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Application Developer's Guide
Developing management applications to control infopads : Creating a Java applet

Creating a Java applet

You can use a Java applet to create an interface for manipulating infopad values. Using a Java applet instead of a customized HTML page offers you greater flexibility in terms of user interface and general processing capabilities, all in exchange for a small increase in application complexity.
Normally, you use an HTML page to load the applet. When the user requests the page containing the Java applet, Business Process Portal displays the interface enabling users to view and modify the infopad values.
To create a Java applet allowing infopad manipulation, complete the following steps:
1. Create the Java applet with the user interface components required to display and update the infopad values.
2. Include the commands to request, set, and update the infopad values.
The following table describes the commands you can use:
Table 17. Servlet commands
For example, see . . .
Instructs the servlet to accept a vector from the applet, saving the vector as part of the user’s session information. The servlet later uses this information to query BPM Events for the infopad values.
Retrieves the request vector from the user’s session information, and queries BPM Events for the required values. The servlet then packages the results into a vector and sends the result to the applet.
Posts a vector of updated infopad values to the servlet. The servlet converts the values in the vector to events and sends the events to BPM Events to update the required values.
Important: Use the Integer, Character, and Float object wrappers for the corresponding primitive types of int, char, and float. For example, if you want to pass an integer value to the servlet, then use a method signature of integer and use the corresponding object wrapper for the primitive.
3. Save the applet.
4. Update Business Process Portal user’s application file to include information about the new application.
* Using the setInfopadRequest service
* Using the requestInfopadValues service
* Using the updateInfopad service