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Developing BPM Applications with Developer Studio
Setting workstep properties : Defining properties of Subprocess worksteps : Using the Dataslot tab of Subprocess workstep properties

Using the Dataslot tab of Subprocess workstep properties

You can use the Dataslots tab to assign and manage dataslots which control the information flow into and from the Subprocess workstep.
Note: The Dataslots tab is not available for inline subprocesses.
You can add, modify, or remove dataslots assigned to the Subprocess workstep in the Dataslots tab, an easy-to-use interface where you can add new or modify existing dataslots.
By default, the Fields view is displayed, with dataslots listed in a table. The Name column lists the name of the dataslot. The other two columns indicate whether the dataslot is input or output for the subprocess.
You can add, modify, or remove dataslots, the same way as you manage dataslots for an Adapter workstep (as described in Using the Dataslots tab of Adapter workstep properties).
To assign a dataslot as input to output from the Fields view, click in the Input to subprocess or Output from subprocess column for the dataslot you want to modify, then select true or false in the drop-down list.
The input or output assignments are displayed in the Dataslots tab.
* Mapping dataslots in a subprocess workstep
* Mapping document dataslots in subprocess worksteps