Package com.sonicsw.esb.mgmtapi.config

Interface Summary
IActionalConfig Encapsulates all the Actional related configuration
IAddress An address represents a destination on the ESB.
IBaseConfig Base interface for all ESB configurations.
IConnectionConfig A connection provides services for containers and endpoints to the underlying messaging fabric.
IContainerConfig A container holds service instances and deployed processes.
IContainerConfigAPI This interface provides a collection of methods to manipulate and query containers configured in the ESB domain.
IEndpointConfig Endpoint configuration is a typed bag of properties.
IEndpointConfigAPI A collection of methods to manipulate Endpoints and Connections.
IJMSConnectionConfig A facade on IConnectionConfig providing direct access to JMS related configuration values.
IJMSEndpointConfig A facade on IEndpointConfig providing direct access to JMS related configuration values.
IJMSQueueEndpointConfig A facade on IEndpointConfig providing direct access to configuration values applicable to JMS queue based endpoints..
IJMSTopicEndpointConfig A facade on IEndpointConfig providing direct access to configuration values applicable to JMS topic based endpoints..
IParameter Represent the meta-data and value associate with initialization and runtime parameters associated with a service.
IParameter.IAddressParameter Convenience interface for Address related parameters (Address, Service, Process)
IParameter.IBooleanParam Convenience interface for parameters of type Boolean.
IParameter.IDoubleParamater Convenience interface for parameters of type Double.
IParameter.IEnumParameter Convenience interface for enumerated parameters
IParameter.IFileResourceParameter Convenience interface for parameters of type File resource.
IParameter.IFloatParamater Convenience interface for parameters of type Float.
IParameter.IIntegerParamater Convenience interface for parameters of type Integer.
IParameter.ILongParamater Convenience interface for parameters of type Long.
IParameter.IStringParameter Convenience interface for parameters of type String.
IParameter.IXMLResourceParameter Convenience interface for parameters of type XML resource.
IProcessConfig This interface represents an ESB itinerary (also known as an ESB process).
IProcessConfigAPI A collection of methods to manipulate Process related artifacts.
IQos Quality of Service in the ESB is a measure of the reliability of an interaction.
IServiceApplicationConfig Represent a process or service deployed in an ESB container.
IServiceConfig Represent a configured service instance of a particular service type.
IServiceConfigAPI A collection of methods to manipulate Service related configurations in a Domain.
IServiceTypeConfig.ClassLoaderConfiguration A representation of a contribution to a given scope's class-path.

Class Summary
IConnectionConfig.ConnectionType A type safe enum for all supported Connection types.
IEndpointConfig.EndpointDestinationType Type safe enum to represent destination types.
IEndpointConfig.EndpointType A type safe enum identifying supported Endpoint configuration types.


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