Finance, customer, innovation/growth, and internal infopads rule file syntax
The examples provided represent the FinanceInfoPad, but also apply to the Customer, Innovation, and Internal InfoPads. In the following sample, the defined infopad is presented in code formatted text, immediately followed by the infopad explanation.
Finance := new persistent
The infopad is defined with an unspecified length in the rows. One row is added for each new time period, typically a month. The value seven signifies the number of KPIs plus one. The extra column is for the sum of the perspective values Score and RelativeWeight.
The infopad contains six custom slots in addition to the default count slot. WorstValue contains the worst-case value for a specific KPI. BestValue contains the value that represents the goal for that KPI. If the company achieves the best value, then it is equal to 10. CurrentValue holds the value collected by the processes. RelativeWeight contains the weight that this KPI contributes to the total perspective score. Again weights should add up to one in the aggregate, but you can normalize later when calculating. Score holds the score for this KPI, calculated from the best, worst, and current values. NegativeRange is either T or F. In the case of T, it indicates that the best and worst values define a negative range. An example of a negative range would be 35 to 4. A KPI which exhibits this would be EmployeeTurnover where 35% is bad and 4% is good. If NegativeRange is F, then it indicates a normal range such as 5 to 50 percent exhibited by the return on investment KPI.
This line defines the column labels. The first value is title for the collective group of column titles, in this case, "KPI." The last value is artificial, and consists of the perspective name, Finance, appended with Score. This represents the column for the totals, that is the overall finance perspective score and relative weight. All of the titles in between are the titles of the individual KPI for the finance perspective.
This line defines the row label for the first and the only row so far. As the infopad was defined with unspecified row length, it only has one default row. However, you can schedule an event later which adds additional rows at the given time. This line assumes you want to name the rows with the name of the month appended with the year. For example, March2005. A similar naming pattern is followed for additional rows.
Finance[1][1].WorstValue := 125000.0;
This slot holds the worst-case value for this KPI. If the current value is equal to this value, then the score is 0.
Finance[1][1].BestValue := 1500000.0;
This slot holds the best value for this KPI. If the current value is equal to this value, then the score is 10.
Finance[1][1].CurrentValue := 1250000.0;
This slot holds the current value of this KPI. This value is updated from a rule triggered by the periodically-run collection process.
This action sets an alarm condition which sends an event every time the condition is triggered. In this case, every time the Worst Value is updated, the name is sent with the alarm event. When the event corresponding to this event is sent, the worst value from the FinanceInfopad is modified. You can streamline your rules using this information. Similar shortcuts apply for other alarm generated events as well.