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Database Administration
Maintaining and Monitoring Your Database : Multi-tenant database : Tenant Data Recovery : Move multiple tables and sequences with the DATAMOVE user interface : Move Sequence values by tenant
Move Sequence values by tenant
When you select Option 2 of Tenant/Group Data Move, you can move data from multiple sequences for one tenant.
Use the following steps to move sequences by tenant:
1. From the main menu, choose 2.
The following screen appears:
                Please Choose a Tenant
Option|       Tenant Name       |  ID  |       Description
     1|Default                  |     0|Default Tenant
     2|store1                   |     1|
     3|store2                   |     2|
     4|store3                   |     3|
     5|store4                   |     8|
     6|store5                   |     9|
     7|allocdis                 |     4|
     8|delayalloc               |     7|
     9|noalloc                  |     5|
    10|noallocdis               |     6|
(Page 1 of 1)
Input Your Choice
(c/C) - Change Display
(q/Q) - Quit (g/G) - Go
2. Choose a Tenant by entering a number and pressing return.
For example, if you choose 6, for the tenant named store5, an asterisk appears next to your choice, as shown:
                Please Choose a Tenant
Option|       Tenant Name       |  ID  |       Description
     1|Default                  |     0|Default Tenant
     2|store1                   |     1|
     3|store2                   |     2|
     4|store3                   |     3|
     5|store4                   |     8|
*    6|store5                   |     9|
     7|allocdis                 |     4|
     8|delayalloc               |     7|
     9|noalloc                  |     5|
    10|noallocdis               |     6|
(Page 1 of 1)
Input Your Choice
(c/C) - Change Display
(q/Q) - Quit (g/G) - Go
Note: To undo any selection, select the item a second time.
3. Once you have selected your tenant, enter g or G for go.
The following menu appears for you to choose a sequence:
   Choose Sequences for Data Move for Tenant: store5
Option|         Sequence Name          |  Number
     1|CustomerID                      |       1
     2|VendorID                        |      10
     3|EmployeeID                      |       2
     4|InvoiceNum                      |       3
     5|StockNum                        |       4
     6|OrderNum                        |       5
     7|RefNum                          |       6
     8|SaleNum                         |       7
     9|ShippingID                      |       8
    10|MgrID                           |       9
    11|SEQ1                            |       0
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Input Your Choice
(c/C) - Change Display
(a/A) - All (q/Q) - Quit (g/G) - Go
4. Select the sequence or sequences you want to move data for by entering the number from the Option column.
For each sequence you select, an asterisk appears. For example, after choosing options 6, 7, and 8, the menu appears as follows:
   Choose Sequences for Data Move for Tenant: store5
Option|         Sequence Name          |  Number
     1|CustomerID                      |       1
     2|VendorID                        |      10
     3|EmployeeID                      |       2
     4|InvoiceNum                      |       3
     5|StockNum                        |       4
*    6|OrderNum                        |       5
*    7|RefNum                          |       6
*    8|SaleNum                         |       7
     9|ShippingID                      |       8
    10|MgrID                           |       9
    11|SEQ1                            |       0
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Input Your Choice
(c/C) - Change Display
(a/A) - All (q/Q) - Quit (g/G) - Go
5. Enter g or G for go, and begin the data move. DATAMOVE provides status updates during the moving of data.
Note: To cancel the move, enter CTRL-C.