Sonic Management API
Interface IMetricIdentity

All Superinterfaces:

public interface IMetricIdentity

Individual metrics are identified as leaves in a tree. A metric identity identifies one of the following:

  - a branch of a tree of related metrics (node)
  - a metric group (node)
  - an individual metric (leaf)
Each node/leaf in a metric tree has a name component (a string) and is fully described by an array of name components that describe its path in the tree starting from the root. A canonical form of the name components is evaluated by creating a '.' delimited list of those name components (however the canonical form cannot be reduced to the original name components as an individual name component is allowed to contain the '.' character).

A metric tree may be as small as a single node.

Field Summary
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getAbsoluteName()
          Get the absolute name of the metric identity where by each name component is delimited by a period '.' character.
 java.lang.String getName()
          Get the canonical name of the metric identity where by each name component is delimited by a period '.' character.
 java.lang.String[] getNameComponents()
          Get the name components the uniquely identify the metric identity.
 boolean isInstanceOf(IMetricIdentity id)
          Tests if this metric is an instance of the given metric identity (branch of a tree of metrics or metric group).

Field Detail


static final IMetricIdentity[] EMPTY_METRIC_IDENTITY_ARRAY
Method Detail


java.lang.String getAbsoluteName()
Get the absolute name of the metric identity where by each name component is delimited by a period '.' character. If any of the name components contain a period '.' or percent '%' character these will be escaped using a percent character e.g. "queue.message.Count.SoincMQ%.routingQueue"

See Also:


java.lang.String getName()
Get the canonical name of the metric identity where by each name component is delimited by a period '.' character. If any of the name components contain a period '.' or percent '%' character these will not be be escaped (this is different to the absolute name) e.g. "queue.message.Count.SoincMQ.routingQueue"

Note: The return value from this method should not be used to create a new metric identity instance (using the MetricsFactory).

See Also:


java.lang.String[] getNameComponents()
Get the name components the uniquely identify the metric identity.


boolean isInstanceOf(IMetricIdentity id)
Tests if this metric is an instance of the given metric identity (branch of a tree of metrics or metric group). If given identity is an instance pattern e.g. "a.b.c*", then tests if this metric matches the pattern.

Sonic Management API

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