AbstractLoadBalancer - Class in
All implementors of custom ILoadBalancers should extend AbstractLoadBalancer.
AbstractLoadBalancer() - Constructor for class
acknowledge() - Method in interface javax.jms.Message
Acknowledges all consumed messages of the session of this consumed message.
acknowledgeAndForward(Destination, int, int, long) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Message
A SonicMQ extension - acknowledge this message and forward it to a new destination.
acknowledgeAndForward(Destination) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Message
A SonicMQ extension - acknowledge this message and forward it to a new destination.
ACTIVE - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
Connection state for an active JMS connection (normal state)
add(Destination) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.MultiDestination
Adds a component destination to the MultiDestination unless it is already a component of the MultiDestination.
add(Destination) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.MultiTopic
Implementation of MultiDestination.add(javax.jms.Destination dest).
addPart(Part) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.MultipartMessage
Adds a part to the multipart.
AdministeredObjectFactory - Class in progress.message.jclient
This class is for internal use only and its use is not supported in customer applications.
AdministeredObjectFactory() - Constructor for class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
APPLICATION_NAME_PROPERTY - Static variable in class
Property name used to define application name which will be included as header property of stream messages
ASYNC_DELIVERY_MODE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
This constant can be used with ConnectionFactory.setAsynchronousDeliveryMode(Integer).
ASYNC_DELIVERY_MODE_DISABLED - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
This constant is used to specify synchronous delivery mode with ConnectionFactory.setAsynchronousDeliveryMode(Integer).
ASYNC_DELIVERY_MODE_ENABLED - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
This constant is used to specify asynchronous message delivery with ConnectionFactory.setAsynchronousDeliveryMode(Integer).
ASYNCHRONOUS_DELIVERY_MODE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
The default value for ConnectionFactory.setAsynchronousDeliveryMode(Integer): specifies that the SonicMQ client runtime should make the decision whether or not to send messages asynchronously.
ASYNCHRONOUS_DELIVERY_MODE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE - Static variable in interface javax.jms.Session
With this acknowledgment mode, the session automatically acknowledges a client's receipt of a message either when the session has successfully returned from a call to receive or when the message listener the session has called to process the message successfully returns.


BROKER_LIST - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
BROKER_RANDOM_FACTORS - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
BROKER_URL - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
BROWSER_CLOSED_DURING_RECONNECT - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
QueueBrowser closed by fault-tolerant connection failure
buildSenderNotification(int, SonicStream, SonicStreamException) - Method in interface
Builds a notification message to send to the sender.
buildSenderNotification(int, SonicStreamException) - Method in interface
Builds a notification message to send to the SonicStream sender.
BytesMessage - Interface in javax.jms
A BytesMessage object is used to send a message containing a stream of uninterpreted bytes.
BytesMessage - Interface in progress.message.jclient
bytesToTransfer() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.ChannelStatus
Returned the number of bytes to transfer.
bytesTransferred() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.ChannelStatus
Return the number of bytes that have been transferred on this channel.


cancel() - Method in interface
Cancel the channel.
Channel - Interface in progress.message.jclient
This interface contains methods that are implementated by all channels.
CHANNEL - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
Named of the message property set by SonicMQ when a channel is attached to a message.
ChannelActiveException - Exception in progress.message.jclient
This exception is thrown when Duplicate Detection is in use and a channel with the given UUID is currently active.
ChannelActiveException(String, long) - Constructor for exception progress.message.jclient.ChannelActiveException
The constructor.
ChannelDuplicateDetectException - Exception in progress.message.jclient
This exception is thrown when Duplicate Detection is in use and a channel with the given UUID has already been sent.
ChannelDuplicateDetectException(String) - Constructor for exception progress.message.jclient.ChannelDuplicateDetectException
The constructor.
ChannelListener - Interface in progress.message.jclient
This class is implemented by developers who wish to be informed of changes in the status of a channel transfer.
ChannelStatus - Interface in progress.message.jclient
This interface is a user's window into the current status of a channel.
clear() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.MultiDestination
Clears all component Destinations from this MultiDestination.
clearBody() - Method in interface javax.jms.Message
Clears out the message body.
clearProperties() - Method in interface javax.jms.Message
Clears a message's properties.
clearReadOnly() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.MultipartMessage
Makes a message writable.
CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE - Static variable in interface javax.jms.Session
With this acknowledgment mode, the client acknowledges a consumed message by calling the message's acknowledge method.
CLIENT_DATA - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
CLIENT_ID - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
CLIENT_TRANSACTION_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
CLIENT_TRANSACTION_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
close() - Method in interface
Closes all streams managed by the SonicInputStreamController instance and closes the JMS objects created by the controller instance.
close() - Method in interface
Closes current stream managed by this controller instance, JMS objects created by this controller instance, and the controller itself.
close() - Method in interface javax.jms.Connection
Closes the connection.
close() - Method in interface javax.jms.ConnectionConsumer
Closes the connection consumer.
close() - Method in interface javax.jms.MessageConsumer
Closes the message consumer.
close() - Method in interface javax.jms.MessageProducer
Closes the message producer.
close() - Method in interface javax.jms.QueueBrowser
Closes the QueueBrowser.
close() - Method in class javax.jms.QueueRequestor
Closes the QueueRequestor and its session.
close() - Method in interface javax.jms.Session
Closes the session.
close() - Method in class javax.jms.TopicRequestor
Closes the TopicRequestor and its session.
close() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Channel
Close the channel.
close() - Method in interface
Closes the session and frees up all the associate structures.
close() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.xa.XAConnection
Since a provider typically allocates significant resources outside the JVM on behalf of a XAConnection, clients should close them when they are not needed.
CLOSED - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
Connection state constant for a closed JMS connection - package
commit() - Method in interface javax.jms.Session
Commits all messages done in this transaction and releases any locks currently held.
commit() - Method in interface javax.jms.XASession
Throws a TransactionInProgressException, since it should not be called for an XASession object.
commit(String) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Session
Commit all messages done in this transaction and release any locks currently held.
commit(String, long) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Session
Commit all messages done in this transaction and release any locks currently held.
completeConnect() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Channel
Complete the connection with the sender.
completeTransfer() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Channel
Complete the transfer of the file.
COMPRESSION_FACTORY - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
COMPRESSION_METRICS_LISTENER - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
CONNECT_ID - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
Connection - Interface in javax.jms
A Connection object is a client's active connection to its JMS provider.
Connection - Interface in progress.message.jclient
Implementation of a JMS Connection A JMS Connection is a client's active connection to its JMS provider.
Connection - Interface in
Title: SonicMQ Adaptive Pacing (Managed Client Connection) Description: Managed Client Connection.
ConnectionConsumer - Interface in javax.jms
For application servers, Connection objects provide a special facility for creating a ConnectionConsumer (optional).
ConnectionFactory - Interface in javax.jms
A ConnectionFactory object encapsulates a set of connection configuration parameters that has been defined by an administrator.
ConnectionFactory - Class in progress.message.jclient
An implementation of a JMS ConnectionFactory.
ConnectionFactory() - Constructor for class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Construct a ConnectionFactory with the default URL
ConnectionFactory(String) - Constructor for class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Construct a ConnectionFactory (with a default connectID, user and password of "").
ConnectionFactory(String, String) - Constructor for class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Construct a ConnectionFactory (with a default user and password of "").
ConnectionFactory(String, String, String) - Constructor for class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Construct a ConnectionFactory (with a default connectID of null).
ConnectionFactory(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Construct a ConnectionFactory.
ConnectionFactory(String, int, String, String, String) - Constructor for class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Construct a ConnectionFactory (with a default connectID of null).
ConnectionFactory(String, int, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Construct a ConnectionFactory.
ConnectionFactory - Class in
Title: SonicMQ Adaptive Pacing (Managed Client Connection Factory) Description: Managed Clients are JMS Client connections that provide an additional set of functions for managing or working with connections, sessions, destinations, producers and consumers of messages.
ConnectionFactory() - Constructor for class
ConnectionFactory(String) - Constructor for class
ConnectionFactory(String, int, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
ConnectionFactory(String, int, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
ConnectionFactory(String, String) - Constructor for class
ConnectionFactory(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
ConnectionFactory(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
ConnectionMetaData - Interface in javax.jms
A ConnectionMetaData object provides information describing the Connection object.
connectionStateChanged(int) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.ConnectionStateChangeListener
ConnectionStateChangeListener - Interface in progress.message.jclient
This class is implemented by developers who wish to be informed of changes in the state of a connection.
Constants - Class in progress.message.jclient
General constants available for user coding.
Constants() - Constructor for class progress.message.jclient.Constants
contains(Destination) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.MultiDestination
Returns true if the MultiDestination contains dest.
CONTENT_ID - Static variable in interface progress.message.jclient.Header
Name of Content-ID header field.
CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in interface progress.message.jclient.Header
Name of Content-Type header field.
continueTransfer() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Channel
Continue the transfer of information between the sending and receiving client.
createBrowser(Queue) - Method in interface javax.jms.QueueSession
Creates a QueueBrowser object to peek at the messages on the specified queue.
createBrowser(Queue, String) - Method in interface javax.jms.QueueSession
Creates a QueueBrowser object to peek at the messages on the specified queue using a message selector.
createBrowser(Queue) - Method in interface javax.jms.Session
Creates a QueueBrowser object to peek at the messages on the specified queue.
createBrowser(Queue, String) - Method in interface javax.jms.Session
Creates a QueueBrowser object to peek at the messages on the specified queue using a message selector.
createBrowser(Queue) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Session
Creates a QueueBrowser object to peek at the messages on the specified queue.
createBrowser(Queue, String) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Session
Creates a QueueBrowser object to peek at the messages on the specified queue using a message selector.
createBytesMessage() - Method in interface javax.jms.Session
Creates a BytesMessage object.
createConnection() - Method in interface javax.jms.ConnectionFactory
Creates a connection with the default user identity.
createConnection(String, String) - Method in interface javax.jms.ConnectionFactory
Creates a connection with the specified user identity.
createConnection() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Creates a connection with the default user identity.
createConnection(String, String) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Creates a connection with the specified user identity.
createConnection() - Method in class
Creates a Connection with the default user identity.
createConnection(String, String) - Method in class
Creates a new Connection with the specified user identity.
createConnectionConsumer(Destination, String, ServerSessionPool, int) - Method in interface javax.jms.Connection
Creates a connection consumer for this connection (optional operation).
createConnectionConsumer(Queue, String, ServerSessionPool, int) - Method in interface javax.jms.QueueConnection
Creates a connection consumer for this connection (optional operation).
createConnectionConsumer(Topic, String, ServerSessionPool, int) - Method in interface javax.jms.TopicConnection
Creates a connection consumer for this connection (optional operation).
createConsumer(Destination) - Method in interface javax.jms.Session
Creates a MessageConsumer for the specified destination.
createConsumer(Destination, String) - Method in interface javax.jms.Session
Creates a MessageConsumer for the specified destination, using a message selector.
createConsumer(Destination, String, boolean) - Method in interface javax.jms.Session
Creates MessageConsumer for the specified destination, using a message selector.
createConsumer(Destination) - Method in interface
Creates a Managed Client message consumer cast to a standard javax.jms.MessageConsumer.
createConsumer(Destination, String) - Method in interface
Creates a Managed Client message consumer cast to a standard javax.jms.MessageConsumer.
createConsumer(Destination, String, boolean) - Method in interface
Creates a Managed Client message consumer cast to a standard javax.jms.MessageConsumer.
createConsumer(Destination) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Session
Creates a MessageConsumer for the specified destination.
createConsumer(Destination, String) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Session
Creates a MessageConsumer for the specified destination, using a message selector.
createConsumer(Destination, String, boolean) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Session
Creates MessageConsumer for the specified destination, using a message selector.
createDurableConnectionConsumer(Topic, String, String, ServerSessionPool, int) - Method in interface javax.jms.Connection
Create a durable connection consumer for this connection (optional operation).
createDurableConnectionConsumer(Topic, String, String, ServerSessionPool, int) - Method in interface javax.jms.TopicConnection
Create a durable connection consumer for this connection (optional operation).
createDurableSubscriber(Topic, String) - Method in interface javax.jms.Session
Creates a durable subscriber to the specified topic.
createDurableSubscriber(Topic, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface javax.jms.Session
Creates a durable subscriber to the specified topic, using a message selector and specifying whether messages published by its own connection should be delivered to it.
createDurableSubscriber(Topic, String) - Method in interface javax.jms.TopicSession
Creates a durable subscriber to the specified topic.
createDurableSubscriber(Topic, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface javax.jms.TopicSession
Creates a durable subscriber to the specified topic, using a message selector or specifying whether messages published by its own connection should be delivered to it.
createDurableSubscriber(Topic, String) - Method in interface
Creates a durable subscriber to the specified topic.
createDurableSubscriber(Topic, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface
Creates a durable subscriber to the specified topic.
createDurableSubscriber(Topic, String, long) - Method in interface
Creates a DurableSubscriber with the added ability to specify the timeToLive parameter describer as described below.
createDurableSubscriber(Topic, String, String, boolean, long) - Method in interface
Creates a DurableSubscriber with all relevant options.
createDurableSubscriber(Topic, String) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Session
Creates a durable subscriber to the specified topic.
createDurableSubscriber(Topic, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Session
Creates a durable subscriber to the specified topic, using a message selector and specifying whether messages published by its own connection should be delivered to it.
createDurableSubscriber(Topic, String, long) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Session
Create a durable Subscriber to the specified topic.
createDurableSubscriber(Topic, String, String, boolean, long) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Session
Create a durable Subscriber to the specified topic.
createMapMessage() - Method in interface javax.jms.Session
Creates a MapMessage object.
createMessage() - Method in interface javax.jms.Session
Creates a Message object.
createMessagePart(Message) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.MultipartMessage
Creates a part whose content is a Message.
createMultipartMessage() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Session
Create a MultipartMessage.
createMultiTopic() - Static method in class progress.message.jclient.DestinationFactory
Creates a new empty MultiTopic.
createMultiTopic() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Session
Create an empty MultiTopic This facility is provided for the case in which a client is not able to retrieve a MultiTopic from an administered object store.
createObjectMessage() - Method in interface javax.jms.Session
Creates an ObjectMessage object.
createObjectMessage(Serializable) - Method in interface javax.jms.Session
Creates an initialized ObjectMessage object.
createPart(DataHandler) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.MultipartMessage
Creates a Part from a DataHandler.
createPart() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.MultipartMessage
Creates an empty part.
createPart(Object, String) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.MultipartMessage
Creates a part.
createProducer(Destination) - Method in interface javax.jms.Session
Creates a MessageProducer to send messages to the specified destination.
createProducer(Destination) - Method in interface
Creates a Managed Client message Producer.
createProducer(Destination) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Session
Creates a MessageProducer to send messages to the specified destination.
createPublisher(Topic) - Method in interface javax.jms.TopicSession
Creates a publisher for the specified topic.
createPublisher(Topic) - Method in interface
Creates a Managed Client Topic Publisher that supports Managed Client functionality.
createQueue(String) - Method in interface javax.jms.QueueSession
Creates a queue identity given a Queue name.
createQueue(String) - Method in interface javax.jms.Session
Creates a queue identity given a Queue name.
createQueue(String) - Static method in class progress.message.jclient.DestinationFactory
Creates a SonicMQ Queue with the given queue name.
createQueue(String) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Session
Creates a queue identity given a Queue name.
createQueueConnection() - Method in interface javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory
Creates a queue connection with the default user identity.
createQueueConnection(String, String) - Method in interface javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory
Creates a queue connection with the specified user identity.
createQueueConnection() - Method in class
The method creates a new Queue Connection with default user identity.
createQueueConnection(String, String) - Method in class
The method creates a new Queue Connection with the specified user identity.
createQueueConnection() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.QueueConnectionFactory
Create a queue connection with default user identity.
createQueueConnection(String, String) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.QueueConnectionFactory
Create a queue connection with specified user identity.
createQueueSession(boolean, int) - Method in interface javax.jms.QueueConnection
Creates a QueueSession object.
createQueueSession(boolean, int) - Method in interface javax.jms.XAQueueConnection
Creates an XAQueueSession object.
createQueueSession(boolean, int, String) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.QueueConnection
Creates a QueueSession object with an associated name.
createReceiver(Queue) - Method in interface javax.jms.QueueSession
Creates a QueueReceiver object to receive messages from the specified queue.
createReceiver(Queue, String) - Method in interface javax.jms.QueueSession
Creates a QueueReceiver object to receive messages from the specified queue using a message selector.
createReceiver(Queue) - Method in interface
Creates a Managed Client Queue Receiver that supports Managed Client functionality.
createReceiver(Queue, String) - Method in interface
Creates a Managed Client Queue Receiver that supports Managed Client functionality.
createRecoverableFileChannel(File) - Static method in class
Create a RecoverableFileChannel.
createSender(Queue) - Method in interface javax.jms.QueueSession
Creates a QueueSender object to send messages to the specified queue.
createSender(Queue) - Method in interface
Creates a Managed Client Queue Sender that supports Managed Client functionality.
createSession(boolean, int) - Method in interface javax.jms.Connection
Creates a Session object.
createSession(boolean, int) - Method in interface javax.jms.XAConnection
Creates an Session object.
createSession(boolean, int, String) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Connection
Creates a Session object with an associated name.
createSonicDestination(Destination) - Static method in class progress.message.jclient.DestinationFactory
Creates a SonicMQ Destination from the given destination.
createSonicInputStreamController(Connection) - Method in class
Creates an instance of a SonicInputStreamController object.
createSonicInputStreamController(Connection, Destination, Destination) - Method in class
Creates an instance of a SonicInputStreamController object.
createSonicOutputStreamController(Connection) - Method in class
Creates an instance of a SonicOutputStreamController object.
createSonicOutputStreamController(Connection, Destination, Destination) - Method in class
Creates an instance of a SonicOutputStreamController object.
createStream(String) - Method in interface
Creates SonicOutputStream instance with the specified ID.
createStreamMessage() - Method in interface javax.jms.Session
Creates a StreamMessage object.
createSubscriber(Topic) - Method in interface javax.jms.TopicSession
Creates a nondurable subscriber to the specified topic.
createSubscriber(Topic, String, boolean) - Method in interface javax.jms.TopicSession
Creates a nondurable subscriber to the specified topic, using a message selector or specifying whether messages published by its own connection should be delivered to it.
createSubscriber(Topic) - Method in interface
Creates a Managed Client Topic Subscriber that supports Managed Client functionality.
createSubscriber(Topic, String, boolean) - Method in interface
Creates a Managed Client Topic Subscriber that supports Managed Client functionality.
createTemporaryQueue() - Method in interface javax.jms.QueueSession
Creates a TemporaryQueue object.
createTemporaryQueue() - Method in interface javax.jms.Session
Creates a TemporaryQueue object.
createTemporaryQueue() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Session
Creates a TemporaryQueue object.
createTemporaryQueue(String) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Session
Creates a TemporaryQueue object whose name contains the customID string.
createTemporaryTopic() - Method in interface javax.jms.Session
Creates a TemporaryTopic object.
createTemporaryTopic() - Method in interface javax.jms.TopicSession
Creates a TemporaryTopic object.
createTemporaryTopic() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Session
Creates a TemporaryTopic object.
createTextMessage() - Method in interface javax.jms.Session
Creates a TextMessage object.
createTextMessage(String) - Method in interface javax.jms.Session
Creates an initialized TextMessage object.
createTopic(String) - Method in interface javax.jms.Session
Creates a topic identity given a Topic name.
createTopic(String) - Method in interface javax.jms.TopicSession
Creates a topic identity given a Topic name.
createTopic(String) - Static method in class progress.message.jclient.DestinationFactory
Creates a SonicMQ Topic with the given topic name.
createTopic(String) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Session
Creates a topic identity given a Topic name.
createTopicConnection() - Method in interface javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory
Creates a topic connection with the default user identity.
createTopicConnection(String, String) - Method in interface javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory
Creates a topic connection with the specified user identity.
createTopicConnection() - Method in class
The method creates a new Topic Connection with default user identity.
createTopicConnection(String, String) - Method in class
The method creates a new Topic Connection with the specified user identity.
createTopicConnection() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.TopicConnectionFactory
Create a topic connection with default user identity.
createTopicConnection(String, String) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.TopicConnectionFactory
Create a topic connection with specified user identity.
createTopicSession(boolean, int) - Method in interface javax.jms.TopicConnection
Creates a TopicSession object.
createTopicSession(boolean, int) - Method in interface javax.jms.XATopicConnection
Creates an XATopicSession object.
createTopicSession(boolean, int, String) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.TopicConnection
Creates a TopicSession object with an associated name.
createXAConnection() - Method in interface javax.jms.XAConnectionFactory
Creates an XAConnection with the default user identity.
createXAConnection(String, String) - Method in interface javax.jms.XAConnectionFactory
Creates an XA connection with the specified user identity.
createXAConnection() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.xa.XAConnectionFactory
Creates an XAConnection with the default user identity.
createXAConnection(String, String) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.xa.XAConnectionFactory
Creates an XA connection with the specified user identity.
createXAConnection() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.xa.XAQueueConnectionFactory
Creates an XAConnection with the default user identity.
createXAConnection(String, String) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.xa.XAQueueConnectionFactory
Creates an XA connection with the specified user identity.
createXAConnection() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.xa.XATopicConnectionFactory
Creates an XAConnection with the default user identity.
createXAConnection(String, String) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.xa.XATopicConnectionFactory
Creates an XA connection with the specified user identity.
createXAQueueConnection() - Method in interface javax.jms.XAQueueConnectionFactory
Creates an XA queue connection with the default user identity.
createXAQueueConnection(String, String) - Method in interface javax.jms.XAQueueConnectionFactory
Creates an XA queue connection with the specified user identity.
createXAQueueConnection() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.xa.XAQueueConnectionFactory
Create an XA queue connection with default user identity.
createXAQueueConnection(String, String) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.xa.XAQueueConnectionFactory
Create an XA queue connection with specific user identity.
createXAQueueSession() - Method in interface javax.jms.XAQueueConnection
Creates an XAQueueSession object.
createXAQueueSession(String) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.xa.XAQueueConnection
Creates an XAQueueSession object with an associated name.
createXASession() - Method in interface javax.jms.XAConnection
Creates an XASession object.
createXASession(String) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.xa.XAConnection
Creates an XASession object with an associated name.
createXATopicConnection() - Method in interface javax.jms.XATopicConnectionFactory
Creates an XA topic connection with the default user identity.
createXATopicConnection(String, String) - Method in interface javax.jms.XATopicConnectionFactory
Creates an XA topic connection with the specified user identity.
createXATopicConnection() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.xa.XATopicConnectionFactory
Create an XA topic connection with default user identity.
createXATopicConnection(String, String) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.xa.XATopicConnectionFactory
Create an XA topic connection with specific user identity.
createXATopicSession() - Method in interface javax.jms.XATopicConnection
Creates an XATopicSession object.
createXATopicSession(String) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.xa.XATopicConnection
Creates an XATopicSession object with an associated name.
createXMLMessage() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Session
Create a XMLMessage.
createXMLMessage(String) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Session
Create an XMLMessage initialized by a String.
createXMLMessage(Document) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Session
Create an XMLMessage initialized by an XML Document.
CTS_TEST_MESSAGE - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
Name of message property that, if true, that message was sent or published from a com.sun.cts.tests.jms.common.MessageTestImpl message.
CUR_VERSION - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory


