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Developing BPM Applications with Developer Studio
Managing changes in Business Processes : Managing changes through Process Refresh : Criteria for changes in Process Refresh : Workstep properties criteria
Workstep properties criteria
You can change only specific workstep properties before running a Process Refresh. Some of these changes will not take effect until after the first activation of the workstep.
Table 94 presents the types of changes to workstep properties that are allowed or not allowed during Process Refresh. The Changes Allowed column represents changes in workstep properties that will take effect immediately. The Changes Effective At First... column indicates that the changes will only take effect when a new process instance is created and the workstep is initially activated.
Table 94. Changes Allowed/Not Allowed to Workstep Properties for Process Refresh
Changes Allowed
Changes Not Allowed
Changes Effective At First Activation of Workstep
Performer1, Presentation, Priority, Overdue in, Skippable, Collect Work Time, and Loop
Description text
Fields - Header panel
Show Instructions, Show Priority, Show start date, Show due date
Fields - Fields section
Label, Editable, Required, Format, Add, Modify, Remove, Move up, Move down for input/output dataslots2
Name, Type
Collaborative Tasks created before Refresh3.
Notes, Reassign, Email and Instant Messaging. Also Collaborative Tasks created after Refresh.
Alert updates
Advanced - Before Activation
Wait for condition4
Activate on, Activate after, Skip Condition, Execute script
Advanced - On Activation
Name, Rollback, Synchronization for Adapter and Subprocess worksteps
Exclude performers, Send e-mail... for Activity worksteps
Advanced - When Completed
Execute script
Advanced - On Overdue
Overdue actions5, Change performer and Complete workstep On Last Overdue
Advanced - On Error
Advanced - On Recovery
Execute script

1 Cannot change from individual performer to group performer with ANY role. Cannot change group performer role from Any to All or All to Any.

2 When a process instance is activated for the Adapter and Subprocess worksteps, the output dataslots follow the original process. When the workstep is activated, it will follow the new, changed process.

3 After executing a Process Refresh, changes made in the process are not refreshed in Collaborative tasks that were created before the Process Refresh. Collaborative tasks created after a Process Refresh inherit the changes resulting from a Process Refresh.

4 If you remove the precondition, the workstep is suspended and must be resumed separately from BP Server Admin.

5 If the timer action is changed, the new action set will take effect from the next invocation.