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Application Developer's Guide
Developing Business Process Server adapters : Developing adapters : Using setAllInputDataslots and getAllOutputDataslots : Sample code
Sample code
A sample code segment with the previously mentioned methods in the adapter class is shown here:
public void setAllInputDataslots(Hashtable inputDS) {
    / - inputSlot1 and inputSlot2 are string dataslots.
    // - inputSlot1 is not mapped.
    // - inputSlot2 is mapped to XXX.
    //You can get the two dataslot values using the following code:
    inputSlot1Value = (String)inputDS.get("setinputSlot1");
    inputSlot2Value = (String)inputDS.get("XXX");
}public Hashtable getAllOutputDataslots () {
    // -outputSlot1 and XXX are string variables in EP
    // and they are both the output of the EP.
    // you can put the two output values into return
    // hashmap using the following code:
    Hashtable outputDS = new Hashtable ():
    outputDS.put("getoutputSlot1", outputSlot1);
    outputDS.put("XXX", XXX);


Please note the following:
*Hashtable inputDS represents the hashtable with variable name "inputDS" that contains all the input dataslots.
*inputSlot1 and inputSlot2 represent application dataslots.
*getAllOutputDataslots throws an exception for missing output dataslots and suspends the adapter.
*You can use the setAllInputDataslots() and getAllOutputDataslots)() methods to pass all dataslot values at once between the BP Server and the adapter instead of the individual getter/setter. However, it also supports getter/setter for each dataslot. If setAllInputDataslots() or getAllOutputDataslots() is defined in the adapter, then it is used. Otherwise the BP Server tries to use the dataslot getter/setter.
*If dataslots, which are not declared as output for an adapter, are passed in the hashtable, then the BP Server ignores these dataslots while updating.
*In cases where dataslots values are mapped to new names, both the hashtables described above have mapped names as their keys.