DEAD_MESSAGE_QUEUE - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
The name of the Dead Message Queue in the client.
DEBUG_FLAGS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class
Property name used to define debug flags.
DEFAULT_DELIVERY_MODE - Static variable in interface javax.jms.Message
The message producer's default delivery mode is PERSISTENT.
DEFAULT_FLOW_TO_DISK - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
DEFAULT_PRIORITY - Static variable in interface javax.jms.Message
The message producer's default priority is 4.
DEFAULT_SOCKET_CONNECT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
DEFAULT_TIME_TO_LIVE - Static variable in interface javax.jms.Message
The message producer's default time to live is unlimited; the message never expires.
DEFAULT_TXN_BATCH_SIZE - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
DEFAULT_TXN_BATCH_SIZE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
delete() - Method in interface javax.jms.TemporaryQueue
Deletes this temporary queue.
delete() - Method in interface javax.jms.TemporaryTopic
Deletes this temporary topic.
DELIVERY_CLOSE_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Default value for ConnectionFactory.setDeliveryCloseTimeout(Long): do not wait for messages to be delivered on close.
DELIVERY_CLOSE_TIMEOUT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
DELIVERY_DOUBT_WINDOW_DEFAULT - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Default value for ConnectionFactory.setDeliveryDoubtWindow(Integer): no limit on the number of in doubt messages.
DELIVERY_DOUBT_WINDOW_PROPERTY - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
DELIVERY_MODE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class
Property name used to define DeliveryMode of stream messages and notification messages.
DELIVERY_MODE_PROPERTY_DEFAULT - Static variable in class
Default DeliveryMode to be used for stream messages and notification messages.
DeliveryMode - Interface in javax.jms
The delivery modes supported by the JMS API are PERSISTENT and NON_PERSISTENT.
DeliveryMode - Class in progress.message.jclient
This class defines the message delivery mode(s) specific to Progress SonicMQ
DeliveryMode() - Constructor for class progress.message.jclient.DeliveryMode
Destination - Interface in javax.jms
A Destination object encapsulates a provider-specific address.
DESTINATION_UNDELIVERED - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
Name of message property that specifies an alternative destination for the message instead of dead message queue in case the message is declared undeliverable.
DESTINATION_URL - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
JMS message header String property for HTTP Direct Outbound.
DestinationFactory - Class in progress.message.jclient
Description: This factory provides a mechanism that can be used to create a SonicMQ Destination without a Session or access to a JMS Object store.
DestinationFactory() - Constructor for class progress.message.jclient.DestinationFactory
DISCARDABLE - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.DeliveryMode
This mode is essentially another type of non-persistent delivery.
doesPartExist(String) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.MultipartMessage
Checks if a Part with the given content-id exists
DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE - Static variable in interface javax.jms.Session
This acknowledgment mode instructs the session to lazily acknowledge the delivery of messages.
DURABLE_SUBSCRIBER_MESSAGE_ORDER - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
Used at the connection factory to put information in the env regarding whether or not durable subscriptions will enfore message order when restoring messages from a cluster of brokers for durable subscribers.


ENABLE_COMPRESSION - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
ENABLE_LOCAL_STORE - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
ENCRYPT_MESSAGE - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
A user can request per-message encryption by setting this property to true on a message.
equals(Object) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.MultiDestination
Tests whether object is a MultiDestination made up of the same component Destinations.
equals(Object) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.Queue
equals(Object) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.Topic
ERR_AUTH_SPI - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
Indicates the Authenticaion SPI has thrown an Exception
ERR_CAN_NOT_INSTANTIATE_CLASS - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
Thrown when an application tries to use the new construct to instantiate an abstract class or an interface.
ERR_CHANNEL_ACTIVE - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
The channel is currently active.
ERR_CHANNEL_ALREADY_ESTABLISHED - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
An attempt was made to establish a channel with a sender that already has a channel established.
ERR_CHANNEL_DUPLICATE - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
The channel has been duplicated.
ERR_CHANNEL_FATAL_DUP_DETECT_EXCEPTION - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
There was a fatal error while accessing duplicate detection.
ERR_CHANNEL_IMPLICITLY_CANCELLED - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
There is no channel listener and the channel was canceled.
ERR_CHANNEL_INTERNAL_ERROR - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
There has been an internal JMS Exception.
ERR_CHANNEL_INVALID_DECRYPTION_KEY - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
Thrown if occurs.
ERR_CHANNEL_INVALID_KEY_TYPE - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
Thrown if occurs.
ERR_CHANNEL_IO_ERROR - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
There has been an internal IO Exception.
ERR_CHANNEL_JCE_UNAVAILABLE - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
The Java Cryptography Extensions were required by setDES or setDESede and were not available.
ERR_CHANNEL_RECOVER_FILE_UNREADABLE - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
The file to transfer is unreadable.
ERR_CHANNEL_RETRY_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
There has been a time out while attempting to transfer the file.
ERR_CHANNEL_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
The transfer was closed.
ERR_CHANNEL_TRANSFER_CLOSED - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
The connection between the peers has been closed.
ERR_CHANNEL_UUID_IN_USE - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
Another channel successfully established a channel using the UUID specified for this channel.
ERR_CLASS_ACCESS_ERROR - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
An IllegalAccessException is thrown when an application tries to reflectively create an instance (other than an array), set or get a field, or invoke a method, but the currently executing method does not have access to the definition of the specified class, field, method or constructor.
ERR_CLASS_CAST_ERROR - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
Thrown to indicate that the code has attempted to cast an object to a subclass of which it is not an instance.
ERR_CLASS_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
Thrown when an application tries to load in a class through its string name using: The forName method in class Class.
ERR_CLASSPATH_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
If the class path required for an application is empty of null, this error is thrown
ERR_CONNECTION_DROPPED - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
This error occurs if the connection between the peers has been dropped.
ERR_CONNECTION_LIMIT_EXCEEDED - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
If the connection limit for JMS messaging has exceeded.
ERR_EXCEPTION_IN_INIT - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
Signals that an unexpected exception has occurred in a static initializer.
ERR_EXTERNAL_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
External authentication using Login SPI or Authentication SPI has failed
ERR_FLOW_CONTROL_EXCEPTION - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
Indicates that there was an exception in performing the flow-control operation
ERR_INTEGRITY_FAILED - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
This error occurs if the message has been tampered with and has been modified, therefore the message has lost its integrity.
ERR_JMS_DELIVERY_TIMEOUT_ON_CLOSE - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
Thrown when delivery of a message times out during a Connection or Session close.
ERR_JMS_OBJECT_CLOSED - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
An attempts to use a previously closed JMS object such as JMS Connection has occurred.
ERR_LINKAGE_ERROR - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
LinkageError indicate that a class has some dependency on another class.
ERR_MESSAGELISTENER_RUNTIME_EXCEPTION - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
Indicates that there was an runtime error in the message listener
ERR_NO_ROOM_IN_DB - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
Thrown when the broker does not accept a message because the database size limit has been reached.
ERR_PRIVACY_FAILED - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
This error occurs if the message has been tampered with and therefore the message has lost its privacy.
ERR_SECURITY_ERROR - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
Generic security error indicates occurrence of security violation.
ERR_SOCKET_CONNECT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
Thrown when a scket connect timeout is specified and the socket is not opened within the specified time
ERR_STORE - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
Generic error while persisting message.
ERR_STORE_INIT - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
Thrown when there is an error initializing the persistent store.
ERR_STORE_SIZE_EXCEEDED - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
Thrown when the size of stored messages exceeds the defined store size.
ERR_STRING_PROPERTY_TOO_LARGE - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
A String property value is too large
ERR_THREAD_INTERRUPTED - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
Occurs if the thread has been interrupted
ERR_TOO_LARGE_FOR_QUEUE - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
The message to added into the queue is too large or the queue cannot accommodate the message as it has reached its capacity.
ERR_TXN_IDLE_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
This error occurs when transaction is close internally.
ERROR - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
A general error has occurred.
ErrorCodes - Class in progress.message.jclient
ErrorCodes() - Constructor for class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
ExceptionListener - Interface in javax.jms
If a JMS provider detects a serious problem with a Connection object, it informs the Connection object's ExceptionListener, if one has been registered.
EXTENDED_TYPE - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
Name of message property to indicate that the message is a SonicMQ_ExtendedType message.
EXTENDED_TYPE_VALUE - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants


FAILED - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
Connection state for a failed JMS connection.
FAULT_TOLERANT - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
FAULT_TOLERANT - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
FAULT_TOLERANT_RECONNECT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
FAULT_TOLERANT_RECONNECT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
FLOW_TO_DISK - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
FLOW_TO_DISK_OFF - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
FLOW_TO_DISK feature is off, specifies that the broker's behavior is compatible with the 5.0 and earlier releases, whenever at least one subscriber's buffer is full, the publishing application is blocked until the subscriber processes more messages.
FLOW_TO_DISK_ON - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
FLOW_TO_DISK feature is on, specifies that whenever a subscriber's in-memory buffer is full the broker will offload the messages for the subscriber to the database without blocking the publisher(s).
FLOW_TO_DISK_PROPERTY - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
FLOW_TO_DISK_USE_BROKER_SETTING - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
This is the default setting for the FLOW_TO_DISK feature, indicating that there is no setting on the client side for the FLOW_TO_DISK feature, thus the broker side setting of FLOW_TO_DISK will be used.


