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OpenEdge Data Management: DataServer for ODBC
Troubleshooting : Tuning your environment with the -Dsrv startup parameter : Using ODBC and DataServer options

Using ODBC and DataServer options

This section provides information on using various ODBC and DataServer options.
In this section: 
* DataServer connection options
* Query result order: The PRGRS_ALWAYS_INDEX option
* Concurrent query execution: The PRGRS_CACHE_CONN option
* Connection problems: The PRGRS_CONNECT option
* Key-buffer size: The PRGRS_IDBUF option
* Locking error messages: The PRGRS_LOCK_ERROR option
* Large rows: The PRGRS_MINBUF option
* Schema import: The PRGRS_NO_INDEX option
* SQL statements cache: The PRGRS_PREPCACHE option
* Concurrent procedure results: The PRGRS_PROC_TRAN option
* Cursor characteristics: The PRGRS_STABLE_CURS option
* Wait time for asynchronous connections: The PRGRS_WAIT_DELAY option
* RECID Buffer size: the ZPRGRS_RECID_BUF_SIZE,nnn Option