Interface IMonitoredContainerConfigAPI

public interface IMonitoredContainerConfigAPI

Method Summary
 void clearLogFiles(java.lang.String containerName)
          Clear the current log and archived rolling logs of the container.
 void deleteElement(java.lang.String configID)
          TODO: temporary, for debugging
 java.util.Set getAllMFContainers()
 java.util.List getAutoStartContainers()
          Return the list of monitored containers which will get checked for startup when the Workbench starts.
 java.lang.String getCachePassword(java.lang.String containerID)
          Return the cache password of the container, or null if it's not set
 java.util.Map getComponentMap(java.lang.String containerName, java.lang.String type)
          Get the components of the given type which are hosted in the container
 IConfigElement[] getComponents(java.lang.String containerName, java.lang.String type)
          Get the components of the given type which are hosted in the container
 java.lang.String getContainerCacheDirectory(java.lang.String containerID)
          Return the absolute value of the container cache directory.
 java.lang.String getContainerRuntimeID(java.lang.String containerConfigID)
          Return the runtime id of the container, in the form .
 java.lang.String getContainerWorkingDirectory(java.lang.String containerID)
          Get the working directory of the container from its configuration getMFContainerLogFile(java.lang.String containerName)
          Return the java File object for the current log file for the container.
 java.util.Map getMonitoredMFContainerList()
          Get the list of monitored MF containers with their auto-launch settings[] getRollingLogs(java.lang.String containerName)
          Get an array of all the rolling log files in the log file directory of the container.
 void removeMonitoredMFContainer(java.lang.String containerName)
          Remove the MF container from the monitored containers list
 void setMonitoredMFContainerAutoLaunch(java.lang.String containerName, boolean autoLaunch)
          Add the container to the list of monitored containers with the given auto-launch setting.
 void setWorkbenchRoot(java.lang.String root)
          Set the root of the Workbench workspace for the eclipse handler

Method Detail


java.util.List getAutoStartContainers()
Return the list of monitored containers which will get checked for startup when the Workbench starts.

An List of com.sonicsw.esb.mgmtapi.conig.impl.MonitoredContainer. It will return an empty list if no auto-start monitored containers have been configured.


java.util.Map getMonitoredMFContainerList()
Get the list of monitored MF containers with their auto-launch settings

A Map of logical name/com.sonicsw.esb.mgmtapi.conig.impl.MonitoredContainer pairs


void removeMonitoredMFContainer(java.lang.String containerName)
                                throws ESBAPIException
Remove the MF container from the monitored containers list

containerName - The logical configuration name of the container
ESBAPIException - If there is a problem communicating with the directory service.


void setMonitoredMFContainerAutoLaunch(java.lang.String containerName,
                                       boolean autoLaunch)
                                       throws ESBAPIException
Add the container to the list of monitored containers with the given auto-launch setting. If the container is already on the list, the flag gets reset.

containerName - The configuration name of the container
autoLaunch - true or false as desired.
ESBAPIException - If there is a problem communicating with the domain for the configuration change.

getMFContainerLogFile getMFContainerLogFile(java.lang.String containerName)
Return the java File object for the current log file for the container. The log file directory of the container is computed as follows. If the LOG_FILE attribute is set on the configuration, that is used. If this value is a relative path, we use the WORKING_DIRECTORY of the container as the parent path. If the LOG_FILE is not set, the log file location is constructed from the WORKING_DIRECTORY and the subdirectory ..log. If the resulting path so far is a relative path, and the container is online, we get the container's current runtime log file property. If the container is not running, then, this method can return a file with a relative path that might not be found in the context of the callers running directory.

containerName - The configuration id of the container
a File object for the container's log. If the computed log file directory of the container is not an absolute path, this method will return a File object with a relative path.

getRollingLogs[] getRollingLogs(java.lang.String containerName)
Get an array of all the rolling log files in the log file directory of the container. The log file directory of the container is computed as follows. If the LOG_FILE attribute is set on the configuration, that is used. If this value is a relative path, we use the WORKING_DIRECTORY of the container as the parent path. If the LOG_FILE is not set, the log file location is constructed from the WORKING_DIRECTORY and the subdirectory ..log. If the resulting path so far is a relative path, and the container is online, we get the container's current runtime log file property.

containerName - The logical ID of the MF container
An array of all files in the log file directory of the container. If the computed log file directory of the container is not an absolute path, and the container is not running, the computed log file directory will be relative to the working directory of the caller, which is not likely to be where the logs are found. In this case, this method returns an array of size 0.


void clearLogFiles(java.lang.String containerName)
Clear the current log and archived rolling logs of the container. Invokes the Agent's runtime clearLogFile operation if the container is running, otherwise tries to find the log files on the caller's host using the configuration of the container and domain manager. The existing log files are deleted.

containerName - The logical name of the container, ie "/Containers/dev_ESBTest"


void setWorkbenchRoot(java.lang.String root)
                      throws ESBAPIException
Set the root of the Workbench workspace for the eclipse handler

root - The root of the workspace opened in the Workbench
ESBAPIException - if there's a problem making the change in the directory service


IConfigElement[] getComponents(java.lang.String containerName,
                               java.lang.String type)
                               throws ESBAPIException
Get the components of the given type which are hosted in the container

containerName - The logical ID of the MF container to get components from.
type - The type of the components to be returned, for instance XQ_CONTAINER
An array of components of the given container with the given type. Returns an empty array if there are no components of the requested type.
ESBAPIException - if the container doesn't exist or if there's a problem communicating with the directory service


java.util.Map getComponentMap(java.lang.String containerName,
                              java.lang.String type)
                              throws ESBAPIException
Get the components of the given type which are hosted in the container

containerName - The logical ID of the MF container to get components from.
type - The type of the components to be returned, for instance XQ_CONTAINER
A map of component name/component configuration of components of the given container with the given type. Returns an empty map if there are no components of the requested type.
ESBAPIException - if the container doesn't exist or if there's a problem communicating with the directory service


java.lang.String getContainerRuntimeID(java.lang.String containerConfigID)
                                       throws ESBAPIException
Return the runtime id of the container, in the form . ie. Domain1.DomainManager

containerConfigID - The configuration name of the container, ie. "/Containers/DomainManager"
The runtime id of the container in the connected domain


java.lang.String getContainerWorkingDirectory(java.lang.String containerID)
                                              throws ESBAPIException
Get the working directory of the container from its configuration

containerID - The logical configuration name of the container, ie. /Containers/Container1
The container working directory setting in the directory service, null if it's not set
ESBAPIException - if the container does not exist or there's a problem getting to the container configuration in the directory service


java.util.Set getAllMFContainers()
Return an array with the logical names of elements of type MF_CONTAINER from the logical namespace of the DS


java.lang.String getContainerCacheDirectory(java.lang.String containerID)
                                            throws ESBAPIException
Return the absolute value of the container cache directory. If the attribute value is relative, it is calculated using the container's working directory

containerID - The logical container ID
The container's cache directory
ESBAPIException - If the container does not exist or there is a problem communicating with the directory service.


java.lang.String getCachePassword(java.lang.String containerID)
                                  throws ESBAPIException
Return the cache password of the container, or null if it's not set

containerID - the logical configuration id of the container
The cache password, or null if it's not set
ESBAPIException - if the container does not exist or there is a problem communicating with the directory service


void deleteElement(java.lang.String configID)
                   throws java.lang.Exception
TODO: temporary, for debugging



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