getAcceptorName() - Method in interface
Get's the name of the acceptor to which the client connected at the broker.
getAcknowledgeMode() - Method in interface javax.jms.Session
Returns the acknowledgement mode of the session.
getAcknowledgeMode() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Session
Returns the acknowledgement mode of the session.
getAdaptivePaceBatchSize() - Method in interface
getAdaptivePaceBatchSize() - Method in interface
getAdaptivePaceStatistics() - Method in interface
getAdaptivePaceStatistics() - Method in interface
getAdaptivePaceTimer() - Method in interface
getAdaptivePaceTimer() - Method in interface
getAdaptivePacing() - Method in interface
getAdaptivePacing() - Method in class
Get status of Adaptive Pacing for this Connection Factory as boolean.
getAdaptivePacing() - Method in interface
Indicates wether this session will use Adaptive Pacing.
getAdaptivePacingBatchSize() - Method in interface
getAdaptivePacingBatchSize() - Method in class
Get the Adaptive Pacing message Batch Size as integer.
getAdaptivePacingBatchSize() - Method in interface
Returns the size of the message batch used by Adaptive Pacing Producers and Consumers.
getAdaptivePacingBatchSizeInteger() - Method in class
Get the Adaptive Pacing message Batch Size as java.lang.Integer.
getAdaptivePacingBoolean() - Method in class
Get status of Adaptive Pacing for this Connection Factory as java.lang.Boolean.
getAdaptivePacingTimer() - Method in interface
getAdaptivePacingTimer() - Method in class
Get the Adaptive Pacing Timer interval in milliseconds as integer.
getAdaptivePacingTimer() - Method in interface
Returns the interval of Timer for Adaptive Pacing Sessions.
getAdaptivePacingTimerInteger() - Method in class
Get the Adaptive Pacing Timer interval in milliseconds as java.lang.Integer.
getApplet() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
getApplet() - Method in class
getApplicationName() - Method in class
Returns value of APPLICATION_NAME_PROPERTY This name may be set uniquely for the application that makes use of a factory instance, and by default will be included as a property in the header of messages sent by Sonic stream controllers created via the factory instance.
getAsynchronousDeliveryMode() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Gets whether or not messages sent by MessageProducers on a Connection's producers should be sent to the broker synchronously or asynchronously.
getBodyLength() - Method in interface javax.jms.BytesMessage
Gets the number of bytes of the message body when the message is in read-only mode.
getBodySize() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Message
Return the size of the Message body.
getBoolean(String) - Method in interface javax.jms.MapMessage
Returns the boolean value with the specified name.
getBooleanProperty(String) - Method in interface javax.jms.Message
Returns the value of the boolean property with the specified name.
getBrokerContexts() - Method in interface
Returns an array of IBrokerContexts that belong to the same cluster as the broker represented by this IBrokerContext.
getBrokerContexts(boolean) - Method in interface
Returns an array of IBrokerContexts that belong to the same cluster as the broker represented by this IBrokerContext optionally excluding those that are not assigned any load balancing weight.
getBrokerHostName() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
getBrokerHostName() - Method in class
getBrokerName() - Method in interface
Gets the name of the broker represented by this IBrokerContext.
getBrokerPort() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
getBrokerPort() - Method in class
getBrokerProtocol() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
getBrokerProtocol() - Method in class
getBrokerReconnectURLs() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Connection
Returns URLs available on the currently connected broker, that may be used for the purpose re-connection of fault-tolerant connections when temporary or permanent network failure is encountered.
getBrokerURL() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Connection
Get URL of broker actually connected to.
getBrokerURL() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
getBrokerURL() - Method in class
getByte(String) - Method in interface javax.jms.MapMessage
Returns the byte value with the specified name.
getByteProperty(String) - Method in interface javax.jms.Message
Returns the value of the byte property with the specified name.
getBytes(String) - Method in interface javax.jms.MapMessage
Returns the byte array value with the specified name.
getBytesTransferred() - Method in interface
Returns the number of bytes currently transferred by/for the stream.
getChannel(String) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Connection
Retrieve a reference to a channel with the given channelID.
getChannel() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Message
Retrieve the channel attached to this message.
getChannelID() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Channel
Get the channelID associated with this channel.
getChannelStatus() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Channel
Get the current channel status.
getChar(String) - Method in interface javax.jms.MapMessage
Returns the Unicode character value with the specified name.
getClientData() - Method in interface
Gets the optional 'hint' data supplied by the client application to assist the load balancer.
getClientHost() - Method in interface
Returns the host of the incoming client as resolved by the broker.
getClientID() - Method in interface javax.jms.Connection
Gets the client identifier for this connection.
getClientID() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
getClientID() - Method in class
getClientPort() - Method in interface
Gets the port to which the incoming client has connected.
getClientTransactionBufferSize() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Get client transaction buffer size.
getClientTransactionBufferSize() - Method in class
getClusterName() - Method in interface
Returns the name of the cluster this broker belongs to if it is part of a cluster.
getCompressionFactory() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Queries the ConnectionFactory of the class name of the compression factory.
getConnectID() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Connection
Get the connect ID for this connection.
getConnectID() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
getConnectID() - Method in class
getConnection() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.xa.XAConnection
Get a Connection associated with this XAConnection object.
getConnectionName() - Method in interface
getConnectionState() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Connection
Get connection state, one of ACTIVE, RECONNECTING, FAILED or CLOSED.
getConnectionStateChangeListener() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Connection
Get connection state change listener.
getConnectionURLs() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Return list of brokers to try to connect to.
getConnectionURLs() - Method in class
getContent() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Part
Gets the content of the part as an Object.
getContentBytes() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Part
Gets the content of the part as a byte array.
getContentId() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Header
Gets the value of the Content-ID header field.
getContentType() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Header
Gets the value of the Content-Type header field.
getCurrentStreamStatus() - Method in interface
Returns current SonicOutputStream status as instance of StreamStatus.
getDataHandler() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Part
This method provides the mechanism to get this part's content.
getDebugFlags() - Method in class
Returns current debug level setting of the factory instance.
getDefaultPassword() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
getDefaultPassword() - Method in class
getDefaultTxnBatchSize() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Gets the default batch size
getDefaultTxnBatchSize() - Method in class
getDefaultTxnBatchSizeInteger() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Gets the default batch size
getDefaultTxnBatchSizeInteger() - Method in class
getDefaultUser() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
getDefaultUser() - Method in class
getDeliveryCloseTimeout() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
The amount of time in milliseconds to wait on a per Session basis for unsent messages to be sent to the broker when a Session is closed.
getDeliveryDoubtWindow() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Gets the limit on the number of unacknowledged messages per Session when asynchronous message delivery is enabled.
getDeliveryMode() - Method in class
getDeliveryMode() - Method in interface javax.jms.MessageProducer
Gets the producer's default delivery mode.
getDestination() - Method in interface javax.jms.MessageProducer
Gets the destination associated with this MessageProducer.
getDestinationProperty(String) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Message
Return the value of the javax.jms.Destination property with the specified name.
getDisableMessageID() - Method in interface javax.jms.MessageProducer
Gets an indication of whether message IDs are disabled.
getDisableMessageTimestamp() - Method in interface javax.jms.MessageProducer
Gets an indication of whether message timestamps are disabled.
getDocument() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.XMLMessage
This method will return an org.w3c.dom.Document object created from the XMLMessage contents.
getDocumentBuilderFactory() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.XMLMessage
Gets the class name for the implementation of JAXP1.1 DocumentBuilderFactory interface.
getDouble(String) - Method in interface javax.jms.MapMessage
Returns the double value with the specified name.
getDoubleProperty(String) - Method in interface javax.jms.Message
Returns the value of the double property with the specified name.
getDurableMessageOrder() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Determines whether the option to preserve message order when reconnecting a durable subscriber has been selected.
getDurableMessageOrder() - Method in class
getDurableMessageOrder() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Session
Determines whether the option to preserve message order when reconnecting a durable subscriber has been selected.
getEnableActionalInstrumentation() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Queries the ConnectionFactory to see if the LG instrumentation is currently enabled.
getEnableActionalInstrumentationBoolean() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Queries the ConnectionFactory to see if the LG instrumentation is currently enabled.
getEnableCompression() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Queries the ConnectionFactory to determine whether compression will be requested for connections created from this factory.
getEnableCompressionBoolean() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Queries the ConnectionFactory to determine whether compression will be requested for connections created from this factory.
getEnumeration() - Method in interface javax.jms.QueueBrowser
Gets an enumeration for browsing the current queue messages in the order they would be received.
getErrorCode() - Method in exception
Gets the error code of the SonicStreamException instance.
getErrorCode() - Method in exception javax.jms.JMSException
Gets the vendor-specific error code.
getExceptionListener() - Method in interface javax.jms.Connection
Gets the ExceptionListener object for this connection.
getFaultTolerant() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Determines whether fault tolerant connection creation is enabled.
getFaultTolerant() - Method in class
getFaultTolerantReconnectTimeout() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Get fault tolerance reconnect timeout.
getFaultTolerantReconnectTimeout() - Method in class
getFloat(String) - Method in interface javax.jms.MapMessage
Returns the float value with the specified name.
getFloatProperty(String) - Method in interface javax.jms.Message
Returns the value of the float property with the specified name.
getFlowToDisk() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Determines the setting of Flow-To-Disk Publishing property.
getFlowToDisk() - Method in class
getFlowToDisk() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Session
Determines the setting of Flow-To-Disk Publishing property.
getFragmentSize() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Channel
Get the size of the fragments that will be sent on this channel.
getHeader() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Part
Gets the Header for the Part.
getHeaderField(String) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Header
Gets the value of a header field, or null if it does not exist.
getHeaderField(String, String) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Header
Gets the value of a header field, or returns the default value if it does not exist.
getHeaderFieldNames() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Header
Returns an enumeration of all the header field names.
getHeaderMessage() - Method in interface
Gets the JMS Message that is sent as the first message of the stream.
getInitialConnectTimeout() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Get initial connect timeout for a fault-tolerant connection.
getInitialConnectTimeout() - Method in class
getInitialRcvBufferSize() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Gets the initial size of the buffer (in bytes) used when reading message traffic from the network transport.
getInitialSendBufferSize() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Gets the initial size of the buffer (in bytes) used to buffer message traffic prior to writing to the network transport.
getInputStream() - Method in interface
Gets the InputStream instance of this SonicStream instance.
getInputStream() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Part
Return an input stream for this part's "content".
getInt(String) - Method in interface javax.jms.MapMessage
Returns the int value with the specified name.
getIntProperty(String) - Method in interface javax.jms.Message
Returns the value of the int property with the specified name.
getInWaitMessageCount() - Method in interface
Returns the number of messages queued up by receive() operation or by the async listener that are currently waiting in the buffer.
getInWaitMessageCount() - Method in interface
Returns the number of messages queued up by send() operation that are currently waiting in the buffer.
getJMSClientID() - Method in interface
Gets the JMS ClientId for the incoming connection, if it is available.
getJMSCorrelationID() - Method in interface javax.jms.Message
Gets the correlation ID for the message.
getJMSCorrelationIDAsBytes() - Method in interface javax.jms.Message
Gets the correlation ID as an array of bytes for the message.
getJMSDeliveryMode() - Method in interface javax.jms.Message
Gets the DeliveryMode value specified for this message.
getJMSDestination() - Method in interface javax.jms.Message
Gets the Destination object for this message.
getJMSExpiration() - Method in interface javax.jms.Message
Gets the message's expiration value.
getJMSMajorVersion() - Method in interface javax.jms.ConnectionMetaData
Gets the JMS major version number.
getJMSMessageID() - Method in interface javax.jms.Message
Gets the message ID.
getJMSMinorVersion() - Method in interface javax.jms.ConnectionMetaData
Gets the JMS minor version number.
getJMSPriority() - Method in interface javax.jms.Message
Gets the message priority level.
getJMSProviderName() - Method in interface javax.jms.ConnectionMetaData
Gets the JMS provider name.
getJMSRedelivered() - Method in interface javax.jms.Message
Gets an indication of whether this message is being redelivered.
getJMSReplyTo() - Method in interface javax.jms.Message
Gets the Destination object to which a reply to this message should be sent.
getJMSTimestamp() - Method in interface javax.jms.Message
Gets the message timestamp.
getJMSType() - Method in interface javax.jms.Message
Gets the message type identifier supplied by the client when the message was sent.
getJMSVersion() - Method in interface javax.jms.ConnectionMetaData
Gets the JMS API version.
getJMSXPropertyNames() - Method in interface javax.jms.ConnectionMetaData
Gets an enumeration of the JMSX property names.
getLGDownStreamNodeType() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
getLinkedException() - Method in exception
Gets the Exception instance linked to a SonicStreamException instance.
getLinkedException() - Method in exception javax.jms.JMSException
Gets the exception linked to this one.
getLoadBalancing() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Determines whether client-side load balancing is enabled.
getLoadBalancing() - Method in class
getLoadBalancingBoolean() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Determines whether client-side load balancing is enabled.
getLoadBalancingBoolean() - Method in class
getLoadBalancingClientData() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Gets the additional information to be provided to the broker side load balancer to assist in making load balancing decisions.
getLoadBalancingWeight() - Method in interface
Gets the weight assigned to the broker for load balancing purposes.
getLocalStoreDirectory() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Gets the name of the directory where the local storage for the persistent client connection is located.
getLocalStoreDirectory() - Method in class
getLocalStoreSize() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Get limit on how many messages can be stored locally on the persistent client while operating disconnected(offline).
getLocalStoreSize() - Method in class
getLocalStoreSizeLong() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Get limit on how many messages can be stored locally on the persistent client while operating disconnected(offline).
getLocalStoreSizeLong() - Method in class
getLocalStoreWaitTime() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Gets the limit (in seconds) on how long a sender send call waits before the message is written to the local store.
getLocalStoreWaitTime() - Method in class
getLoginSPI() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Used to set the class name that implements ILogin interface.
getLoginSPI() - Method in class
getLong(String) - Method in interface javax.jms.MapMessage
Returns the long value with the specified name.
getLongProperty(String) - Method in interface javax.jms.Message
Returns the value of the long property with the specified name.
getMapNames() - Method in interface javax.jms.MapMessage
Returns an Enumeration of all the names in the MapMessage object.
getMaxDeliveryCount() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Gets the maximum number of times delivery of a message to a consumer should be attempted.
getMaxDeliveryCount() - Method in class
getMaxRcvBufferSize() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Gets the maximum size of the buffer (in bytes) used when reading message traffic from the network transport.
getMaxSendBufferSize() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Gets the maximum size of the buffer (in bytes) used to buffer message traffic prior to writing to the network transport.
getMessage() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.MessagePart
Gets the JMS Message associated with this part
getMessageCount() - Method in interface
Returns the total number of sucessful receive() operations performed by this consumer since the time it was created.
getMessageCount() - Method in interface
Returns the total number of sucessfull send() operations performed by this producer since the time it was created.
getMessageFromPart(int) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.MultipartMessage
convenience method to retrieve a Message from the multipart
getMessageFromPart(String) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.MultipartMessage
Convenience method to retrieve a Message from the multipart
getMessageListener() - Method in interface javax.jms.MessageConsumer
Gets the message consumer's MessageListener.
getMessageListener() - Method in interface javax.jms.Session
Returns the session's distinguished message listener (optional).
getMessageSelector() - Method in interface javax.jms.MessageConsumer
Gets this message consumer's message selector expression.
getMessageSelector() - Method in interface javax.jms.QueueBrowser
Gets this queue browser's message selector expression.
getMetaData() - Method in interface javax.jms.Connection
Gets the metadata for this connection.
getMinimizeSubscriberTraffic() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Queries the ConnectionFactory to see if subscriber traffic is to be minimized.
getMinimizeSubscriberTrafficBoolean() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Queries the ConnectionFactory to see if subscriber traffic is to be minimized.
getMinRcvBufferSize() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Gets the minimum size of the buffer (in bytes) used when reading message traffic from the network transport.
getMinSendBufferSize() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Gets the minimum size of the buffer (in bytes) used to buffer message traffic prior to writing to the network transport.
getMonitorInterval() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Gets the administrative flow control monitoring interval.
getMonitorInterval() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.Queue
getName() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.Topic
getNextFullStream(long) - Method in interface
Returns the next available full stream to be read.
getNextStream(long) - Method in interface
Returns the next available stream to be read.
getNoLocal() - Method in interface javax.jms.TopicSubscriber
Gets the NoLocal attribute for this subscriber.
getNotificationDestination() - Method in interface
Returns the default notification JMS destination of the SonicInputStreamController instance.
getNotificationDestination() - Method in interface
Returns the default JMS destination to which this SonicInputStreamController instance sends notifications.
getNotificationDestination() - Method in interface
Gets the JMS Destination used by this SonicStream instance for notifications.
getNotificationTopic() - Method in class
getObject(String) - Method in interface javax.jms.MapMessage
Returns the value of the object with the specified name.
getObject() - Method in interface javax.jms.ObjectMessage
Gets the serializable object containing this message's data.
getObjectInstance(Object, Name, Context, Hashtable) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
Implementation of "javax.naming.spi.ObjectFactory" interface.
getObjectInstance(Object, Name, Context, Hashtable) - Method in class
getObjectProperty(String) - Method in interface javax.jms.Message
Returns the value of the Java object property with the specified name.
getOutputStream() - Method in interface
Gets the OutputStream instance of this SonicStream instance.
getOutputStream() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Part
Return an output stream for writing this part's "content".
getPart(int) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.MultipartMessage
Gets the Part from the MultipartMessage by index
getPart(String) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.MultipartMessage
Gets an Part from the message based on the content-id property of the Part.
getPartCount() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.MultipartMessage
Gets the count of the number of Parts for the MultipartMessage.
getPassword() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.xa.XAConnectionFactory
Get password.
getPassword() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.xa.XAQueueConnectionFactory
Get password.
getPassword() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.xa.XATopicConnectionFactory
Get password.
getPersistentDelivery() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Determines whether the default of PERSISTENT delivery should be applied to publishers.
getPersistentDelivery() - Method in class
getPersistentDeliveryBoolean() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Determines whether the default of PERSISTENT delivery should be applied to publishers.
getPersistentDeliveryBoolean() - Method in class
getPingInterval() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Get the connection ping interval.
getPingInterval() - Method in class
getPingIntervalLong() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Get the connection ping interval.
getPingIntervalLong() - Method in class
getPrefetchCount() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Get the prefetch count for the QueueReceiver.
getPrefetchCount() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.MessageConsumer
Get the prefetch count for the QueueReceiver.
getPrefetchCount() - Method in class
getPrefetchCount() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.QueueBrowser
Get the prefetch count for the QueueBrowser.
getPrefetchCountInteger() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Get the prefetch count for the QueueReceiver.
getPrefetchCountInteger() - Method in class
getPrefetchThreshold() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Get the default prefetch threshold for the QueueReceiver.
getPrefetchThreshold() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.MessageConsumer
Get the prefetch threshold for the QueueReceiver.
getPrefetchThreshold() - Method in class
getPrefetchThreshold() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.QueueBrowser
Get the prefetch threshold for the QueueBrowser.
getPrefetchThresholdInteger() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Get the prefetch threshold for the QueueReceiver.
getPrefetchThresholdInteger() - Method in class
getPriority() - Method in interface javax.jms.MessageProducer
Gets the producer's default priority.
getProfileName() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.MultipartMessage
Return the name of the extended type, or profile, used to create this message.
getProperties() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Message
Get message properties.
getPropertyNames() - Method in interface javax.jms.Message
Returns an Enumeration of all the property names.
getProviderMajorVersion() - Method in interface javax.jms.ConnectionMetaData
Gets the JMS provider major version number.
getProviderMinorVersion() - Method in interface javax.jms.ConnectionMetaData
Gets the JMS provider minor version number.
getProviderVersion() - Method in interface javax.jms.ConnectionMetaData
Gets the JMS provider version.
getQopCacheSize() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Gets the number of destination<->QOP entries that are retained for Sessions that are derived from this factory.
getQopCacheSize() - Method in class
getQueue() - Method in interface javax.jms.QueueBrowser
Gets the queue associated with this queue browser.
getQueue() - Method in interface javax.jms.QueueReceiver
Gets the Queue associated with this queue receiver.
getQueue() - Method in interface javax.jms.QueueSender
Gets the queue associated with this QueueSender.
getQueueConnection() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.xa.XAQueueConnection
Get a QueueConnection associated with this XAQueueConnection object.
getQueueName() - Method in interface javax.jms.Queue
Gets the name of this queue.
getQueueName() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.Queue
Get the name of this queue.
getQueueSession() - Method in interface javax.jms.XAQueueSession
Gets the queue session associated with this XAQueueSession.
getReadaheadWindowSize() - Method in class
Gets the size (in KB) of the buffer used for buffering messages that have been received by the streams runtime but not yet read by the application.
getReconnectInterval() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Applicable to persistent client connections only.
getReconnectInterval() - Method in class
getReconnectIntervalInteger() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Applicable to persistent client connections only.
getReconnectIntervalInteger() - Method in class
getReconnectTimeout() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Applicable to persistent client connections only.
getReconnectTimeout() - Method in class
getReconnectTimeoutInteger() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Applicable to persistent client connections only.
getReconnectTimeoutInteger() - Method in class
getRedirectURLs(String) - Method in interface
Gets a list of urls that match the given acceptor name for the broker represented by this context.
getReference() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Return a javax.naming.Reference object which contains the reference information necessary to create an object of the proper type.
getReference() - Method in class
getReference() - Method in class
getReference() - Method in class
getReference() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.Queue
Return a javax.naming.Reference object which contains the reference information necessary to create an object of the proper type.
getReference() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.QueueConnectionFactory
Return a javax.naming.Reference object which contains the reference information necessary to create an object of the proper type.
getReference() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.Topic
Return a javax.naming.Reference object which contains the reference information necessary to create an object of the proper type.
getReference() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.TopicConnectionFactory
Return a javax.naming.Reference object which contains the reference information necessary to create an object of the proper type.
getReference() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.xa.XAConnectionFactory
Retrieves the Reference of this object.
getReference() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.xa.XAQueueConnectionFactory
Retrieves the Reference of this object.
getReference() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.xa.XATopicConnectionFactory
Retrieves the Reference of this object.
getRequireActionalJMSNode() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Queries if the JMS node should be reported by the LG upstream node, i.e., the broker.
getRequireActionalJMSNodeBoolean() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Queries if the JMS node should be reported by the LG upstream node, i.e., the broker.
getRethrowCCRuntimeExceptions() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Gets the value for determining whether to rethrow RuntimeExceptions encountered by a ConnectionConsumer's onMesssage().
getRetryCount() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Channel
Get the retry count.
getRetryInterval() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Channel
Get retry interval.
getRoutingNodeName() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Connection
Returns the name of the DRA routing node currently associated with the connection.
getSAXInputSource() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.XMLMessage
This method will return an org.xml.sax.InputSource object created from the XMLMessage contents.
getSAXParserFactory() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.XMLMessage
Gets the class name for the implementation of JAXP1.1 SAXParserFactory interface.
getSegmentsDiscarded() - Method in interface
Returns the number of segments discarded by the stream up to the current point in time.
getSegmentSize() - Method in class
Returns the value of SEGMENT_SIZE_PROPERTY.
getSegmentsTransferred() - Method in interface
Returns the number of segments currently transferred by/for the stream.
getSegmentTimeout() - Method in class
Gets value of SEGMENT_TIMEOUT_PROPERTY property This timeout value represents the amount of time (in seconds) for which a SonicInputStreamController instance will wait for a segment of the stream to arrive.
getSelectorAtBroker() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
getSelectorAtBroker() - Method in class
getSequential() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Determines whether the option to start with the first or a random element of the broker list has been selected.
getSequential() - Method in class
getSequentialBoolean() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Determines whether the option to start with the first or a random element of the broker list has been selected.
getSequentialBoolean() - Method in class
getServerSession() - Method in interface javax.jms.ServerSessionPool
Return a server session from the pool.
getServerSessionPool() - Method in interface javax.jms.ConnectionConsumer
Gets the server session pool associated with this connection consumer.
getSession() - Method in interface javax.jms.ServerSession
Return the ServerSession's Session.
getSession() - Method in interface javax.jms.XASession
Gets the session associated with this XASession.
getSessionID() - Method in interface
For Managed Sessions returns a valid unique ID that identifies this Session.
getSessionName() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Session
Gets the name associated with the session if one was supplied when the session was created.
getSessionName() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.xa.XASession
Gets the name associated with the session if one was supplied when the session was created.
getShort(String) - Method in interface javax.jms.MapMessage
Returns the short value with the specified name.
getShortProperty(String) - Method in interface javax.jms.Message
Returns the value of the short property with the specified name.
getSocketConnectTimeout() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Gets the setting of the socket connect timeout property in milliseconds.
getSocketConnectTimeout() - Method in class
getSplitMultiTopicDelivery() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Gets the default value for splitting MultiTopic message delivery.
getSplitMultiTopicDelivery() - Method in class
getSplitMultiTopicDelivery() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Session
Gets whether messages with a MultiTopic destination should be delivered as a single message or split apart and delivered as a copy of the message on each topic in the MultiTopic.
getStandbyBrokerReconnectURLs() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Connection
Returns URLs available on a standby broker, if any, which is paired for fault-tolerance with the currently connected broker, and that may be used for the purpose re-connection to a standby broker in the event of currently connected broker failure.
getStatus() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.ChannelStatus
Return the current status of the channel.
getStreamDestination() - Method in interface
Returns JMS destination from which stream contents are read.
getStreamDestination() - Method in interface
Returns JMS destination to which stream contents are written.
getStreamId() - Method in interface
Gets the identifier that is used to distinguish a SonicStream instance (and its associated segments) from other SonicStream instances.
getStreamId() - Method in interface
Returns the identifier assigned to the stream instance.
getStreamStatus() - Method in interface
Gets the current status of a SonicStream instance.
getStreamStatus() - Method in interface
Returns current state of stream.
getStreamTopic() - Method in class
getString(String) - Method in interface javax.jms.MapMessage
Returns the String value with the specified name.
getStringProperty(String) - Method in interface javax.jms.Message
Returns the value of the String property with the specified name.
getText() - Method in interface javax.jms.TextMessage
Gets the string containing this message's data.
getTime() - Method in exception progress.message.jclient.ChannelActiveException
Get the time when the channel MAY be inactive again.
getTimeout() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Channel
Get the timeout time of the channel.
getTimeToLive() - Method in interface javax.jms.MessageProducer
Gets the default length of time in milliseconds from its dispatch time that a produced message should be retained by the message system.
getTopic() - Method in interface javax.jms.TopicPublisher
Gets the topic associated with this TopicPublisher.
getTopic() - Method in interface javax.jms.TopicSubscriber
Gets the Topic associated with this subscriber.
getTopicConnection() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.xa.XATopicConnection
get a TopicConnection associated with this XATopicConnection object.
getTopicName() - Method in interface javax.jms.Topic
Gets the name of this topic.
getTopicName() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.MultiTopic
Returns a String representation of this topic.
getTopicName() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.Topic
Get the name of this topic.
getTopicSession() - Method in interface javax.jms.XATopicSession
Gets the topic session associated with this XATopicSession.
getTransacted() - Method in interface javax.jms.Session
Indicates whether the session is in transacted mode.
getTransacted() - Method in interface javax.jms.XASession
Indicates whether the session is in transacted mode.
getTransferEnd() - Method in interface
Returns the time that the current stream transfer ended.
getTransferStart() - Method in interface
Returns the time that the current stream transfer started.
getTransferTime() - Method in interface
Returns the total transfer time (from start to finish).
getTxnBatchSize() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Session
Returns the amount of information that will be batched on the client.
getUnfinishedChannelIDs() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Connection
Return an enumeration of channel identifiers.
getUnfinishedChannels() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Connection
Return an enumeration of channels.
getUrlsOrUrl() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Return list of brokers to try to connect to.
getUrlsOrUrl() - Method in class
getUsername() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Connection
Get the user of this connection.
getUserName() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.xa.XAConnectionFactory
Get User Name.
getUserName() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.xa.XAQueueConnectionFactory
Get User Name.
getUserName() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.xa.XATopicConnectionFactory
Get User Name.
getWindowSize() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Channel
Get the window size for the transfer.
getXAResource() - Method in interface javax.jms.XASession
Returns an XA resource to the caller.


