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Database Administration
Maintaining and Monitoring Your Database : Multi-tenant database : Tenant Data Recovery : Move multiple tables and sequences with the DATAMOVE user interface
Move multiple tables and sequences with the DATAMOVE user interface
You can invoke the DATAMOVE user interface to make multiple selections of either tables or sequences to move. In order to invoke the user interface, both your source and target databases must be started in multi-user mode. Invoke the command line using the following syntax:
proutil target-database -C datamove source source-database
For example, if your target database is named production_db, and your source database is named, temporary_db, start the user interface with the following command:
proutil production_db -C datamove source temporary_db
The user interface menu appears as shown:
Progress OpenEdge Tenant/Group Data Move

Source Database : temporary_db
Destination Database: production_db

1. Move Table Data by Tenant
2. Move Sequence Data by Tenant
3. Move Table Data by Group
4. Set Records per Transaction ( Current: 100 )
5. Quit

Enter your selection: q
From this menu, select an option to proceed. The steps are explained in the sections that follow.
* Move table data by tenant
* Move Sequence values by tenant
* Move table data by group
* Set records per transaction