To configure Web Service Adapter in your process, follow the steps:
1. Open the process template diagram for which you have to add the Web service adapter.
2. From the Tasks pane, click the Assign Participants link.
3. Expand Adapters > Managed > Web ServiceAdapters.
4. Drag the adapter icon to the Content pane. It is displayed as a Web Services Adapter workstep.
5. Double-click the workstep to open its Properties view.
6. From the Configuration tab, click Configure. The Web Service Adapter Configurator appears (Figure 129).
Figure 129. Web Service Adapter Configurator
Note: You can also open the WebService Adapter Configurator using the new Managed Adapter Browser (available only from Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge) functionality. In addition to configuring, you can use the Managed Adapter Browser to perform functions like creating a copy, renaming, deleting, as well as importing and exporting the configuration information. For more information, refer to the "Using the Managed Adapter Browser" section the OpenEdge Getting Started: Developing BPM Applications with Developer Studio.
The configurator dialog has two main areas: Web Service Configuration and WSDL Detail.
In the Web Service Configuration area, you can enter the URL of the WSDL file, containing the Web Service definition. For WSDL URL, you can paste the URL or type it directly. You can also use the UDDI Browser to search and select a service, by clicking Search UDDI. The use of the UDDI Browser is covered in Using the UDDI Browser below.
If obtaining the WSDL requires authentication or you want to define other security settings, expand the Security Settings panel. For more information on defining security settings, see Defining the security settings.