hasChannel() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Message
Return true if this message has a channel attached.
hashCode() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.Queue
hashCode() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.Topic
hasUnfinishedChannel(String) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Connection
Check if this connection has a channel with the given channelID.
hasUnfinishedChannels() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Connection
Check if this connection has any unfinished channels.
Header - Interface in progress.message.jclient
The Header stores name/value pairs associated with a MultipartMessage Part.
HTTP - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
HTTP_AUTH_PASSWORD - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
JMS message header String property for HTTP Direct Outbound.
HTTP_AUTH_USER - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
JMS message header String property for HTTP Direct Outbound.
HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
JMS message header int property for HTTP Direct.
HTTP_REPLY_AS_SOAP - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
JMS message header boolean property for HTTP Direct Outbound.
HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
JMS message header int property for HTTP Direct.
HTTP_RESPONSE_MESSAGE - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
JMS message header String property for HTTP Direct.
HTTPS_CA_CERTIFICATE_DN - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
JMS message header String property for HTTP Direct.
HTTPS_CA_CERTIFICATE_PATH - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
JMS message header String property for HTTP Direct Outbound.
HTTPS_CERTIFICATE_CN - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
JMS message header String property for HTTP Direct.
HTTPS_CERTIFICATE_DN - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
JMS message header String property for HTTP Direct.
HTTPS_CIPHER_SUITES - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
JMS message header String property for HTTP Direct Outbound.
HTTPS_CLIENT_AUTH_CERTIFICATE - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
JMS message header String property for HTTP Direct Outbound.
HTTPS_CLIENT_AUTH_CERTIFICATE_FORM - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
JMS message header String property for HTTP Direct Outbound.
HTTPS_PRIVATE_KEY - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
JMS message header String property for HTTP Direct Outbound.
HTTPS_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
JMS message header String property for HTTP Direct Outbound.


IBrokerContext - Interface in
This interface provides information to an ILoadBalancer implementation about broker's and their acceptors for use in load balancing.
IConnectionContext - Interface in
This interface provides information about an incoming connection to an ILoadBalancer to assist it in making load balancing decisions.
IllegalStateException - Exception in javax.jms
This exception is thrown when a method is invoked at an illegal or inappropriate time or if the provider is not in an appropriate state for the requested operation.
IllegalStateException(String, String) - Constructor for exception javax.jms.IllegalStateException
Constructs an IllegalStateException with the specified reason and error code.
IllegalStateException(String) - Constructor for exception javax.jms.IllegalStateException
Constructs an IllegalStateException with the specified reason.
ILoadBalancer - Interface in
This interface can be extended to implement a custom load balancing algorithm for the broker.
INITIAL_CONNECT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
INITIAL_CONNECT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
INITIAL_IO_RCV_BUFFER_SIZE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
INITIAL_IO_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
initialize(IBrokerContext) - Method in interface
Called by the broker at startup to initialize the load balancer.
InvalidClientIDException - Exception in javax.jms
This exception must be thrown when a client attempts to set a connection's client ID to a value that is rejected by a provider.
InvalidClientIDException(String, String) - Constructor for exception javax.jms.InvalidClientIDException
Constructs an InvalidClientIDException with the specified reason and error code.
InvalidClientIDException(String) - Constructor for exception javax.jms.InvalidClientIDException
Constructs an InvalidClientIDException with the specified reason.
InvalidDestinationException - Exception in javax.jms
This exception must be thrown when a destination either is not understood by a provider or is no longer valid.
InvalidDestinationException(String, String) - Constructor for exception javax.jms.InvalidDestinationException
Constructs an InvalidDestinationException with the specified reason and error code.
InvalidDestinationException(String) - Constructor for exception javax.jms.InvalidDestinationException
Constructs an InvalidDestinationException with the specified reason.
InvalidSelectorException - Exception in javax.jms
This exception must be thrown when a JMS client attempts to give a provider a message selector with invalid syntax.
InvalidSelectorException(String, String) - Constructor for exception javax.jms.InvalidSelectorException
Constructs an InvalidSelectorException with the specified reason and error code.
InvalidSelectorException(String) - Constructor for exception javax.jms.InvalidSelectorException
Constructs an InvalidSelectorException with the specified reason.
isAdaptivePacing() - Method in interface
isAdaptivePacing() - Method in interface
isDeferredAck() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.xa.XASession
Get the value set in the setDeferredAck method.
isDestinationProperty(String) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Message
Indicates whether a property is a javax.jms.Destination property.
isEnableLocalStore() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Queries the ConnectionFactory to see if the LocalStore feature(persistent client feature) is currently enabled.
isEnableLocalStore() - Method in class
isEnableLocalStoreBoolean() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Queries the ConnectionFactory to see if the LocalStore feature(persistent client feature) is currently enabled.
isEnableLocalStoreBoolean() - Method in class
isFaultTolerant() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Connection
Returns true if the connection is fault tolerant For a connection to be fault-tolerant, fault-tolerant must be set in the ConnectionFactory, and the broker must support(be licensed for) fault-tolerance.
isFullStreamAvailable() - Method in interface
Indicates if entire content of a SonicStream is available to be read.
isMessagePart(int) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.MultipartMessage
Checks if the Part is a MessagePart
isMessagePart(String) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.MultipartMessage
Checks if the Part is a MessagePart
isMessagePart() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Part
isNamespaceAware() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.XMLMessage
Method for checking whether or not the underlying javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory used when getDocument() is called is namespace aware
isPartStreamAvailable() - Method in interface
Indicates if at least a portion of a SonicStream is available to be read.
isReadOnly() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.MultipartMessage
Checks if the message is in read-only mode.
isSaving() - Method in interface
Return whether or not this Recoverable file channel is actively saving information to a file.
isSecure() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Connection
itemExists(String) - Method in interface javax.jms.MapMessage
Indicates whether an item exists in this MapMessage object.
iterator() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.MultiDestination
Return a list of the component Destinations that make up this MultiDestination.


javax.jms - package javax.jms
JMSAsynchronousDeliveryException - Exception in progress.message.jclient
This exception used to report errors for messages that are sent on a Connection where ConnectionFactory.getAsynchronousDeliveryMode() == Constants.ASYNC_DELIVERY_MODE_ENABLED
JMSAsynchronousDeliveryException(JMSException, String, String) - Constructor for exception progress.message.jclient.JMSAsynchronousDeliveryException
JMSException - Exception in javax.jms
This is the root class of all JMS API exceptions.
JMSException(String, String) - Constructor for exception javax.jms.JMSException
Constructs a JMSException with the specified reason and error code.
JMSException(String) - Constructor for exception javax.jms.JMSException
Constructs a JMSException with the specified reason and with the error code defaulting to null.
JMSSecurityException - Exception in javax.jms
This exception must be thrown when a provider rejects a user name/password submitted by a client.
JMSSecurityException(String, String) - Constructor for exception javax.jms.JMSSecurityException
Constructs a JMSSecurityException with the specified reason and error code.
JMSSecurityException(String) - Constructor for exception javax.jms.JMSSecurityException
Constructs a JMSSecurityException with the specified reason.


