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Application Developer's Guide
Developing management applications to control infopads : Creating a Java applet : Using the requestInfopadValues service

Using the requestInfopadValues service

Once you have sent the request for infopad values to the servlet, you can call the servlet to request the infopad values. You can send the request to the following URL:
<hostname>/BPM Manage API/com.tdiinc.BPM Manage API.ApplicationServlet.Servlet.
Note: Remember to append the registration string to the URL.
The variable registrationString contains the sessionID inserted into one of the applet’s parameter tags. You can then use the getParameter (" ") method to get the actual value, passing the name of the parameter containing the sessionID. You may then read the input object from the ObjectInputStream. The object passed back to the applet is a Vector. The responses in the Vector correlate with requests, meaning the responses appear in the Vector at the same location as the corresponding request. Each response is a Hashtable. The infopad the response was acquired from is stored in the key "Tablename," the row name is stored in the key "RowName," the column name is stored in the key "ColName," the row number is stored in the key "RowNumber," and the column number is stored in the key "ColNumber." All other values in the Hashtable are slot name-value pairs. They cannot be enumerated here as they depend on the actual slots defined in the infopad.
The following example of using the requestInfopadValues service shows how the "&" is used to connect the registrationString to the URL.
URL url = new
URL("http://hawaii/BPM Manage API/com.tdiinc.BPM Manage APIr.ApplicationServlet.
con = url.openConnection();
inputFromServlet = new ObjectInputStream(con.getInputStream());
Object servletReturned = inputFromServlet.readObject();