The following section provides the guidelines for a custom template.
The header.htl must be inserted after the <head> tag.
The footer.htl must be inserted before the </body> tag.
Define the form with the name sbmDataForm and invoke the JavaScript completeEmailTask() on submit of this form. For example, <input type="button" name="completeTask" value="Complete Task" onClick="completeEmailTask();">
All input fields should be defined with a "disabled" attribute. For example, <input name=‘dsName’ type=‘text’ value=‘${dsName}’ disabled>
JavaScript completeEmailTask() must be defined in the header.htl and this function and all dependent functions should not be modified.
You may add new reusable JavaScript functions and Stylesheets that are common to all templates in the header.htl.
Any application specific JavaScript and/or Stylesheets should be added only to individual custom templates and not to the header.htl.
Custom templates should use well formed HTML.
E-mail clients do not resolve HTML tags with reference to external files using file protocol or relative /absolute path. However, they may work fine if the references are using http protocol.
If the custom template’s application specific stylesheet conflicts with the stylesheet in the header.htl, then you can define the application specific stylesheet inside the <body> tag.