LAST_MESSAGE_IN_GROUP - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
Name of message property that, if true, marks a last message in a group of messages.
LG_DOWN_STREAM_NODE_TYPE - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
LG_ENABLED - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
LOAD_BALANCING - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
LOCAL_STORE_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
LOCAL_STORE_LISTENER_FACTORY_CLASS - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
LOCAL_STORE_SIZE - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
LOCAL_STORE_WAIT_TIME - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
LOGIN_SPI_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
Used at the connection factory to put information in the env regarding class implementing login spi class used for client authentication
LOGIN_SPI_OBJECT - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
This variable stores the Login SPI implementaion object into the env.


MapMessage - Interface in javax.jms
A MapMessage object is used to send a set of name-value pairs.
MapMessage - Interface in progress.message.jclient
MAX_DELIVERY_COUNT_DEFAULT - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
MAX_DELIVERY_COUNT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
MAX_IO_RCV_BUFFER_SIZE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
MAX_IO_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
Message - Interface in javax.jms
The Message interface is the root interface of all JMS messages.
Message - Interface in progress.message.jclient
An Implementation of JMS Message.
MessageConsumer - Interface in javax.jms
A client uses a MessageConsumer object to receive messages from a destination.
MessageConsumer - Interface in progress.message.jclient
A client uses a MessageConsumer for receiving messages that have been delivered to a destination.
MessageConsumer - Interface in
Title: SonicMQ Adaptive Pacing (Managed Client Message Consumer) Description: This is a Message Consumer implementation of Managed Client that supports Adaptive Pacing.
MessageEOFException - Exception in javax.jms
This exception must be thrown when an unexpected end of stream has been reached when a StreamMessage or BytesMessage is being read.
MessageEOFException(String, String) - Constructor for exception javax.jms.MessageEOFException
Constructs a MessageEOFException with the specified reason and error code.
MessageEOFException(String) - Constructor for exception javax.jms.MessageEOFException
Constructs a MessageEOFException with the specified reason.
MessageFormatException - Exception in javax.jms
This exception must be thrown when a JMS client attempts to use a data type not supported by a message or attempts to read data in a message as the wrong type.
MessageFormatException(String, String) - Constructor for exception javax.jms.MessageFormatException
Constructs a MessageFormatException with the specified reason and error code.
MessageFormatException(String) - Constructor for exception javax.jms.MessageFormatException
Constructs a MessageFormatException with the specified reason.
MessageListener - Interface in javax.jms
A MessageListener object is used to receive asynchronously delivered messages.
MessageNotReadableException - Exception in javax.jms
This exception must be thrown when a JMS client attempts to read a write-only message.
MessageNotReadableException(String, String) - Constructor for exception javax.jms.MessageNotReadableException
Constructs a MessageNotReadableException with the specified reason and error code.
MessageNotReadableException(String) - Constructor for exception javax.jms.MessageNotReadableException
Constructs a MessageNotReadableException with the specified reason.
MessageNotWriteableException - Exception in javax.jms
This exception must be thrown when a JMS client attempts to write to a read-only message.
MessageNotWriteableException(String, String) - Constructor for exception javax.jms.MessageNotWriteableException
Constructs a MessageNotWriteableException with the specified reason and error code.
MessageNotWriteableException(String) - Constructor for exception javax.jms.MessageNotWriteableException
Constructs a MessageNotWriteableException with the specified reason.
MessagePart - Interface in progress.message.jclient
The Part is a part of a MultipartMessage.
MessageProducer - Interface in javax.jms
A client uses a MessageProducer object to send messages to a destination.
MessageProducer - Interface in
Title: SonicMQ Adaptive PAcing (Managed Client Message Producer) Description: This is a Message Producer implementation of Managed Client that supports Adaptive Pacing.
MIN_IO_RCV_BUFFER_SIZE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
MIN_IO_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
MINIMIZE_SUBSCRIBER_TRAFFIC - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
MONITOR_INTERVAL - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
MultiDestination - Interface in progress.message.jclient
Description: A MultiDestination is made up of component Destinations.
MultipartMessage - Interface in progress.message.jclient
The MultipartMessage is a message that can contain one or more Parts.
MultiTopic - Interface in progress.message.jclient
Description: This interface defines a MultiDestination type that allows only Topic Destinations for its component Destinations.


NON_PERSISTENT - Static variable in interface javax.jms.DeliveryMode
This is the lowest-overhead delivery mode because it does not require that the message be logged to stable storage.
NON_PERSISTENT_ASYNC - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.DeliveryMode
NON_PERSISTENT_REPLICATED - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.DeliveryMode
This delivery mode is used with fault-tolerant connections.
NON_PERSISTENT_SYNC - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.DeliveryMode
NOTIFY_REC_COMPLETED - Static variable in class
Predefined notification type: the receiver has successfully received all of the stream data.
NOTIFY_REC_ERROR - Static variable in class
Predefined notification type: the receiver encountered an error while receiving the stream.
NOTIFY_REC_RETRY_REQ - Static variable in class
Predefined notification type: the receiver is requesting a resend of the stream.
NOTIFY_REC_STARTED - Static variable in class
Predefined notification type: the receiver has started receiving the stream.
NOTIFY_UNDELIVERED - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
Name of message property that, if true, causes an administrative event to be sent to the management tools when the message is declared undeliverable.


ObjectMessage - Interface in javax.jms
An ObjectMessage object is used to send a message that contains a serializable object in the Java programming language ("Java object").
ObjectMessage - Interface in progress.message.jclient
onChannelStatus(Channel, Exception) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.ChannelListener
onConnect(IConnectionContext) - Method in interface
When a client has connected the broker calls into the load balancer implementation with the IConnectionContext containing information about the incoming connection.
onException(JMSException) - Method in interface javax.jms.ExceptionListener
Notifies user of a JMS exception.
onMessage(Message) - Method in interface javax.jms.MessageListener
Passes a message to the listener.
onRejectedMessage(Message, JMSException) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.RejectionListener
onStreamException(SonicStream, SonicStreamException) - Method in interface
Handles asynchronous exceptions
onStreamNotification(String, Message) - Method in interface
Informs the application that a notification from a receiver has been received.
OUTBOUND_GROUP_ID - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
JMS message header String property for HTTP Direct Outbound.


PacerThread - Interface in
Title: SonicMQ Adaptive Pacing (Managed Client Pacer Thread) Description: The Pacer Thread is a background thread that is created by Message Producers or Consumers that use Adaptive Pacing.
Part - Interface in progress.message.jclient
The Part is a part of a MultipartMessage.
PASSWORD - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
PERSISTENT - Static variable in interface javax.jms.DeliveryMode
This delivery mode instructs the JMS provider to log the message to stable storage as part of the client's send operation.
PERSISTENT_DELIVERY - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
PING_INTERVAL - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
PING_INTERVAL - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
PRESERVE_UNDELIVERED - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
Name of message property that, if true, causes the message to be enqueued on the dead message queue when it is declared undeliverable.
PRETETCH_COUNT - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
PRETETCH_THRESHOLD - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory - package
progress.message.jclient - package progress.message.jclient - package - package
progress.message.jclient.xa - package progress.message.jclient.xa
propertyExists(String) - Method in interface javax.jms.Message
Indicates whether a property value exists.
publish(Message) - Method in interface javax.jms.TopicPublisher
Publishes a message to the topic.
publish(Message, int, int, long) - Method in interface javax.jms.TopicPublisher
Publishes a message to the topic, specifying delivery mode, priority, and time to live.
publish(Topic, Message) - Method in interface javax.jms.TopicPublisher
Publishes a message to a topic for an unidentified message producer.
publish(Topic, Message, int, int, long) - Method in interface javax.jms.TopicPublisher
Publishes a message to a topic for an unidentified message producer, specifying delivery mode, priority and time to live.


QOP_CACHE_SIZE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
QOP_CACHE_SIZE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
Queue - Interface in javax.jms
A Queue object encapsulates a provider-specific queue name.
Queue - Class in progress.message.jclient
A Queue object encapsulates a provider-specific queue name.
Queue(String) - Constructor for class progress.message.jclient.Queue
Construct a Queue.
Queue() - Constructor for class progress.message.jclient.Queue
Contruct a Queue.
QueueBrowser - Interface in javax.jms
A client uses a QueueBrowser object to look at messages on a queue without removing them.
QueueBrowser - Interface in progress.message.jclient
A client uses a QueueBrowser to look at messages on a queue without removing them.
QueueConnection - Interface in javax.jms
A QueueConnection object is an active connection to a point-to-point JMS provider.
QueueConnection - Interface in
Title: SonicMQ Adaptive Pacing (Managed Client Queue Connection) Description: Managed Queue Connection.
QueueConnection - Interface in progress.message.jclient
An implementation of javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory
QueueConnectionFactory - Interface in javax.jms
A client uses a QueueConnectionFactory object to create QueueConnection objects with a point-to-point JMS provider.
QueueConnectionFactory - Class in
Title: SonicMQ Adaptive Pacing (Managed Client Queue Connection Factory) Description: An implementation of a Managed JMS QueueConnectionFactory.
QueueConnectionFactory() - Constructor for class
QueueConnectionFactory(String) - Constructor for class
QueueConnectionFactory(String, int, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
QueueConnectionFactory(String, int, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
QueueConnectionFactory(String, String) - Constructor for class
QueueConnectionFactory(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
QueueConnectionFactory(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
QueueConnectionFactory - Class in progress.message.jclient
An implementation of a JMS QueueConnectionFactory.
QueueConnectionFactory() - Constructor for class progress.message.jclient.QueueConnectionFactory
Construct a QueueConnectionFactory with the default URL
QueueConnectionFactory(String) - Constructor for class progress.message.jclient.QueueConnectionFactory
Construct a QueueConnectionFactory (with a default connectID, user and password of "").
QueueConnectionFactory(String, String) - Constructor for class progress.message.jclient.QueueConnectionFactory
Construct a QueueConnectionFactory (with a default user and password of "").
QueueConnectionFactory(String, String, String) - Constructor for class progress.message.jclient.QueueConnectionFactory
Construct a QueueConnectionFactory (with a default connectID of null).
QueueConnectionFactory(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class progress.message.jclient.QueueConnectionFactory
Construct a QueueConnectionFactory.
QueueConnectionFactory(String, int, String, String, String) - Constructor for class progress.message.jclient.QueueConnectionFactory
Construct a QueueConnectionFactory (with a default connectID of null).
QueueConnectionFactory(String, int, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class progress.message.jclient.QueueConnectionFactory
Construct a QueueConnectionFactory.
QueueReceiver - Interface in javax.jms
A client uses a QueueReceiver object to receive messages that have been delivered to a queue.
QueueReceiver - Interface in
Title: SonicMQ Adaptive Pacing (Managed Client Queue Receiver) Description: This is a Queue Receiver implementation of Managed Client that supports Adaptive Pacing.
QueueReceiver - Interface in progress.message.jclient
A client uses a QueueReceiver for receiving messages that have been delivered to a queue.
QueueRequestor - Class in javax.jms
The QueueRequestor helper class simplifies making service requests.
QueueRequestor(QueueSession, Queue) - Constructor for class javax.jms.QueueRequestor
Constructor for the QueueRequestor class.
QueueSender - Interface in javax.jms
A client uses a QueueSender object to send messages to a queue.
QueueSender - Interface in
Title: SonicMQ Adaptive Pacing (Managed Client Queue Sender) Description: This is a Queue Sender implementation of Managed Client that supports Adaptive Pacing.
QueueSession - Interface in javax.jms
A QueueSession object provides methods for creating QueueReceiver, QueueSender, QueueBrowser, and TemporaryQueue objects.
QueueSession - Interface in
Title: SonicMQ Adaptive Pacing (Managed Client Queue Session) Description: A Managed Client Queue Session allows users to take advantage of extended client features at the session level.
QueueSession - Interface in progress.message.jclient
A QueueSession provides methods for creating QueueReceiver's, QueueSender's, QueueBrowser's and TemporaryQueues.


RANDOMIZE_BROKERS - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
READAHEAD_WINDOW_SIZE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class
Property name used to specify "read ahead" window of stream controllers.
Default "read ahead" window size (in KB).
readBoolean() - Method in interface javax.jms.BytesMessage
Reads a boolean from the bytes message stream.
readBoolean() - Method in interface javax.jms.StreamMessage
Reads a boolean from the stream message.
readByte() - Method in interface javax.jms.BytesMessage
Reads a signed 8-bit value from the bytes message stream.
readByte() - Method in interface javax.jms.StreamMessage
Reads a byte value from the stream message.
readBytes(byte[]) - Method in interface javax.jms.BytesMessage
Reads a byte array from the bytes message stream.
readBytes(byte[], int) - Method in interface javax.jms.BytesMessage
Reads a portion of the bytes message stream.
readBytes(byte[]) - Method in interface javax.jms.StreamMessage
Reads a byte array field from the stream message into the specified byte[] object (the read buffer).
readChar() - Method in interface javax.jms.BytesMessage
Reads a Unicode character value from the bytes message stream.
readChar() - Method in interface javax.jms.StreamMessage
Reads a Unicode character value from the stream message.
readDouble() - Method in interface javax.jms.BytesMessage
Reads a double from the bytes message stream.
readDouble() - Method in interface javax.jms.StreamMessage
Reads a double from the stream message.
readFloat() - Method in interface javax.jms.BytesMessage
Reads a float from the bytes message stream.
readFloat() - Method in interface javax.jms.StreamMessage
Reads a float from the stream message.
readInt() - Method in interface javax.jms.BytesMessage
Reads a signed 32-bit integer from the bytes message stream.
readInt() - Method in interface javax.jms.StreamMessage
Reads a 32-bit integer from the stream message.
readLong() - Method in interface javax.jms.BytesMessage
Reads a signed 64-bit integer from the bytes message stream.
readLong() - Method in interface javax.jms.StreamMessage
Reads a 64-bit integer from the stream message.
readObject() - Method in interface javax.jms.StreamMessage
Reads an object from the stream message.
readShort() - Method in interface javax.jms.BytesMessage
Reads a signed 16-bit number from the bytes message stream.
readShort() - Method in interface javax.jms.StreamMessage
Reads a 16-bit integer from the stream message.
readString() - Method in interface javax.jms.StreamMessage
Reads a String from the stream message.
readUnsignedByte() - Method in interface javax.jms.BytesMessage
Reads an unsigned 8-bit number from the bytes message stream.
readUnsignedShort() - Method in interface javax.jms.BytesMessage
Reads an unsigned 16-bit number from the bytes message stream.
readUTF() - Method in interface javax.jms.BytesMessage
Reads a string that has been encoded using a modified UTF-8 format from the bytes message stream.
receive() - Method in interface javax.jms.MessageConsumer
Receives the next message produced for this message consumer.
receive(long) - Method in interface javax.jms.MessageConsumer
Receives the next message that arrives within the specified timeout interval.
receiveNoWait() - Method in interface javax.jms.MessageConsumer
Receives the next message if one is immediately available.
RECONNECT_INTERVAL - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
RECONNECT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
RECONNECTING - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
Connection state for a reconnecting fault-tolerant JMS connection.
recover() - Method in interface javax.jms.Session
Stops message delivery in this session, and restarts message delivery with the oldest unacknowledged message.
RecoverableFileChannel - Interface in
This is an implementation of Channel that is used to transfer a file between clients.
RecoverableFileChannelFactory - Class in
This class is used to create RecoverableFileChannel instances.
RecoverableFileChannelFactory() - Constructor for class
registerExceptionListener(SonicStreamExceptionListener) - Method in interface
Registers a listener that will receive notification of asynchronous errors.
registerExceptionListener(SonicStreamExceptionListener) - Method in interface
Registers a listener that will receive notification of asynchronous exceptions.
registerNotificationListener(SonicStreamListener) - Method in interface
Registers a listener that will receive notifications from receivers.
RejectionListener - Interface in progress.message.jclient
A RejectionListener is used to report errors for message delivered to the broker asynchronously.
releaseStream(SonicStream) - Method in interface
Closes the specified SonicStream instance and releases its associated resources.
releaseStream(SonicStream) - Method in interface
Closes the given SonicStream instance and releases its associated resources.
remove(Destination) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.MultiDestination
If there is an equivalent component Destination in this MultiDestination it will be removed.
removeAllHeaders() - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Header
Removes all the header fields except 'Content-Type' and 'Content-ID' - these two are left untouched.
removeHeaderField(String) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Header
Removes the header from the part.
removePart(int) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.MultipartMessage
Removes a Part from the Multipart.
removePart(String) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.MultipartMessage
Removes a Part from the Multipart.
request(Message) - Method in class javax.jms.QueueRequestor
Sends a request and waits for a reply.
request(Message) - Method in class javax.jms.TopicRequestor
Sends a request and waits for a reply.
REQUEST_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
JMS message header int property for HTTP Direct Outbound.
reset() - Method in interface javax.jms.BytesMessage
Puts the message body in read-only mode and repositions the stream of bytes to the beginning.
reset() - Method in interface javax.jms.StreamMessage
Puts the message body in read-only mode and repositions the stream to the beginning.
ResourceAllocationException - Exception in javax.jms
This exception is thrown when a provider is unable to allocate the resources required by a method.
ResourceAllocationException(String, String) - Constructor for exception javax.jms.ResourceAllocationException
Constructs a ResourceAllocationException with the specified reason and error code.
ResourceAllocationException(String) - Constructor for exception javax.jms.ResourceAllocationException
Constructs a ResourceAllocationException with the specified reason.
RETHROW_CC_RUNTIME_EXCEPTIONS_DEFAULT - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
RETHROW_CC_RUNTIME_EXCEPTIONS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
RETRIES - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
JMS message header int property for HTTP Direct Outbound.
RETRY_INTERVAL - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
JMS message header int property for HTTP Direct Outbound.
RFC_CANCELLED - Static variable in interface
The File transfer has been cancelled.
RFC_CLOSED - Static variable in interface
The File transfer has been closed.
RFC_DISCONNECT - Static variable in interface
The broker QueueConnection being used to transfer the file has disconnected.
RFC_LOCAL_ERROR - Static variable in interface
There has been an error at the local client during the transfer.
RFC_PRE_CONNECT_ATTEMPT - Static variable in interface
The File channel has been restored, but continueTransfer() has not yet been called.
RFC_REMOTE_ERROR - Static variable in interface
There has been an error at the remote client during the transfer.
RFC_RETRY_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface
The File transfer is currently timed out.
RFC_TRANSFER_COMPLETE - Static variable in interface
The File transfer has completed.
RFC_TRANSFERRING - Static variable in interface
The File is currently transferring.
RFC_WAITING_CONNECT - Static variable in interface
The File transfer is waiting for a connect with the remote client.
rollback() - Method in interface javax.jms.Session
Rolls back any messages done in this transaction and releases any locks currently held.
rollback() - Method in interface javax.jms.XASession
Throws a TransactionInProgressException, since it should not be called for an XASession object.
run() - Method in interface javax.jms.Session
Optional operation, intended to be used only by Application Servers, not by ordinary JMS clients.


