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Database Administration
Protecting Your Data : After-imaging : Performing roll-forward recovery : Rolling forward multiple files : Applying after-images files from a list
Applying after-images files from a list
The following example demonstrates applying the after image files from a database named source_db to a database named target_db.
Use the following procedure example to apply after-image files from a list:
1. Create a list of after-image files from source_db.
One method is as shown:
proenv>ls source_db.a* > source_ai_files.lst

proenv>cat source_ai_files.lst
Notice that the files are sorted using an alphabetical sort. ROLL FORWARD sorts the files into the proper sequence order before applying them to the target database.
2. Create your target database by restoring a backup of your source database.
The syntax is as shown:
proenv>prorest target_db source_bck.bkup
3. Apply the source after-image files to the target.
The syntax is as shown:
proenv>rfutil target_db -C roll forward -ailist source_ai_files.lst
ROLL FORWARD sorts and applies the after-image files, reporting the progress of each file as it is applied to both the screen and the database log file. The following is a portion of the output:
OpenEdge Release 11.3ALPHA as of Wed Mar 13 19:01:40 EDT 2013
***Beginning processing of After-image extent C:\OE113WRK\source_db.a1
After-image dates for this after-image file: (1633)
Last AIMAGE BEGIN Mon Mar 18 18:12:06 2013 (1640)
This is aimage file number 1 since the last AIMAGE BEGIN. (1642)
This file was last opened for output on Mon Mar 18 18:12:11 2013. (1643)

10% of aimage file processed (964 notes applied)...
20% of aimage file processed (1924 notes applied)...
90% of aimage file processed (8424 notes applied)...
8932 notes were processed. (1634)
0 in-flight transactions. (3785)
1 transactions were started. (1635)
1 transactions were completed. (11138)
At the end of the .ai file, 0 transactions were still active. (1636)
***Finished processing of After-image extent C:\OE113WRK\source_db.a1

***Beginning processing of After-image extent C:\OE113WRK\source_db.a2
After-image dates for this after-image file: (1633)
Last AIMAGE BEGIN Mon Mar 18 18:12:06 2013 (1640)
Last AIMAGE NEW Mon Mar 18 18:12:58 2013 (1641)
This is aimage file number 2 since the last AIMAGE BEGIN. (1642)
This file was last opened for output on Mon Mar 18 18:12:58 2013. (1643)
***Finished processing of After-image extent C:\OE113WRK\source_db.a11 (17048)
***Beginning processing of After-image extent C:\OE113WRK\source_db.a12 (17047)

After-image dates for this after-image file: (1633)
Last AIMAGE BEGIN Mon Mar 18 18:12:06 2013 (1640)
Last AIMAGE NEW Mon Mar 18 18:25:26 2013 (1641)
This is aimage file number 12 since the last AIMAGE BEGIN. (1642)
This file was last opened for output on Mon Mar 18 18:25:26 2013. (1643)

108977 notes were processed. (1634)
1 in-flight transactions. (3785)
0 transactions were started. (1635)
1 transactions were completed. (11138)
At the end of the .ai file, 0 transactions were still active. (1636)
Roll forward of the after-image busy extent is complete. (3786)
All roll forward for database target_db is complete. (3787)
***Finished processing of After-image extent C:\OE113WRK\source_db.a12 (17048)