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Database Administration
Protecting Your Data : Failover Clusters : Using the PROCLUSTER command-line interface : Cluster-enabling a database
Cluster-enabling a database
Once a database is created and resides on a shared disk, you can enable the database as a cluster resource so that it will fail over properly. The database must not be in use when it is enabled as a cluster resource. Enable the database as a cluster resource with the following command:
procluster db-name enable[-pf params-file][AI][BI][APW=n][WDOG]
You must specify the fully qualified path of the database you want to enable for fail over. The database must be located on a shared disk among the cluster nodes, and the shared disk must be online for the current node. The parameter file contains any parameters that the database requires when started. The parameter file is required to:
*Be named
*Reside in the same directory as the database .db file
*Contain the parameter -cluster protected
*For Solaris only, the length of the mount point of the database cannot exceed 18 characters
If the parameter files does not meet these requirements, database startup will fail.
When you enable a database as a resource using PROCLUSTER enable, Clusters performs the following:
*Examines the database structure and generates a registration file
*Logs the registration in the database's log file
*Performs the cluster-specific registration
A cluster-enabled database:
*Cannot be started without following the prescribed protocol—see Startinga cluster-enabled database.
*Cannot be deleted without first being disabled—see Disablinga cluster-enabled database.
*Cannot have its physical structure altered without being re-registered—see Changing the structure of the database.
If PROCLUSTER enable is successful, it returns the following message:
The cluster REGISTER command was successful. (10532)
To verify the success of PROCLUSTER enable, examine the database log file (.lg) to see if the following messages occur:
xx.xx.xx prostrct cluster session begin for userid on CON:. (451)
xx.xx.xx prostrct cluster session end. (334)
To verify that the database is created and available on the machine as a cluster resource in Windows, you can use the Cluster Administrator to verify that the fully qualified path of the database is visible within the Virtual Server Group area of the tool. On UNIX, you can use the operating system-specific command to enumerate cluster objects. In the list of enumerated objects, the database with a UUID appended to the end will be listed, with the target and state displayed as offline, as shown in the following example:
The text is the UUID for the newly created database resource. For more information on cluster administration tools and commands, see your operating system cluster documentation.
Note: The PROCLUSTER ENABLE will register the database as a cluster resource, even if there are errors in the command for the helper processes. To correct the errors, you must first use PROCLUSTER DISABLE to unregister the database, then use PROCLUSTER ENABLE to re-register without errors.