save(File) - Method in interface
Save the file associated with this channel to the given File reference.
SEGMENT_SIZE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class
Property name used to specify size of segments used to transfer stream data.
SEGMENT_SIZE_PROPERTY_DEFAULT - Static variable in class
Default segment size value.
SEGMENT_TIMEOUT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class
Property name used to specify value of time period that stream controller instances will wait for a given segment of stream data.
Default segment timeout value (in seconds).
SELECTOR_AT_BROKER - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
Used at the connection factory to put information in the env regarding message selector logic being at the Server (broker) or the Client side
send(Message) - Method in interface javax.jms.MessageProducer
Sends a message using the MessageProducer's default delivery mode, priority, and time to live.
send(Message, int, int, long) - Method in interface javax.jms.MessageProducer
Sends a message to the destination, specifying delivery mode, priority, and time to live.
send(Destination, Message) - Method in interface javax.jms.MessageProducer
Sends a message to a destination for an unidentified message producer.
send(Destination, Message, int, int, long) - Method in interface javax.jms.MessageProducer
Sends a message to a destination for an unidentified message producer, specifying delivery mode, priority and time to live.
send(Message) - Method in interface javax.jms.QueueSender
Sends a message to the queue.
send(Message, int, int, long) - Method in interface javax.jms.QueueSender
Sends a message to the queue, specifying delivery mode, priority, and time to live.
send(Queue, Message) - Method in interface javax.jms.QueueSender
Sends a message to a queue for an unidentified message producer.
send(Queue, Message, int, int, long) - Method in interface javax.jms.QueueSender
Sends a message to a queue for an unidentified message producer, specifying delivery mode, priority and time to live.
SENDER_ID_PROPERTY - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
Name of JMS message property that holds the message sender ID
sendNotification(SonicStream, Message) - Method in interface
Sends a notification to the sender.
sendNotification(Message) - Method in interface
Sends a notification to the sender.
ServerSession - Interface in javax.jms
A ServerSession object is an application server object that is used by a server to associate a thread with a JMS session (optional).
ServerSessionPool - Interface in javax.jms
A ServerSessionPool object is an object implemented by an application server to provide a pool of ServerSession objects for processing the messages of a ConnectionConsumer (optional).
Session - Interface in javax.jms
A Session object is a single-threaded context for producing and consuming messages.
Session - Interface in
Title: SonicMQ Adaptive Pacing (Managed Client Session) Description: This is an implementaiton of a Managed Client Session.
Session - Interface in progress.message.jclient
An Implementation of a JMS Session.
SESSION_TRANSACTED - Static variable in interface javax.jms.Session
This value is returned from the method getAcknowledgeMode if the session is transacted.
setAckBatchingEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Session
Specifies whether the batching of acknowledgments will be permitted in the session.
setAdaptivePacing(boolean) - Method in interface
setAdaptivePacing(Boolean) - Method in class
Enable Adaptive Pacing as default on Connections created by this factory.
setAdaptivePacingBatchSize(int) - Method in interface
setAdaptivePacingBatchSize(Integer) - Method in class
Set the Adaptive Pacing message Batch Size.
setAdaptivePacingBatchSize(int) - Method in interface
Sets the size of the Adaptive Pacing Batch for both Producers and Consumers.
setAdaptivePacingTimer(int) - Method in interface
setAdaptivePacingTimer(Integer) - Method in class
Set the Adaptive Pacing Timer interval in milliseconds.
setAdaptivePacingTimer(int) - Method in interface
Sets the interval of Timer for Adaptive Pacing Sessions for both Producers and Consumers.
setApplet(Applet) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
setApplet(Applet) - Method in class
setApplicationName(String) - Method in class
Sets value for APPLICATION_NAME_PROPERTY property.
setAsynchronousDeliveryMode(Integer) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Sets whether or not messages sent by MessageProducers on a connection's producers should be sent to the broker synchronously or asynchronously.
setBlockSize(int) - Method in interface
Sets the block size Upon receipt of a file, information is read from the network into an internal buffer, then onto disk.
setBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in interface javax.jms.MapMessage
Sets a boolean value with the specified name into the Map.
setBooleanProperty(String, boolean) - Method in interface javax.jms.Message
Sets a boolean property value with the specified name into the message.
setBrokerHostName(String) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
setBrokerHostName(String) - Method in class
setBrokerPort(int) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
setBrokerPort(int) - Method in class
setBrokerProtocol(String) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
setBrokerProtocol(String) - Method in class
setBrokerURL(String) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
setBrokerURL(String) - Method in class
setByte(String, byte) - Method in interface javax.jms.MapMessage
Sets a byte value with the specified name into the Map.
setByteProperty(String, byte) - Method in interface javax.jms.Message
Sets a byte property value with the specified name into the message.
setBytes(String, byte[]) - Method in interface javax.jms.MapMessage
Sets a byte array value with the specified name into the Map.
setBytes(String, byte[], int, int) - Method in interface javax.jms.MapMessage
Sets a portion of the byte array value with the specified name into the Map.
setChannel(Channel) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Message
Add the given channel to the message.
setChannel(Message) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Message
Add the channel associated with the given message to this channel.
setChannelListener(ChannelListener) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Channel
Set a channel listener on the channel.
setChar(String, char) - Method in interface javax.jms.MapMessage
Sets a Unicode character value with the specified name into the Map.
setClientID(String) - Method in interface javax.jms.Connection
Sets the client identifier for this connection.
setClientID(String) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
setClientID(String) - Method in class
setClientTransactionBufferSize(Long) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Set client transaction buffer size.
setClientTransactionBufferSize(Long) - Method in class
setCompressionFactory(String) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Set the class name of the compression factory.
setConnectID(String) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
setConnectID(String) - Method in class
setConnectionStateChangeListener(ConnectionStateChangeListener) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Connection
Set connection state change listener.
setConnectionURLs(String) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Configures a list of brokers to try when creating a connection.
setConnectionURLs(String) - Method in class
setContent(Object, String) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Part
A convenience method for setting this part's content.
setContent(byte[]) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Part
A convenience method for setting this part's content.
setContentId(String) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Header
Sets the Content-ID header field.
setContentType(String) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Header
Sets the Content-Type header field.
setDataHandler(DataHandler) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Part
This method provides the mechanism to set this part's content.
setDebugFlags(int) - Method in class
Sets debug level for an application.
setDefaultPassword(String) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
setDefaultPassword(String) - Method in class
setDefaultTxnBatchSize(int) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Sets the default batch size of all sessions, created via connections created from this ConnectionFactory.
setDefaultTxnBatchSize(int) - Method in class
setDefaultTxnBatchSizeInteger(Integer) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Sets the default batch size of all sessions, created via connections created from this ConnectionFactory.
setDefaultTxnBatchSizeInteger(Integer) - Method in class
setDefaultUser(String) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
setDefaultUser(String) - Method in class
setDeferredAck(boolean) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.xa.XASession
True to set the deferred acknowledge.
setDeliveryCloseTimeout(Long) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
The amount of time in milliseconds to wait on a per Session basis for unsent messages to be sent to the broker when a Session is closed.
setDeliveryDoubtWindow(Integer) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Sets the limit on the number of unacknowledged messages per Session when asynchronous message delivery is enabled.
setDeliveryMode(int) - Method in class
Sets the delivery mode for Sonic stream controller instances created via the factory instance.
setDeliveryMode(int) - Method in interface javax.jms.MessageProducer
Sets the producer's default delivery mode.
setDES(Key) - Method in interface
Set the RecoverableFileChannel as DES secure.
setDESede(Key) - Method in interface
Set the RecoverableFileChannel as Triple DES secure.
setDestinationProperty(String, Destination) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Message
Set a javax.jms.Destination property value with the specified name into the Message.
setDisableMessageID(boolean) - Method in interface javax.jms.MessageProducer
Sets whether message IDs are disabled.
setDisableMessageTimestamp(boolean) - Method in interface javax.jms.MessageProducer
Sets whether message timestamps are disabled.
setDocument(Document) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.XMLMessage
This method accept an org.w3c.dom.Document and stores it as the internal document for this message.
setDocumentBuilderFactory(String) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.XMLMessage
Sets the class name for the implementation of JAXP1.1 DocumentBuilderFactory interface.
setDouble(String, double) - Method in interface javax.jms.MapMessage
Sets a double value with the specified name into the Map.
setDoubleProperty(String, double) - Method in interface javax.jms.Message
Sets a double property value with the specified name into the message.
setDurableMessageOrder(Boolean) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Enable or disable preservation of message order for reconnecting durable subscribers.
setDurableMessageOrder(Boolean) - Method in class
setDurableMessageOrder(boolean) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Session
Enable or disable preservation of message order for reconnecting durable subscribers.
setEnableActionalInstrumentation(boolean) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Set to indicate if the LG instrumentation is enabled locally.
setEnableActionalInstrumentationBoolean(Boolean) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Set to indicate if the LG instrumentation is enabled locally.
setEnableCompression(boolean) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Specifies whether compression should be requested for connections created from this factory.
setEnableCompressionBoolean(Boolean) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Specifies whether compression should be requested for connections created from this factory.
setEnableLocalStore(boolean) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Enable the LocalStore feature(persistent client feature).Enabling the persistent client provides a way for a client application to continue sending messages despite losing connection with the broker.
setEnableLocalStore(boolean) - Method in class
setEnableLocalStoreBoolean(Boolean) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Enable the LocalStore feature(persistent client feature).Enabling the persistent client provides a way for a client application to continue sending messages despite losing connection with the broker.
setEnableLocalStoreBoolean(Boolean) - Method in class
setExceptionListener(ExceptionListener) - Method in interface javax.jms.Connection
Sets an exception listener for this connection.
setFaultTolerant(Boolean) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Enable or disable fault tolerant connection creation.
setFaultTolerant(Boolean) - Method in class
setFaultTolerantReconnectTimeout(Integer) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Set fault tolerance reconnect timeout.
setFaultTolerantReconnectTimeout(Integer) - Method in class
setFloat(String, float) - Method in interface javax.jms.MapMessage
Sets a float value with the specified name into the Map.
setFloatProperty(String, float) - Method in interface javax.jms.Message
Sets a float property value with the specified name into the message.
setFlowControlDisabled(boolean) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Session
Disables or reenables publish flow control.
setFlowToDisk(Integer) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Enable or disable Flow-To-Disk Publishing.
setFlowToDisk(Integer) - Method in class
setFlowToDisk(int) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Session
Enable or disable Flow-To-Disk Publishing.
setFragmentSize(int) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Channel
Set the fragment size for the transfer.
setHeaderField(String, String) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Header
Sets a header field (name/value pair).
setInitialConnectTimeout(Integer) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Set initial connect timeout for a fault-tolerant connection.
setInitialConnectTimeout(Integer) - Method in class
setInitialRcvBufferSize(Integer) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Sets the initial size of the buffer (in bytes) used when reading message traffic from the network transport.
setInitialSendBufferSize(Integer) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Sets the initial size of the buffer (in bytes) used to buffer message traffic prior to writing to the network transport.
setInt(String, int) - Method in interface javax.jms.MapMessage
Sets an int value with the specified name into the Map.
setIntProperty(String, int) - Method in interface javax.jms.Message
Sets an int property value with the specified name into the message.
setJMSCorrelationID(String) - Method in interface javax.jms.Message
Sets the correlation ID for the message.
setJMSCorrelationIDAsBytes(byte[]) - Method in interface javax.jms.Message
Sets the correlation ID as an array of bytes for the message.
setJMSDeliveryMode(int) - Method in interface javax.jms.Message
Sets the DeliveryMode value for this message.
setJMSDestination(Destination) - Method in interface javax.jms.Message
Sets the Destination object for this message.
setJMSExpiration(long) - Method in interface javax.jms.Message
Sets the message's expiration value.
setJMSMessageID(String) - Method in interface javax.jms.Message
Sets the message ID.
setJMSPriority(int) - Method in interface javax.jms.Message
Sets the priority level for this message.
setJMSRedelivered(boolean) - Method in interface javax.jms.Message
Specifies whether this message is being redelivered.
setJMSReplyTo(Destination) - Method in interface javax.jms.Message
Sets the Destination object to which a reply to this message should be sent.
setJMSTimestamp(long) - Method in interface javax.jms.Message
Sets the message timestamp.
setJMSType(String) - Method in interface javax.jms.Message
Sets the message type.
setLGDownStreamNodeType(int) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
setLinkedException(Exception) - Method in exception
Links an Exception instance to a SonicStreamException instance.
setLinkedException(Exception) - Method in exception javax.jms.JMSException
Adds a linked Exception.
setLoadBalancing(boolean) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Enable or disable client-side load balancing.
setLoadBalancing(boolean) - Method in class
setLoadBalancingBoolean(Boolean) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Enable or disable client-side load balancing.
setLoadBalancingBoolean(Boolean) - Method in class
setLoadBalancingClientData(String) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
This can be set to provide additional information to assist the broker side load balancer when making load balancing decisions.
setLocalStoreDirectory(String) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Sets the name of the directory where the local storage for the persistent client connection will be located.
setLocalStoreDirectory(String) - Method in class
setLocalStoreSize(long) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Sets limit on how many messages can be stored locally on the persistent client while operating disconnected(offline).
setLocalStoreSize(long) - Method in class
setLocalStoreSizeLong(Long) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Sets limit on how many messages can be stored locally on the persistent client while operating disconnected(offline).
setLocalStoreSizeLong(Long) - Method in class
setLocalStoreWaitTime(Integer) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Sets the limit (in seconds) on how long a sender send call waits before the message is written to the local store.
setLocalStoreWaitTime(Integer) - Method in class
setLoginSPI(String) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Used to set the class name that implements ILogin interface.
setLoginSPI(String) - Method in class
setLong(String, long) - Method in interface javax.jms.MapMessage
Sets a long value with the specified name into the Map.
setLongProperty(String, long) - Method in interface javax.jms.Message
Sets a long property value with the specified name into the message.
setMaxDeliveryCount(Integer) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Sets the maximum number of times delivery of a message to a consumer should be attempted.
setMaxDeliveryCount(Integer) - Method in class
setMaxRcvBufferSize(Integer) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Sets the maximum size of the buffer (in bytes) used when reading message traffic from the network transport.
setMaxSendBufferSize(Integer) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Sets the maximum size of the buffer (in bytes) used to buffer message traffic prior to writing to the network transport.
setMessageListener(MessageListener) - Method in interface javax.jms.MessageConsumer
Sets the message consumer's MessageListener.
setMessageListener(MessageListener) - Method in interface javax.jms.Session
Sets the session's distinguished message listener (optional).
setMinimizeSubscriberTraffic(boolean) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Set to minimizethe traffic for TopicSubscriber and DurableSubscriber.
setMinimizeSubscriberTrafficBoolean(Boolean) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Set to minimizethe traffic for TopicSubscriber and DurableSubscriber.
setMinRcvBufferSize(Integer) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Sets the minimum size of the buffer (in bytes) used when reading message traffic from the network transport.
setMinSendBufferSize(Integer) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Sets the minimum size of the buffer (in bytes) used to buffer message traffic prior to writing to the network transport.
setMonitorInterval(Integer) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Set the administrative flow control monitoring interval.
setMonitorInterval(Integer) - Method in class
setName(String) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.Queue
setName(String) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.Topic
setNamespaceAware(boolean) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.XMLMessage
Set whether or not the underlying javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory used to generate org.w3c.dom.Document returned by XMLMessage.getDocument() is namespace aware.
setNewBrokerURL(String) - Method in interface
This should be set by an ILoadBalancer implementation to the the new to which to redirect a client connection.
setNotificationTopic(String) - Method in class
Sets name of topic to which all notification messages will be sent/received by stream controllers created via the factory instance.
setObject(String, Object) - Method in interface javax.jms.MapMessage
Sets an object value with the specified name into the Map.
setObject(Serializable) - Method in interface javax.jms.ObjectMessage
Sets the serializable object containing this message's data.
setObjectProperty(String, Object) - Method in interface javax.jms.Message
Sets a Java object property value with the specified name into the message.
setPassword(String) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.xa.XAConnectionFactory
Set password.
setPassword(String) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.xa.XAQueueConnectionFactory
Set password.
setPassword(String) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.xa.XATopicConnectionFactory
Set password.
setPersistentDelivery(boolean) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Enable or disable persistent delivery.
setPersistentDelivery(boolean) - Method in class
setPersistentDeliveryBoolean(Boolean) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Enable or disable persistent delivery.
setPersistentDeliveryBoolean(Boolean) - Method in class
setPingInterval(long) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Connection
Enable/disable sending active pings on this connection.
setPingInterval(long) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Enable/disable sending active pings on a connection.
setPingInterval(long) - Method in class
setPingIntervalLong(Long) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Enable/disable sending active pings on a connection.
setPingIntervalLong(Long) - Method in class
setPrefetchCount(int) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Set the prefetch count for the QueueReceiver.
setPrefetchCount(int) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.MessageConsumer
Set the prefetch count for the QueueReceiver.
setPrefetchCount(int) - Method in class
setPrefetchCount(int) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.QueueBrowser
Set the prefetch count for the QueueBrowser.
setPrefetchCountInteger(Integer) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Set the prefetch count for the QueueReceiver.
setPrefetchCountInteger(Integer) - Method in class
setPrefetchThreshold(int) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Set the default prefetch threshold for the QueueReceivers.
setPrefetchThreshold(int) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.MessageConsumer
Set the prefetch threshold for the QueueReceiver.
setPrefetchThreshold(int) - Method in class
setPrefetchThreshold(int) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.QueueBrowser
Set the prefetch threshold for the QueueBrowser.
setPrefetchThresholdInteger(Integer) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Set the default prefetch threshold for the QueueReceiver.
setPrefetchThresholdInteger(Integer) - Method in class
setPriority(int) - Method in interface javax.jms.MessageProducer
Sets the producer's default priority.
setQopCacheSize(Integer) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Sets the number of destination<->QOP entries that are retained for Sessions that are derived from this factory.
setQopCacheSize(Integer) - Method in class
setQueueName(String) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.Queue
Set the queue name.
setReadaheadWindowSize(int) - Method in class
Sets the size (in KB) of the buffer used for buffering messages that have been received by the streams runtime but not yet read by the application.
setReconnectInterval(int) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Applicable to persistent client connections only.
setReconnectInterval(int) - Method in class
setReconnectIntervalInteger(Integer) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Applicable to persistent client connections only.
setReconnectIntervalInteger(Integer) - Method in class
setReconnectTimeout(int) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Applicable to persistent client connections only.
setReconnectTimeout(int) - Method in class
setReconnectTimeoutInteger(Integer) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Applicable to persistent client connections only.
setReconnectTimeoutInteger(Integer) - Method in class
setRejectionListener(RejectionListener) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Connection
Sets a listener to receive errors on messages rejected by the Broker when persistence is enabled and messages are sent asynchronously from the persistent store.
setRequireActionalJMSNode(boolean) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Set to indicate if the JMS node should be reported by the LG upstream node, i.e., the broker.
setRequireActionalJMSNodeBoolean(Boolean) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Set to indicate if the JMS node should be reported by the LG upstream node, i.e., the broker.
setRethrowCCRuntimeExceptions(Boolean) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Sets the value for determining whether to rethrow RuntimeExceptions encountered by a ConnectionConsumer's onMesssage().
setRetryCount(int) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Channel
Set the retry count.
setRetryInterval(long) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Channel
Set retry interval.
setSAXParserFactory(String) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.XMLMessage
Sets the class name for the implementation of JAXP1.1 SAXParserFactory interface.
setSegmentSize(int) - Method in class
Sets the value for SEGMENT_SIZE_PROPERTY.
setSegmentTimeout(int) - Method in class
Sets the segment timeout value.
setSelectorAtBroker(Boolean) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
If set to true, the message selector logic is performed at the JMS server (broker).
setSelectorAtBroker(Boolean) - Method in class
setSequential(boolean) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Specifies whether to start with the first broker in the list or a random element.
setSequential(boolean) - Method in class
setSequentialBoolean(Boolean) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Specifies whether to start with the first broker in the list or a random element.
setSequentialBoolean(Boolean) - Method in class
setShort(String, short) - Method in interface javax.jms.MapMessage
Sets a short value with the specified name into the Map.
setShortProperty(String, short) - Method in interface javax.jms.Message
Sets a short property value with the specified name into the message.
setSocketConnectTimeout(Integer) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Sets a timeout on individual socket connect attempts when establishing a socket connection to the broker.
setSocketConnectTimeout(Integer) - Method in class
setSplitMultiTopicDelivery(Boolean) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
Sets the default value for splitting MultiTopic message delivery.
setSplitMultiTopicDelivery(Boolean) - Method in class
setSplitMultiTopicDelivery(boolean) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Session
Sets whether messages with a MultiTopic destination should be delivered as a single message or split apart and delivered as a copy of the message on each topic in the MultiTopic.
setStreamTopic(String) - Method in class
setString(String, String) - Method in interface javax.jms.MapMessage
Sets a String value with the specified name into the Map.
setStringProperty(String, String) - Method in interface javax.jms.Message
Sets a String property value with the specified name into the message.
setText(String) - Method in interface javax.jms.TextMessage
Sets the string containing this message's data.
setTimeout(long) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Channel
Set the timeout time of this channel.
setTimeToLive(long) - Method in interface javax.jms.MessageProducer
Sets the default length of time in milliseconds from its dispatch time that a produced message should be retained by the message system.
setTopicName(String) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.Topic
Set the topic name.
setTxnBatchSize(int) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Session
Specifies the amount of information to be batched on the client.
setUserName(String) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.xa.XAConnectionFactory
Set user name.
setUserName(String) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.xa.XAQueueConnectionFactory
Set user name.
setUserName(String) - Method in class progress.message.jclient.xa.XATopicConnectionFactory
Set user name.
setUUID(String, int) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Channel
Set the duplicate detection universal unique id.
setWindowSize(int) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Channel
Set the window size for the transfer.
shutdown() - Method in interface
Called on broker shutdown to allow the load balancing implementation to give the load balancer a change to cleanup any resources it is holding.
SINGLE_MESSAGE_ACKNOWLEDGE - Static variable in interface progress.message.jclient.Session
If a session is created with the non-JMS SINGLE_MESSAGE_ACKNOWLEDGE mode, the acknowledge() method only acknowledges the message on which it is called.
SOCKET_CONNECT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
SOCKET_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
SonicInputStreamController - Interface in
A SonicInputSteamController object is used to create instances of SonicStream objects, and to receive data via those stream instances.
SonicOutputStreamController - Interface in
A sonicOutputStreamController object is used to create instances of SonicStream objects, and to receive data via those stream instances.
SonicStream - Interface in
A SonicStream represents data sent over JMS that can be read or written using or api.
SonicStreamConstants - Class in
Defines properties, notification constants, and error codes used by the SonicStreams api.
SonicStreamConstants() - Constructor for class
SonicStreamException - Exception in
The exception thrown by methods in the SonicStreams api.
SonicStreamException(String, int) - Constructor for exception
SonicStreamExceptionListener - Interface in
Informs the application of asynchronous exceptions.
SonicStreamFactory - Class in
Instantiates Stream Controllers for input and output streams.
SonicStreamFactory() - Constructor for class
Construct a ConnectionFactory with default properties.
SonicStreamFactory(String, String) - Constructor for class
Construct a ConnectionFactory.
SonicStreamFactory(String) - Constructor for class
Construct a ConnectionFactory.
SonicStreamListener - Interface in
Informs the application that a notification from a receiver has arrived.
SPLIT_MULTITOPIC_DELIVERY_DEFAULT - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
SPLIT_MULTITOPIC_DELIVERY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
SSL - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
start() - Method in interface javax.jms.Connection
Starts (or restarts) a connection's delivery of incoming messages.
start() - Method in interface javax.jms.ServerSession
Cause the Session's run method to be called to process messages that were just assigned to it.
stop() - Method in interface javax.jms.Connection
Temporarily stops a connection's delivery of incoming messages.
STR_ID - Static variable in class
Property name of stream identifier (String property).
STR_NOTIFY_TYPE - Static variable in class
Property name of notification type, for notification messages (Integer property).
STR_RECEIVER_ERRORCODE - Static variable in class
Property name of error code, for notification messages (Integer property).
STR_RECEIVER_ERRORMSG - Static variable in class
Property name of error message textual description sent by receiver (String property).
STR_RECEIVER_NAME - Static variable in class
Property name of the receiver [that generated notification message] name (String property).
STR_STATUS - Static variable in interface
Maps a stream status code into a String value
STR_STATUS_CREATED - Static variable in interface
Status code indicating that stream has been created.
STR_STATUS_ERROR - Static variable in interface
Status code indicating that current stream has encountered an error.
STR_STATUS_TRANSFER_COMPLETE - Static variable in interface
Status code indicating that current stream has completed the transfer process.
STR_STATUS_TRANSFERRING - Static variable in interface
Status code indicating that stream is currently transferring data.
STR_STATUS_UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface
Status code indicating that current stream state is unknown/undefined.
STREAM_ERRORS - Static variable in class
Maps a numeric error code to a String.
Property name used to define Topic to which stream notification messages will be sent/received
STREAM_TOPIC_PROPERTY - Static variable in class
Property name used to define Topic to which stream messages will be sent/received.
StreamMessage - Interface in javax.jms
A StreamMessage object is used to send a stream of primitive types in the Java programming language.
StreamMessage - Interface in progress.message.jclient
StreamStatus - Interface in
Provides information about the status of a stream.
STRERROR_CONNECTION_LOST - Static variable in class
Error code returned when a SonicInputStreamController has been closed or when a JMS connection drop has been detected.
STRERROR_DUPLICATE_STREAMID - Static variable in class
Error code returned by the receiver when a segment arrives with a stream identifier that corresponds to a stream whose segments have already been fully received.
STRERROR_ERROR - Static variable in class
Error code returned when an a missing property or object (such as a JMS Connection) is detected.
STRERROR_INCOMPLETE_STREAM - Static variable in class
Error code returned by the receiver when the start of another stream with the same stream identifier is detected.
STRERROR_INTERRUPTED - Static variable in class
Error code returned when a thread is interrupted while performing a stream-related operation, e.g. waiting for stream segments to arrive.
STRERROR_JMS_EXCEPTION - Static variable in class
Error code returned when a JMS exception has been thrown.
STRERROR_NO_INITCONTENT - Static variable in class
Error code returned when a segment has been received for a stream that may have been closed or for which a header segment was not received.
STRERROR_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class
Error code returned when a read call has waited for longer than the configured timeout for a segment to arrive.
STRERROR_USAGE - Static variable in class
Constant that indicates an error on the part of the user (e.g. improper configuration, failure to close an active output stream before creating a new output stream, etc.)


