Sonic Management API
Interface IMetricInfo

All Superinterfaces:

public interface IMetricInfo

A metric info object provides meta-data about one of the following:

Instance metrics are described by their instance metric parent's meta-data and thus metric info objects for such instance metrics will not exist. In other words, there will not be an IMetricInfo object for an instance metric, but there will be one for the instance metric's parent.

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getDescription()
          Gets the optional full description of the metric.
 java.lang.String getExtendedData()
          Extended data allows any additional meta information that a component wishes to convey about a metric.
 IMetricIdentity getMetricIdentity()
          Gets the metric identity.
 java.lang.String getUnits()
          Describes the units that this metric uses.
 short getValueType()
          Gets the metrics value type.
 boolean isDynamic()
          If a metric is dynamic it means it can be dynamically enabled/disabled through the components management API.
 boolean isInstanceMetric()
          If true, the meta-data is for an instance metric parent, and the information provided can be applied to all of the individual instances of that instance metric parent.
 boolean supportsHighThresholdAlerts()
          Indicates whether the metric supports high threshold alerts
 boolean supportsLowThresholdAlerts()
          Indicates whether the metric supports low threshold alerts

Method Detail


java.lang.String getDescription()
Gets the optional full description of the metric.


java.lang.String getExtendedData()
Extended data allows any additional meta information that a component wishes to convey about a metric. The management framework is agnostic about what this field is used for.


IMetricIdentity getMetricIdentity()
Gets the metric identity.


java.lang.String getUnits()
Describes the units that this metric uses.


short getValueType()
Gets the metrics value type.

See Also:


boolean isDynamic()
If a metric is dynamic it means it can be dynamically enabled/disabled through the components management API.


boolean isInstanceMetric()
If true, the meta-data is for an instance metric parent, and the information provided can be applied to all of the individual instances of that instance metric parent.


boolean supportsHighThresholdAlerts()
Indicates whether the metric supports high threshold alerts


boolean supportsLowThresholdAlerts()
Indicates whether the metric supports low threshold alerts

Sonic Management API

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