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BP Server Developer's Guide
E-mail templates for task completion : HTML e-mail templates : HTML composer

HTML composer

The default HTMLComposerImpl class generates the HTML code on the fly for each work item that gives HTML view for the work item data including the table view for input and output dataslots. It generates editable fields for the output dataslots and disabled fields for the input dataslots. While generating the HTML code, the order of input and output dataslots is maintained as specified when the application was designed. It supports all data types except the Map and Object types. You can use the HTML special characters like <, >, "," as a part of the dataslot values. BP Server encodes and decodes such special characters correctly. You must define the sbmDataForm form and invoke the JavaScript function completeEmailTask() on submit of this form.
The abstract HTMLComposer class provides following services:
*Getter methods for all dataslot meta-data
*public abstract String create(boolean editableFields);
*Public abstract String create();
The HTMLComposerImpl class provides the following services:
*createHtmlInputField(dsName, boolean disabled)
*createHtmlRadioField(dsName, …)
*createHtmlTextField(dsName, …)
*createHtmlTextAreaField(dsName, …)
*createHtmlSelectField(dsName, …)
*createHtmlEditListButton(dsName, …)