TCP - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory
TemporaryQueue - Interface in javax.jms
A TemporaryQueue object is a unique Queue object created for the duration of a Connection.
TemporaryTopic - Interface in javax.jms
A TemporaryTopic object is a unique Topic object created for the duration of a Connection.
testException(JMSException, int) - Static method in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
Tests the error code associated with a JMSException against an integer value associated with a Progress SonicMQ ErrorCode.
TextMessage - Interface in javax.jms
A TextMessage object is used to send a message containing a java.lang.String.
TextMessage - Interface in progress.message.jclient
Topic - Interface in javax.jms
A Topic object encapsulates a provider-specific topic name.
Topic - Class in progress.message.jclient
A Topic object encapsulates a provider-specific topic name.
Topic(String) - Constructor for class progress.message.jclient.Topic
Construct a Topic.
Topic() - Constructor for class progress.message.jclient.Topic
Contruct a Topic.
TopicConnection - Interface in javax.jms
A TopicConnection object is an active connection to a publish/subscribe JMS provider.
TopicConnection - Interface in
Title: SonicMQ Adaptive Pacing (Managed Client Topic Connection) Description: Managed Topic Connection.
TopicConnection - Interface in progress.message.jclient
An implementation of javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory
TopicConnectionFactory - Interface in javax.jms
A client uses a TopicConnectionFactory object to create TopicConnection objects with a publish/subscribe JMS provider.
TopicConnectionFactory - Class in
Title: SonicMQ Adaptive Pacing (Managed Client Topic Connection Factory) Description: An implementation of a Managed JMS TopicConnectionFactory.
TopicConnectionFactory() - Constructor for class
TopicConnectionFactory(String) - Constructor for class
TopicConnectionFactory(String, int, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
TopicConnectionFactory(String, int, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
TopicConnectionFactory(String, String) - Constructor for class
TopicConnectionFactory(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
TopicConnectionFactory(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
TopicConnectionFactory - Class in progress.message.jclient
An implementation of a JMS TopicConnectionFactory.
TopicConnectionFactory() - Constructor for class progress.message.jclient.TopicConnectionFactory
Construct a TopicConnectionFactory with the default URL
TopicConnectionFactory(String) - Constructor for class progress.message.jclient.TopicConnectionFactory
Construct a TopicConnectionFactory (with a default connectID, user and password of "").
TopicConnectionFactory(String, String) - Constructor for class progress.message.jclient.TopicConnectionFactory
Construct a TopicConnectionFactory (with a default user and password of "").
TopicConnectionFactory(String, String, String) - Constructor for class progress.message.jclient.TopicConnectionFactory
Construct a TopicConnectionFactory (with a default connectID of null).
TopicConnectionFactory(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class progress.message.jclient.TopicConnectionFactory
Construct a TopicConnectionFactory.
TopicConnectionFactory(String, int, String, String, String) - Constructor for class progress.message.jclient.TopicConnectionFactory
Construct a TopicConnectionFactory (with a default connectID of "").
TopicConnectionFactory(String, int, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class progress.message.jclient.TopicConnectionFactory
Construct a TopicConnectionFactory.
TopicPublisher - Interface in javax.jms
A client uses a TopicPublisher object to publish messages on a topic.
TopicPublisher - Interface in
Title: SonicMQ Adaptive Pacing (Managed Client Topic Publisher) Description: This is a Topic Publisher implementation of Managed Client that supports Adaptive Pacing.
TopicRequestor - Class in javax.jms
The TopicRequestor helper class simplifies making service requests.
TopicRequestor(TopicSession, Topic) - Constructor for class javax.jms.TopicRequestor
Constructor for the TopicRequestor class.
TopicSession - Interface in javax.jms
A TopicSession object provides methods for creating TopicPublisher, TopicSubscriber, and TemporaryTopic objects.
TopicSession - Interface in
Title: SonicMQ Adaptive Pacing (Managed Client Topic Session) Description: A Managed Client Topic Session allows users to take advantage of extended client features at the session level.
TopicSession - Interface in progress.message.jclient
A TopicSession provides methods for creating TopicPublisher's, TopicSubscriber's and TemporaryTopics.
TopicSubscriber - Interface in javax.jms
A client uses a TopicSubscriber object to receive messages that have been published to a topic.
TopicSubscriber - Interface in
Title: SonicMQ Adaptive Pacing (Managed Client Topic Subscriber) Description: This is a Topic Subscriber implementation of Managed Client that supports Adaptive Pacing.
toString() - Method in interface javax.jms.Queue
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in interface javax.jms.Topic
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.Queue
Return a pretty printed version of the queue name.
toString() - Method in class progress.message.jclient.Topic
Return a pretty printed version of the topic name.
TransactionInProgressException - Exception in javax.jms
This exception is thrown when an operation is invalid because a transaction is in progress.
TransactionInProgressException(String, String) - Constructor for exception javax.jms.TransactionInProgressException
Constructs a TransactionInProgressException with the specified reason and error code.
TransactionInProgressException(String) - Constructor for exception javax.jms.TransactionInProgressException
Constructs a TransactionInProgressException with the specified reason.
TransactionRolledBackException - Exception in javax.jms
This exception must be thrown when a call to Session.commit results in a rollback of the current transaction.
TransactionRolledBackException(String, String) - Constructor for exception javax.jms.TransactionRolledBackException
Constructs a TransactionRolledBackException with the specified reason and error code.
TransactionRolledBackException(String) - Constructor for exception javax.jms.TransactionRolledBackException
Constructs a TransactionRolledBackException with the specified reason.
TXN_DATABASE_EXCEPTION - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
The transaction has failed due to some error in persisting the transaction into the database.
TXN_INDEX_ALREADY_EXISTS - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
The transaction index created the current transaction to be executed already exists.
TXN_INDICES_NOT_SUPPORTED - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
Transaction failed as transaction indices were not supported in the transaction.
TXN_INVALID_DATA - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.ErrorCodes
A illegal argument exception or related data inconsistency error occurred while processing the transaction.


