Options | Name | Purpose | |||||
Attach (IDataAdminContext) |
LOGICAL CanAttach (IDataAdminContext) |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Binding.IDataAdminModel CreateLocalContext () |
/* return local contaxt if needed (if entity has child collections). */ |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Binding.IRow CreateRowInfo () |
LOGICAL Equals (Object) |
Export () |
Export (character) |
ExportAsProcedure (character) |
ExportAsProcedure (character, character) |
ExportData (character) |
ExportToJson (character) |
ExportTree (character) |
/** override to handle collections for this */ |
ExportTree (character, character) |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminCollection GetChildCollection (character) |
/** use IRow to pass state and info
@todo deprecate the overloads below this */ |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminExporter GetCodeExporter () |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminExporter GetExporter (character) |
CHARACTER GetFileExtension (character) |
Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject GetJSONExport (IContextTree) |
/* optional call back from context tree.
called when parse is complete
override to return json to export instead of dataset
returns unknown to use standard dataset. write-json */ |
CHARACTER GetKeyValue () |
/** @todo - deprecate - use GetKeyValues
workaround due to inconsistent key definition (and property reflection)
override in classes that does not use name */ |
CHARACTER GetKeyValues () |
/** currently trying to avoid single element integer keys
(ok in multiple keys)
method protected char GetKeyType():
return "character".
end method.
method protected char GetKeyIntValue():
return this-object:Name.
end method.
**/ |
CHARACTER GetLastEntry (character, character) |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminService GetLookupService () |
CHARACTER GetShortClassName (Object) |
Import (character) |
/* @TODO - call context:ImportRow with GetKeyValue() and remove all override */ |
ImportTree (character) |
NewContext (IDataAdminModel) |
/* the context we attached to changed */ |
RowDeleted () |
/* the context we attached to deleted something changed */ |
INTEGER Serialize (handle) |
LOGICAL SetProperty (character, character) |
CHARACTER ToString () |
WriteTree (IContextTree) |
WriteTree (IContextTree, character) |
Options | Name | Purpose | |||||
Entity (character) |
Entity (IDataAdminModel) |
Entity (IDataAdminModel, IRequestInfo) |
Options | Name | Purpose | |||||
LOGICAL Attached |
/** Tells whether the instance is in a collection or service
If false then the instance can be passed to the service:Create<Type> method */ |
CHARACTER CodeExtension |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Binding.IDataAdminModel Context |
/** defines the databinding context (or scope?) for the instance.
Used in Equals() to check entities with the same keys not
are equals if different context */ |
/** defines the context (or scope?) for the instance.
Used in Equals() - entities with the same keys are not
equals if different context */ |
LOGICAL Created |
/** Tells whether the instance is newly created (not saved to service).
Always true if Attached is false. Modified is always false when Created is true */ |
Progress.Lang.error Error |
LOGICAL Modified |
/** Tells whether an instance is modified after it was read from the service.
Always false if New. Can only be true for an Attached object. */ |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IRequestInfo RequestInfo |
CHARACTER SerializeName |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminService Service |
CHARACTER ShortContextName |
CHARACTER ShortTypeName |
Attach (IDataAdminContext)
LOGICAL CanAttach (IDataAdminContext)
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Binding.IDataAdminModel CreateLocalContext ()
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Binding.IRow CreateRowInfo ()
LOGICAL Equals (Object)
Export ()
Export (character)
ExportAsProcedure (character)
ExportAsProcedure (character, character)
ExportData (character)
ExportToJson (character)
ExportTree (character)
ExportTree (character, character)
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminCollection GetChildCollection (character)
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminExporter GetCodeExporter ()
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminExporter GetExporter (character)
CHARACTER GetFileExtension (character)
Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject GetJSONExport (IContextTree)
CHARACTER GetKeyValue ()
CHARACTER GetKeyValues ()
CHARACTER GetLastEntry (character, character)
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminService GetLookupService ()
CHARACTER GetShortClassName (Object)
Import (character)
ImportTree (character)
NewContext (IDataAdminModel)
RowDeleted ()
INTEGER Serialize (handle)
LOGICAL SetProperty (character, character)
WriteTree (IContextTree)
WriteTree (IContextTree, character)
Entity (character)
Entity (IDataAdminModel)
Entity (IDataAdminModel, IRequestInfo)
LOGICAL Attached
CHARACTER CodeExtension
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Binding.IDataAdminModel Context
Progress.Lang.error Error
LOGICAL Modified
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IRequestInfo RequestInfo
CHARACTER SerializeName
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminService Service
CHARACTER ShortContextName
Progress® OpenEdge® Release 11.7