table lists the registry key value names as they appear in the registry and provides a description of the information that appears under Data in the registry.
Table 8. Vendor and application name registry key values
Registry key value name
Directory where the user installed the application. This value can be derived from ApplicationsPath.
Application install version identifier. You must set this value so that WebClient Initializer can determine whether or not your external installer ran successfully.This version must match the version entered in the Options Tab of the WebClient Application Assembler for the WebEnabled Install. For more information, see the Options tab.
Platform of the application, if you are installing the application as a personal installation. Both 32-bit and 64-bit application installations are written to the HKCU\Software\<VendorName>\<ApplicationName> key or personal installations, and you need the platform value to identify the required platform for the application. The possible values are 32 and 64.