Before a user account can be configured to use LDAP, an LDAP service must be registered with Hybrid Data Pipeline. As described in the following sections, you can register a Java plugin authentication service either through the Web UI or the Authentication API.
An external authentication service registered in the default system tenant is available across all tenants, while an external authentication service registered in a child tenant is only available in that tenant. Once a service is registered with a tenant, the tenant administrator can create or modify user accounts to authenticate end user credentials against the service.
A user with the Administrator (12) permission can register an external authentication service on any tenant within the system. A user with the RegisterExternalAuthService (26) permission can register an external authentication service on any tenant to which he or she has administrative access.
Register LDAP service via the Web UI
Take the following steps to register an LDAP service via the Web UI.
1. Navigate to the Manage External Authentication view by clicking the manage external authentication icon
2. Select the tenant for which you are registering the service from the Select Tenant dropdown.
3. Click + New Service. You will be directed to the Create Authentication Service screen.
4. Provide the following information.
The name and description of the service
The service type
Target URL (The URL used to access the LDAP service.)
Service Authentication (The authentication mechanism required by the LDAP service.)
Security Principal (The principal used to authenticate against the LDAP server. The user name token %LOGINNAME% is supported to permit the replacement of the actual user name. For example, CN=%LOGINNAME%,OU=TestRuns,DC=testdomain.)
Other Attributes (A valid JSON Object to be passed as key and value pairs to the environment properties during the creation of InitialDirContext object.)