Interface Session

All Superinterfaces:
java.lang.Runnable, Session
All Known Subinterfaces:
QueueSession, TopicSession

public interface Session
extends Session

Title: SonicMQ Adaptive Pacing (Managed Client Session)

Description: This is an implementaiton of a Managed Client Session. If this session was created with Adaptive Pacing enabled, it must follow the rules and restrictions below. Standard sessions may be created without any restrictions, but may not make use of the Adaptive Pacing capabilities. In general, sessions are single threaded. Adaptive Pacing preserves this model by safeguarding against concurrent state modifications at the session level. Synchronization occurs at the session level and acts as an additional protection mechanism against concurrent state modifications by multi-threaded applications. Note that on Adaptive Paced sessions each consumer or producer will have a dedicated pacer thread that manages an acknowledgement timer. Further details on this implementation may be found in the documentation on PacerThread. General information regarding the Adaptive Pacing feature are covered in the Connection section. The following restrictions apply to paced sessions:

Copyright: Copyright (c) 2006

Company: Progress Software

Dmitry Lelchuk

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface progress.message.jclient.Session
Fields inherited from interface javax.jms.Session
Method Summary
 void close()
          Closes the session and frees up all the associate structures.
 MessageConsumer createConsumer(Destination destination)
          Creates a Managed Client message consumer cast to a standard javax.jms.MessageConsumer.
 MessageConsumer createConsumer(Destination destination, java.lang.String messageSelector)
          Creates a Managed Client message consumer cast to a standard javax.jms.MessageConsumer.
 MessageConsumer createConsumer(Destination destination, java.lang.String messageSelector, boolean NoLocal)
          Creates a Managed Client message consumer cast to a standard javax.jms.MessageConsumer.
 TopicSubscriber createDurableSubscriber(Topic topic, java.lang.String name)
          Creates a durable subscriber to the specified topic.
 TopicSubscriber createDurableSubscriber(Topic topic, java.lang.String name, long timeToLive)
          Creates a DurableSubscriber with the added ability to specify the timeToLive parameter describer as described below.
 TopicSubscriber createDurableSubscriber(Topic topic, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String messageSelector, boolean noLocal)
          Creates a durable subscriber to the specified topic.
 TopicSubscriber createDurableSubscriber(Topic topic, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String messageSelector, boolean noLocal, long timeToLive)
          Creates a DurableSubscriber with all relevant options.
 MessageProducer createProducer(Destination destination)
          Creates a Managed Client message Producer.
 boolean getAdaptivePacing()
          Indicates wether this session will use Adaptive Pacing.
 int getAdaptivePacingBatchSize()
          Returns the size of the message batch used by Adaptive Pacing Producers and Consumers.
 int getAdaptivePacingTimer()
          Returns the interval of Timer for Adaptive Pacing Sessions.
 java.lang.String getSessionID()
          For Managed Sessions returns a valid unique ID that identifies this Session.
 void setAdaptivePacingBatchSize(int adaptivePacingBatchSize)
          Sets the size of the Adaptive Pacing Batch for both Producers and Consumers.
 void setAdaptivePacingTimer(int adaptivePacingTimer)
          Sets the interval of Timer for Adaptive Pacing Sessions for both Producers and Consumers.
Methods inherited from interface progress.message.jclient.Session
commit, commit, createBrowser, createBrowser, createMultipartMessage, createMultiTopic, createQueue, createTemporaryQueue, createTemporaryQueue, createTemporaryTopic, createTopic, createXMLMessage, createXMLMessage, createXMLMessage, getAcknowledgeMode, getDurableMessageOrder, getFlowToDisk, getSessionName, getSplitMultiTopicDelivery, getTxnBatchSize, setAckBatchingEnabled, setDurableMessageOrder, setFlowControlDisabled, setFlowToDisk, setSplitMultiTopicDelivery, setTxnBatchSize, unsubscribe
Methods inherited from interface javax.jms.Session
commit, createBytesMessage, createMapMessage, createMessage, createObjectMessage, createObjectMessage, createStreamMessage, createTextMessage, createTextMessage, getMessageListener, getTransacted, recover, rollback, run, setMessageListener

Method Detail


MessageProducer createProducer(Destination destination)
                               throws JMSException
Creates a Managed Client message Producer.

Specified by:
createProducer in interface Session
destination - Destinbation object that is either a Topic, Queue or MultiTopic.
A standard message producer that may be cast to Managed Client message producer.
JMSException - If anything goes wrong. Some exceptions may be wrapped as Managed Client.


MessageConsumer createConsumer(Destination destination)
                               throws JMSException
Creates a Managed Client message consumer cast to a standard javax.jms.MessageConsumer.

Specified by:
createConsumer in interface Session
destination - Destination for messages of the generic Destination type.
A Managed Client Message Consumer.
JMSException - If anything goes wrong. Some exceptions may be wrapped as Managed Client.


MessageConsumer createConsumer(Destination destination,
                               java.lang.String messageSelector)
                               throws JMSException
Creates a Managed Client message consumer cast to a standard javax.jms.MessageConsumer.

Specified by:
createConsumer in interface Session
destination - Destination for messages of the generic Destination type.
messageSelector - Message Selector for this consumer.
A Managed Client Message Consumer.
JMSException - If anything goes wrong. Some exceptions may be wrapped as Managed Client.


MessageConsumer createConsumer(Destination destination,
                               java.lang.String messageSelector,
                               boolean NoLocal)
                               throws JMSException
Creates a Managed Client message consumer cast to a standard javax.jms.MessageConsumer.

