Options | Name | Purpose | |||||
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Error.UnsupportedOperationError AddDetailError (character) |
LOGICAL AddDetailsFromData () |
/* populate Details from data */ |
LOGICAL AddDetailsFromData (character) |
/* populate Details from data using token string to assign name
@param TokenString format XX${<property>}X} where X is any fixed mask char
(except "$~{" or "~}" )
example "$~{TableName~}-$~{PartitionPolicyName~}-$~{Values[3]}-$~{Values[2]}".
valid properties are TableName PartitionPolicyName Values[i] (i = field number)
*/ |
LOGICAL AddDetailsFromData (character, character) |
/* populate Details from data using substitute string and comma separated list
of properties to assign name
@param TokenString tokens in &n format as ABL substitute statement (max 9)
@param Propertiesg comma separated list of props
valid properties are TableName PartitionPolicyName Values[i] (i = field number)
*/ |
AssertLoadFromData () |
ConvertTokensToSubstitute (character, character, character) |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Binding.IDataAdminModel CreateLocalContext () |
CHARACTER GetValidDefaultAllocationList () |
Options | Name | Purpose | |||||
PartitionPolicy (character) |
PartitionPolicy (IDataAdminModel) |
PartitionPolicy (IDataAdminModel, IRequestInfo) |
Options | Name | Purpose | |||||
CHARACTER DefaultAllocation |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IArea DefaultDataArea |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IArea DefaultIndexArea |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IArea DefaultLobArea |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IPartitionPolicyDetailSet Details |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IFieldList Fields |
LOGICAL HasComposite |
/** HasComposite read only */ |
LOGICAL HasRange |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IIndexSet Indexes |
/** The local indexes of the policy
shorthand for table:Indexes where islocal
editable in new policy (to make indexes local in same trans)
must match table and Fields */ |
LOGICAL IsCompositeReadOnly |
LOGICAL IsReadOnly |
/* mistake 11.4 .. would always give error */ |
INTEGER NumFields |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Binding.PartitionPolicyContext PartitionPolicyContext |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.ITable Table |
/** Type read only
List, List-range or Range - */ |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Error.UnsupportedOperationError AddDetailError (character)
LOGICAL AddDetailsFromData ()
LOGICAL AddDetailsFromData (character)
LOGICAL AddDetailsFromData (character, character)
AssertLoadFromData ()
ConvertTokensToSubstitute (character, character, character)
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Binding.IDataAdminModel CreateLocalContext ()
CHARACTER GetValidDefaultAllocationList ()
PartitionPolicy (character)
PartitionPolicy (IDataAdminModel)
PartitionPolicy (IDataAdminModel, IRequestInfo)
Progress® OpenEdge® Release 11.7