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Developing Balanced Scorecard applications : Balanced scorecard infopads : Defining rule file syntax for balanced scorecard infopads : BalancedScorecardimp infopad rule file syntax
BalancedScorecardimp infopad rule file syntax
You can create a separate infopad to specify the relative weights (or importance) of each of the segments. Update these weights from Business Process Portal. In the following sample, the rule file syntax is presented in code formatted text, immediately followed by the rule explanation.


BalancedScorecardimp := new persistent
Defines the BalancedScorecardimp Infopad which contain the weights of each perspective of the scorecard as it relates to the overall score. In this case, there are four rows, one for each perspective. The cells in this table consist of only the weight of the perspective.


BalancedScorecardimp.addRowLabels("Perspectives", list{"Finance", "Customer",
"Internal", "Innovation"});
Defines the row labels.


BalancedScorecardimp.addColLabels("Weights", list{"Current"});
Defines the column titles.


BalancedScorecardimp["Finance"]["Current"].Weight := 0.3;
BalancedScorecardimp["Customer"]["Current"].Weight := 0.3;
BalancedScorecardimp["Internal"]["Current"].Weight := 0.25;
BalancedScorecardimp["Innovation"]["Current"].Weight := 0.15;
The Finance perspective is given the weight of 30%. The Customer Relations perspective is also given the weight of 30%. The Internal Processes perspective is given the weight of 25%. The Innovation perspective is given the weight of 15%. The sum of the weights should add up to one (or 100%).

Alarm condition

The code above defines an alarm condition on the Weight slot in all the cells. An alarm event is sent when the value in the Weight slot is not equal to (NE) the value in the Weight slot. This means, it sends an alarm event when the weight is not equal to the set weight.