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BP Server Developer's Guide
E-mail templates for task completion : HTML e-mail templates : Guidelines for custom template

Guidelines for custom template

The following section provides the guidelines for a custom template.


*The header.htl must be inserted after the <head> tag.
*The footer.htl must be inserted before the </body> tag.
*Define the form with the name sbmDataForm and invoke the JavaScript completeEmailTask() on submit of this form. For example, <input type="button" name="completeTask" value="Complete Task" onClick="completeEmailTask();">
*All input fields should be defined with a "disabled" attribute. For example, <input name=‘dsName’ type=‘text’ value=‘${dsName}’ disabled>
*JavaScript completeEmailTask() must be defined in the header.htl and this function and all dependent functions should not be modified.
*You may add new reusable JavaScript functions and Stylesheets that are common to all templates in the header.htl.
*Any application specific JavaScript and/or Stylesheets should be added only to individual custom templates and not to the header.htl.
*Custom templates should use well formed HTML.
*E-mail clients do not resolve HTML tags with reference to external files using file protocol or relative /absolute path. However, they may work fine if the references are using http protocol.
*If the custom template’s application specific stylesheet conflicts with the stylesheet in the header.htl, then you can define the application specific stylesheet inside the <body> tag.

An example of custom HTML template

<!– header.htl is inserted here ---?
<title>Product Selection</title>
<table border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
    <td width="50%" nowrap>Instance Name: &nbsp;${PCTX.INSTANCE_NAME}&nbsp;</td>
    <td width="50%" nowrap>Workstep Name: &nbsp;${PCTX.WS_NAME}</td>
    <td>Priority: &nbsp; ${PCTX.WS_PRIORITY}</td>
    <td>Due Date: &nbsp; ${PCTX.WS_DUE_DATE}</td>
<form name="sbmDataForm" method="POST" >
  <table border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
    <td>&nbsp;<input name="name" type="text" value="${name}" ></td>
    <td>&nbsp;<input name="price" type="text" value="${price}" ></td>
  <input type="button" name="completeTask" value="Complete Task"
<!– footer.htl is inserted here ---?
$EMAIL.SUBJECT=Select Product Task <${PCTX.WI_ID}>