Specified by:
createConsumer in interface Session
destination - Destination for messages of the generic Destination type.
messageSelector - Message Selector for this consumer.
NoLocal - If set, inhibits the delivery of messages published by its own connection.
A Managed Client Message Consumer.
JMSException - If anything goes wrong. Some exceptions may be wrapped as Managed Client.


TopicSubscriber createDurableSubscriber(Topic topic,
                                        java.lang.String name)
                                        throws JMSException
Creates a durable subscriber to the specified topic.

If a client needs to receive all the messages published on a topic, including the ones published while the subscriber is inactive, it uses a durable TopicSubscriber. The JMS provider retains a record of this durable subscription and insures that all messages from the topic's publishers are retained until they are acknowledged by this durable subscriber or they have expired.

Sessions with durable subscribers must always provide the same client identifier. In addition, each client must specify a name that uniquely identifies (within client identifier) each durable subscription it creates. Only one session at a time can have a TopicSubscriber for a particular durable subscription.

A client can change an existing durable subscription by creating a durable TopicSubscriber with the same name and a new topic and/or message selector. Changing a durable subscriber is equivalent to unsubscribing (deleting) the old one and creating a new one.

In some cases, a connection may both publish and subscribe to a topic. The subscriber NoLocal attribute allows a subscriber to inhibit the delivery of messages published by its own connection. The default value for this attribute is false.

Specified by:
createDurableSubscriber in interface Session
topic - The non-temporary Topic to subscribe to.
name - The name used to identify this subscription.
A Durable Topic Subscriber.
JMSException - If anything goes wrong. Some exceptions may be wrapped as Managed Client.


TopicSubscriber createDurableSubscriber(Topic topic,
                                        java.lang.String name,
                                        java.lang.String messageSelector,
                                        boolean noLocal)
                                        throws JMSException
Creates a durable subscriber to the specified topic. Provides additional options for specifying message selector and disabling delivery of messages generated by this connection.

Specified by:
createDurableSubscriber in interface Session
topic - The non-temporary Topic to subscribe to.
name - The name used to identify this subscription.
messageSelector - Only messages with properties matching the message selector expression are delivered. A value of null or an empty string indicates that there is no message selector for the message consumer.
noLocal - If set, inhibits the delivery of messages published by its own connection.
A Durable Topic Subscriber.
JMSException - If anything goes wrong. Some exceptions may be wrapped as Managed Client.


TopicSubscriber createDurableSubscriber(Topic topic,
                                        java.lang.String name,
                                        long timeToLive)
                                        throws JMSException
Creates a DurableSubscriber with the added ability to specify the timeToLive parameter describer as described below.

topic - The non-temporary Topic to subscribe to.
name - The name used to identify this subscription.
timeToLive - Time in milliseconds that a DurableSubscriber will live for after it has disconnected. The maximum value for timeToLive is (315360000000L) 10 years

NOTE: A timeToLive value <= 0 will result in NOT setting a disconnected timeToLive.

A Durable Topic Subscriber.
JMSException - If anything goes wrong. Some exceptions may be wrapped as Managed Client.


TopicSubscriber createDurableSubscriber(Topic topic,
                                        java.lang.String name,
                                        java.lang.String messageSelector,
                                        boolean noLocal,
                                        long timeToLive)
                                        throws JMSException
Creates a DurableSubscriber with all relevant options.

topic - The non-temporary Topic to subscribe to.
name - The name used to identify this subscription.
messageSelector - Only messages with properties matching the message selector expression are delivered. A value of null or an empty string indicates that there is no message selector for the message consumer.
noLocal - If set, inhibits the delivery of messages published by its own connection.
timeToLive - Time in milliseconds that a DurableSubscriber will live for after it has disconnected. The maximum value for timeToLive is (315360000000L) 10 years

NOTE: A timeToLive value <= 0 will result in NOT setting a disconnected timeToLive.

A Durable Topic Subscriber.
JMSException - If anything goes wrong. Some exceptions may be wrapped as Managed Client.


void close()
           throws JMSException
Closes the session and frees up all the associate structures.

Specified by:
close in interface Session
JMSException - If something goes wrong.


java.lang.String getSessionID()
For Managed Sessions returns a valid unique ID that identifies this Session.

Session ID.


boolean getAdaptivePacing()
Indicates wether this session will use Adaptive Pacing. This property value is inherited from the Connection object.

True if Adaptive Pacing was set on this Session by the Connection, False it was not.


void setAdaptivePacingBatchSize(int adaptivePacingBatchSize)
Sets the size of the Adaptive Pacing Batch for both Producers and Consumers. May be overriden at the individual Producer or Consumer level once they are created.

adaptivePacingBatchSize - Size of message batch.


int getAdaptivePacingBatchSize()
Returns the size of the message batch used by Adaptive Pacing Producers and Consumers. This value is inherited from the Connection object but may be set for a specific Session or individual Producers and Consumers once they are created.

Size of message batch.


void setAdaptivePacingTimer(int adaptivePacingTimer)
Sets the interval of Timer for Adaptive Pacing Sessions for both Producers and Consumers. May be overriden at the individual Producer or Consumer level once they are created.

adaptivePacingTimer - Message operation acknowledgement timer interval in milliseconds.


int getAdaptivePacingTimer()
Returns the interval of Timer for Adaptive Pacing Sessions. Used by Producers and Consumers. This value is inherited from the Connection object but may be set for a specific Session or individual Producers and Consumers once they are created.

Timer interval for Adaptive Pacing Timer Thread.


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