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Progress OpenEdge Business Process Modeler: User's Guide
Introducing Managed Adapters : Web Service Managed Adapter : Configuring the Web Service Adapter : Using the UDDI Browser
Using the UDDI Browser
Use the default UDDI Browser to locate a valid WSDL file in a UDDI registry.
To open the UDDI Browser and locate a WSDL file in a UDDI registry, follow the steps:
1. Click Search UDDI in the Web Service Adapter Configurator dialog box. The UDDI Browser dialog appears.
2. Specify your search criteria.
3. Select a UDDI registry from those listed in the UDDI Registry URL drop-down list.
Figure 130. UDDI Browser
4. Enter criteria in the Search For box. If you enter * or %, the UDDI Browser finds all available services.
5. Select ways to sort your results in the Sort results by drop-down list. Options in this list include the following:
*Alphabetical (Ascending)
*Alphabetical (Descending)
*Date (Ascending)
*Date (Descending)
Note: If either of the date options is selected in the above list, the search result sorts the list of services on basis of the published date.
6. Select the maximum number of results you seek from the drop-down list.
7. Select the Exact match results only checkbox to obtain only exact matches to your search criteria.
8. Select the Case sensitive search checkbox to search for specified case sensitive criteria.
9. Click Find. The Messages dialog box appears and states the number of services that match your search criteria.
10. Click OK to view matching WSDL files in the Search Results area on the right side of the UDDI Browser, as shown in Figure 130.
11. Valid WSDL files are indicated by an enabled font; that is, the file name is not greyed out. Select a valid WSDL file and information about it is displayed below.
12. Click Select. The URL address of the WSDL file appears in the WSDL: box in the Web Service Adapter Configurator dialog box.