Make Copy (
Creates a copy of the selected managed adapter in the same folder, with a default name that is one increment higher than the previous managed adapter in the folder. A copy of the generic adapter (example, GenericDBAdapter) is named DBAdapter_1, while a copy of user-defined adapter (example, DBAdapter_1) would be named DBAdapter_1_1.
Rename (
Renames a user-defined adapter. You cannot rename a predefined managed adapter (example, GenericEmailAdapter).
Delete (
Deletes a user-defined adapter. You cannot remove a predefined managed adapter (example, GenericEmailAdapter).
Import (
Imports an external Managed Adapter configuration file. From the Open dialog box that appears, select the *.aar file that you want to import.
Export (
Exports all configuration information to a file. You can then use this file to import the configurations to other users. You can export multiple configuration files. From the Open dialog box that appears, select one or more *.aar files that you want to export, or create a new file. Click Open to import the selected preconfigured managed adapters to the specified file.
Configure (
Opens the Configuration user interface for the selected managed adapter type, where you can configure the Managed Adapter. For information on configuring managed adapters, see the Managed Adapter’s Guide.