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Business Process Portal Manager's Guide
Using Management overview features : Viewing Tasks Overview page : Tasks Overview page

Tasks Overview page

The Tasks Overview page displays information about all the tasks. By default, it displays tasks of all users with any state and any priority, and the following information about each task:
Table 7. Instance Overview Information
A unique identifier for the application instance. (Only if "All" applications are selected in the filter.)
The name of the process instance.
Instance Status
The status of the filtered instance. (Only when the Process Instance Status filter is set to "All".)
Click the PSV Tabular View icon in this column to display the tabular view of the process instance.Click the PSV Flow View icon in this column to display the process instance flowchart at the point of the active task.Click the Audit History icon in this column to display the audit history of the process instance.
The name of the task.
The status of the task. (Only when Workstep Status filter is set to "All".)
The name of the performer of the task.
Task Priority
The priority of the task.
Assigned Date
The date when this task is assigned to the performer.
Due Date / End Date
The date when the task is due or is to be completed.
These columns are sortable; that means, you can sort the contents of this page based on this column header. For more information, see Sorting a column. This helps to quickly locate tasks(s) based on the application specific dataslot values.
Note: Specify the date format for the reports using the DateFormat parameter in See "Chapter 2, Customizing Properties Files" in the Customization Guide for more information about the date format syntax. Business Process Server displays a warning message when you specify an invalid format for a Date field.
To manage the contents of the list, you can filter and/or sort them. To navigate through the pages, you can use the paging controls. For more details about these operations, see Exploring Business Process Portal.
The Tasks Overview page enables you to:
*Use the Filter bar to search through all applications, or a selected application, for specific tasks.
*See the dataslot values of a particular instance.
*Open the Tabular View to see the properties of each workstep displayed in a tabular format that presents data in a unified view.
*Open the Flow View to see the process flow (i.e., the flow of work from one workstep to the next). From the Flow View, you can also see the instance’s information flow (i.e., the flow of data from one workstep to the next), as shown in the Dataslots View.
*Open the Audit History to view the audit history information of the process instance, as described in ViewingInstance History.
*View the Task Details page of a task that is not yet completed.
*Send a mail to the performer of a task.
The Tasks Overview page can also be viewed by clicking a workstep in the Heatmap. When you click a workstep in the Heatmap, it sets the search options based on the clicked workstep, and displays the tasks.