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OpenEdge Data Management: DataServer for ODBC
Troubleshooting : Tuning your environment with the -Dsrv startup parameter : Using ODBC and DataServer options : Connection problems: The PRGRS_CONNECT option
Connection problems: The PRGRS_CONNECT option
The PRGRS_CONNECT option allows you to pass ODBC-specific information to the ODBC driver. It has the following syntax:


-Dsrv PRGRS_CONNECT,connection-string;
The connection string is separated from the option by a comma (,) and ends with a semicolon (;).
Use the PRGRS_CONNECT option in the following cases:
*To connect to an ODBC data source whose name is not allowed by OpenEdge; for example, a name that includes blank spaces, ampersands (&), commas (,), and/or carets (^). In the connection string, pass the following characters rather than the unallowed characters. The driver resolves the passed characters to the unallowed character:
*Pass the ampersand (&) character as two ampersand (&&) characters.
*Pass the caret (^) character as two caret (^^) characters.
*Pass the blank space character as an ampersand and a caret (&^).
*Pass the comma (,) character as a caret and ampersand (^&).
*To establish complex connections that require more than the Physical Database Name (-db), User ID (-U), and Password (-P) parameters. In all cases, the values must not be space delimited and must be passed in a single connection string. For example, the following connection string sets the user ID and password for the server and user ID and password for the data source:
For more information and syntax examples, see Special connection issues.