UNDELIVERED_BROKER_NAME - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
Name of message property that holds the name of the broker that declared a message to be undeliverable.
UNDELIVERED_DELIVERY_LIMIT_EXCEEDED - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
Message has been marked as undelivered because the application-specified delivery limit has been exceeded.
UNDELIVERED_EXPLANATION_TEXT - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
UNDELIVERED_HTTP_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
Message intended for dynamic routing over HTTP was rejected by the destination server because the supplied username/password or certificate was invalid.
UNDELIVERED_HTTP_BAD_REQUEST - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
Message intended for dynamic routing over HTTP was rejected by the destination server because the format of the HTTP request was not valid (e.g., missing property).
UNDELIVERED_HTTP_FILE_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
Message intended for dynamic routing over HTTP has been marked undelivered.
UNDELIVERED_HTTP_GENERAL_ERROR - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
Message intended for dynamic routing over HTTP was marked undeliverable for unknown reasons, or for reasons not covered by the other DMQ codes.
UNDELIVERED_HTTP_HOST_UNREACHABLE - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
Message intended for dynamic routing over HTTP has been marked undelivered for one of the following reasons: 1) a connection cannot be made to the HTTP destination, 2) the request has timed out, or 3) the destination is flow-controlled (this generally only occurs for broker-to-broker).
UNDELIVERED_HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
Message intended for dynamic routing over HTTP was not sent because the destination service was unable to process the request.
UNDELIVERED_HTTP_INVALID_SOAP_CONTENT - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
Message could not be delivered to the destination because the JMS message payload contains invalid soap content.
UNDELIVERED_HTTP_PROTOCOL_NOT_SUPPORTED - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
Message intended for dynamic routing over HTTP has been marked undelivered because the request was sent to an unregistered URL (in other words, there is no protocol handler listening for requests on that URL).
UNDELIVERED_HTTP_REQUEST_TOO_LARGE - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
Message intended for dynamic routing over HTTP was not sent because the HTTP request was too large.
UNDELIVERED_INVALID_PROPERTY_TYPE - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
UNDELIVERED_JMS_QUEUE_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
Message could not be delivered to the destination queue because the queue is not found.
UNDELIVERED_MESSAGE_TOO_LARGE_FOR_QUEUE - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
Message could not be delivered to the destination queue because it is larger than the maximum size of the queue.
UNDELIVERED_NODE_NAME - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
Name of message property that holds the name of the routing node where a message was declared to be undeliverable.
UNDELIVERED_ORIGINAL_DESTINATION - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
Name of the propert that holds the original destination of a message that became undelivered.
UNDELIVERED_ORIGINAL_EXPIRATION - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
Name of the propert that holds the original TTL of a message that became undelivered.
UNDELIVERED_ORIGINAL_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
Name of the propert that holds the original timestamp of a message that became undelivered.
UNDELIVERED_PREFIX - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
UNDELIVERED_QUEUE_FULL - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
UNDELIVERED_REASON_ADDED_TO_DMQ - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
Name of message property that describes the reason a message was enqueued on the dead message queue after it was declared to be undeliverable even though the message producer specified a different destination in the DESTINATION_UNDELIVERED message property.
UNDELIVERED_REASON_CODE - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
Name of message property that describes the reason a message was declared to be undeliverable.
UNDELIVERED_REASONS - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
Converts an "undelivered reason code" into a string.
UNDELIVERED_ROUTING_CONNECTION_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
Message with routing information could not be delivered to specified node due to authentication (invalid credentials) error while establishing connection to remote broker Since the message cannot be forwarded on to a remote broker, it will be placed on the dead message queue.
UNDELIVERED_ROUTING_CONNECTION_AUTHORIZATION_FAILURE - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
Message with routing information could not be delivered to specified node due to authorization (insufficient permissions) error while establishing connection to remote broker Since the message cannot be forwarded on to a remote broker, it will be placed on the dead message queue.
UNDELIVERED_ROUTING_INDOUBT - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
Message has been marked as undelivered by a broker because it has been left in an "in doubt" state during its transfer between brokers.
UNDELIVERED_ROUTING_INVALID_DESTINATION - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
Message has been marked as undelivered by a broker which has received a message from a remote routing node.
UNDELIVERED_ROUTING_INVALID_NODE - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
Message has been marked as undelivered while in the broker's routing queue because the target routing node in the destination cannot be found in the broker's list of routing connections.
UNDELIVERED_ROUTING_MULTI_TOPICS_NOT_SUPPORTED - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
Message could not be delivered to the remote node because the destination routing node does not support MultiTopic messages.
UNDELIVERED_ROUTING_NOT_ENABLED - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
Deprecated. Routing is always enabled on a broker.

Since the message cannot be forwarded on to a remote broker, it will be placed on the dead message queue.

UNDELIVERED_ROUTING_REMOTE_SUBSCRIPTIONS_NOT_SUPPORTED - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
Subscription request could not be delivered to the destination because the remote node doesn't support remote subscriptions.
UNDELIVERED_ROUTING_SUBSCRIPTION_AUTHORIZATION_FAILURE - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
Subscription request could not be delivered to the destination because the remote node denies subscribe permission to the subscription's topic.
UNDELIVERED_ROUTING_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
Message has been marked as undelivered by a broker because a remote connection to the destination routing node cannot be established over an extended period of time.
UNDELIVERED_ROUTING_TOPIC_MESSAGES_NOT_SUPPORTED - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
Message could not be delivered to the destination because the remote node doesn't support remote topic messages.
UNDELIVERED_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
Name of message property that states the time when a message was declared to be undeliverable.
UNDELIVERED_TOPIC_FULL - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
UNDELIVERED_TTL_EXPIRED - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
Message has been marked as undelivered because the current system time on the broker (as GMT) exceeds the message's expiration time.
UNDELIVERED_UNKNOWN_REASON - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
Message has been marked as undelivered for an unknown reason.
UNDELIVERED_UNSUPPORTED_OVERRIDE_DESTINATION - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
unsubscribe(String) - Method in interface javax.jms.Session
Unsubscribes a durable subscription that has been created by a client.
unsubscribe(String) - Method in interface javax.jms.TopicSession
Unsubscribes a durable subscription that has been created by a client.
unsubscribe(String) - Method in interface progress.message.jclient.Session
Unsubscribes a durable subscription that has been created by a client.
USE_TEMP_STREAM_TOPIC_PROPERTY - Static variable in class
Property name used to indicate if Sonic stream controllers created via factory instance will send/receive stream messages to/from a Temporary Topic.
USERNAME - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
useTempStreamTopic(boolean) - Method in class
Sets factory to use a TemporaryTopic for stream messages.


VERSION_2000 - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
VERSION_20001 - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
VERSION_20005 - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
VERSION_30 - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
VERSION_35 - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
VERSION_351 - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
VERSION_40 - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
VERSION_401 - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
VERSION_50 - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
VERSION_502 - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory
VERSION_ID - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.AdministeredObjectFactory


writeBoolean(boolean) - Method in interface javax.jms.BytesMessage
Writes a boolean to the bytes message stream as a 1-byte value.
writeBoolean(boolean) - Method in interface javax.jms.StreamMessage
Writes a boolean to the stream message.
writeByte(byte) - Method in interface javax.jms.BytesMessage
Writes a byte to the bytes message stream as a 1-byte value.
writeByte(byte) - Method in interface javax.jms.StreamMessage
Writes a byte to the stream message.
writeBytes(byte[]) - Method in interface javax.jms.BytesMessage
Writes a byte array to the bytes message stream.
writeBytes(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface javax.jms.BytesMessage
Writes a portion of a byte array to the bytes message stream.
writeBytes(byte[]) - Method in interface javax.jms.StreamMessage
Writes a byte array field to the stream message.
writeBytes(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface javax.jms.StreamMessage
Writes a portion of a byte array as a byte array field to the stream message.
writeChar(char) - Method in interface javax.jms.BytesMessage
Writes a char to the bytes message stream as a 2-byte value, high byte first.
writeChar(char) - Method in interface javax.jms.StreamMessage
Writes a char to the stream message.
writeDouble(double) - Method in interface javax.jms.BytesMessage
Converts the double argument to a long using the doubleToLongBits method in class Double, and then writes that long value to the bytes message stream as an 8-byte quantity, high byte first.
writeDouble(double) - Method in interface javax.jms.StreamMessage
Writes a double to the stream message.
writeFloat(float) - Method in interface javax.jms.BytesMessage
Converts the float argument to an int using the floatToIntBits method in class Float, and then writes that int value to the bytes message stream as a 4-byte quantity, high byte first.
writeFloat(float) - Method in interface javax.jms.StreamMessage
Writes a float to the stream message.
writeInt(int) - Method in interface javax.jms.BytesMessage
Writes an int to the bytes message stream as four bytes, high byte first.
writeInt(int) - Method in interface javax.jms.StreamMessage
Writes an int to the stream message.
writeLong(long) - Method in interface javax.jms.BytesMessage
Writes a long to the bytes message stream as eight bytes, high byte first.
writeLong(long) - Method in interface javax.jms.StreamMessage
Writes a long to the stream message.
writeObject(Object) - Method in interface javax.jms.BytesMessage
Writes an object to the bytes message stream.
writeObject(Object) - Method in interface javax.jms.StreamMessage
Writes an object to the stream message.
writeShort(short) - Method in interface javax.jms.BytesMessage
Writes a short to the bytes message stream as two bytes, high byte first.
writeShort(short) - Method in interface javax.jms.StreamMessage
Writes a short to the stream message.
writeString(String) - Method in interface javax.jms.StreamMessage
Writes a String to the stream message.
writeUTF(String) - Method in interface javax.jms.BytesMessage
Writes a string to the bytes message stream using UTF-8 encoding in a machine-independent manner.
WS_MESSAGE_POLICY - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
JMS message header String property for HTTP Direct Outbound Web Service support.
WS_MESSAGE_POLICY_OUT - Static variable in class progress.message.jclient.Constants
JMS message header String property for HTTP Direct Outbound Web Service support.


XAConnection - Interface in javax.jms
The XAConnection interface extends the capability of Connection by providing an XASession (optional).
XAConnection - Interface in progress.message.jclient.xa
XAConnection provides the same create options as Connection (optional).
XAConnectionFactory - Interface in javax.jms
The XAConnectionFactory interface is a base interface for the XAQueueConnectionFactory and XATopicConnectionFactory interfaces.
XAConnectionFactory - Class in progress.message.jclient.xa
XAConnectionFactory() - Constructor for class progress.message.jclient.xa.XAConnectionFactory
Construct an XAQueueConnectionFactory connecting to the broker at localhost, with a default connectID, user and password of "".
XAConnectionFactory(String) - Constructor for class progress.message.jclient.xa.XAConnectionFactory
Construct an XAQueueConnectionFactory (with a default connectID, user and password of "").
XAConnectionFactory(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class progress.message.jclient.xa.XAConnectionFactory
Construct an XAConnectionFactory.
XAQueueConnection - Interface in javax.jms
An XAQueueConnection provides the same create options as QueueConnection (optional).
XAQueueConnection - Interface in progress.message.jclient.xa
XAQueueConnection provides the same create options as QueueConnection (optional).
XAQueueConnectionFactory - Interface in javax.jms
An XAQueueConnectionFactory provides the same create options as a QueueConnectionFactory (optional).
XAQueueConnectionFactory - Class in progress.message.jclient.xa
An XAQueueConnectionFactory provides the same create options as a QueueConnectionFactory (optional).
XAQueueConnectionFactory() - Constructor for class progress.message.jclient.xa.XAQueueConnectionFactory
Construct an XAQueueConnectionFactory connecting to the broker at localhost, with a default connectID, user and password of "".
XAQueueConnectionFactory(String) - Constructor for class progress.message.jclient.xa.XAQueueConnectionFactory
Construct an XAQueueConnectionFactory (with a default connectID, user and password of "").
XAQueueConnectionFactory(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class progress.message.jclient.xa.XAQueueConnectionFactory
Construct an XAQueueConnectionFactory.
XAQueueSession - Interface in javax.jms
An XAQueueSession provides a regular QueueSession, which can be used to create QueueReceiver, QueueSender, and QueueBrowser objects (optional).
XAQueueSession - Interface in progress.message.jclient.xa
Besides jms.XAQueueSession interface, this interface extends jclient.xa.XASession so that the methods in jclient.XASession can be accessed through XAQueueSession.
XASession - Interface in javax.jms
The XASession interface extends the capability of Session by adding access to a JMS provider's support for the Java Transaction API (JTA) (optional).
XASession - Interface in progress.message.jclient.xa
This interface defines a Sonic proprietary interface of XASession.
XATopicConnection - Interface in javax.jms
An XATopicConnection provides the same create options as TopicConnection (optional).
XATopicConnection - Interface in progress.message.jclient.xa
An XATopicConnection provides the same create options as TopicConnection (optional).
XATopicConnectionFactory - Interface in javax.jms
An XATopicConnectionFactory provides the same create options as a TopicConnectionFactory (optional).
XATopicConnectionFactory - Class in progress.message.jclient.xa
An XATopicConnectionFactory provides the same create options as TopicConnectionFactory (optional).
XATopicConnectionFactory() - Constructor for class progress.message.jclient.xa.XATopicConnectionFactory
Construct an XATopicConnectionFactory connecting to the broker at localhost, with a default connectID, user and password of "".
XATopicConnectionFactory(String) - Constructor for class progress.message.jclient.xa.XATopicConnectionFactory
Construct an XATopicConnectionFactory (with a default connectID, user and password of "").
XATopicConnectionFactory(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class progress.message.jclient.xa.XATopicConnectionFactory
Construct an XATopicConnectionFactory.
XATopicSession - Interface in javax.jms
An XATopicSession provides a regular TopicSession.
XATopicSession - Interface in progress.message.jclient.xa
Besides jms.XATopicSession interface, this interface extends jclient.xa.XASession so that the methods in jclient.XASession can be accessed through XAQueueSession.
XMLMessage - Interface in progress.message.jclient
A XML Message is an extention of the TextMessage and is used to send a message containing XML text in a java.lang.StringBuffer.


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