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Developing BPM Applications with Developer Studio
Setting workstep properties : Defining properties of Subprocess worksteps : Using the Dataslot tab of Subprocess workstep properties : Mapping document dataslots in subprocess worksteps
Mapping document dataslots in subprocess worksteps
If the name and data type of the dataslots in a BPM process and the dataslots in a Web application are identical, default mapping occurs between the processes. If the name or data type differ, default dataslot mapping will not work correctly. For more information on mapping dataslots in a subprocess workstep, see the Developing BPM Applications with Developer Studio manual in the OpenEdge documentation set. Mapping Document dataslots in Subprocess worksteps can demand unique document handling. Currently, information in a Document dataslot of a subprocess workstep is of the passed-by-reference type, that means, a single copy of the Document dataslot is shared between the parent process and a subprocess. Any change made to a Document dataslot in a subprocess is immediately visible in the parent process, and any change in a Document dataslot in the parent process is immediately visible in a subprocess.
The following restrictions apply when mapping document dataslots between the parent process and subprocesses:
1. Document dataslots of a parent process can only be mapped to the instance document dataslots of a subprocess. No mapping is allowed to a global document dataslot of a subprocess. The possible combinations are presented in Table 48.
Table 48. Restrictions for Document Dataslots in Subprocess Worksteps
Level of Dataslot in Parent Process
Level of Dataslot in Subprocess
Not Allowed
Not Allowed
2. Document dataslots in a Private Flow are specific to the process instance and are removed when the process instance is completed. Doing so can lead to inconsistent data in the parent process when the subprocess is completed. Therefore, private document dataslots should not be passed from parent process to subprocess.
Note: For BPM processes, you can use the Alerts tab (which is not available for Inline subprocess workstep) to associate an alert with the Subprocess workstep when it is initially activated, completed, or as an Overdue action when it is overdue. For more information on using alerts with a workstep, see the Developing BPM Applications with Developer Studio manual in the OpenEdge documentation set.