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OpenEdge Data Management: DataServer for ODBC
Troubleshooting : Tuning your environment with the -Dsrv startup parameter : Using ODBC and DataServer options : Wait time for asynchronous connections: The PRGRS_WAIT_DELAY option
Wait time for asynchronous connections: The PRGRS_WAIT_DELAY option
The PRGRS_WAIT_DELAY option is ignored unless you are running in ODBC asynchronous mode. Check your driver and OpenEdge connection requirements to determine if you are allowed to run in asynchronous mode. This option allows you to determine the number of seconds you would want the DataServer to delay further execution while waiting for the driver to respond to a request that might initiate a lock on database resources. The delay is initiated when the NO–WAIT option is used in ABL and the DataServer is awaiting a response to a database request made through the ODBC driver.