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Hybrid Data Pipeline API reference : Management API : Data Sources API : Managing resources on behalf of users : On-behalf-of API operations

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On-behalf-of API operations
This reference provides a list of operations that can be carried out by an administrator on behalf of a user. As shown, an administrator can execute these operations by appending the user query parameter to the request. (See also User provisioning.)
*General data source operations
*OData operations
*Group data source operations
*Permissions operations
*Data source sharing operations
*OAuth application object operations for Google Analytics connectivity
*OAuth profile object operations for Google Analytics connectivity

General data source operations

Operation: Create a data source or group data source
Request: POST https://<myserver>:<port>/api/mgmt/datasources?user=<userName>
Permissions: The administrator must have the Administrator (12) permission; or the administrator must have administrative access on the tenant to which the user belongs, the MgmtAPI (11) permission, the OnBehalfOf (21) permission, and the CreateDataSource (1) permission.
Operation: Retrieve a list of data sources
Request: GET https://<myserver>:<port>/api/mgmt/datasources?user=<userName>
Permissions: The administrator must have the Administrator (12) permission; or the administrator must have administrative access on the tenant to which the user belongs, the MgmtAPI (11) permission, the OnBehalfOf (21) permission, and the ViewDataSource (2) permission.
Operation: Retrieve the details for a data source
Request: GET https://<myserver>:<port>/api/mgmt/datasources/{datasourceId}?user=<userName>
Permissions: The administrator must have the Administrator (12) permission; or the administrator must have administrative access on the tenant to which the user belongs, the MgmtAPI (11) permission, the OnBehalfOf (21) permission, and the ViewDataSource (2) permission.
Operation: Update the options and values for a data source
Request: PUT https://<myserver>:<port>/api/mgmt/datasources/{datasourceId}?user=<userName>
Permissions: The administrator must have the Administrator (12) permission; or the administrator must have administrative access on the tenant to which the user belongs, the MgmtAPI (11) permission, the OnBehalfOf (21) permission, and the ModifyDataSource (3) permission.
Operation: Delete a data source
Request: DELETE https://<myserver>:<port>/api/mgmt/datasources/{datasourceId}?user=<userName>
Permissions: The administrator must have the Administrator (12) permission; or the administrator must have administrative access on the tenant to which the user belongs, the MgmtAPI (11) permission, the OnBehalfOf (21) permission, and the DeleteDataSource (4) permission.
Operation: Test a connection to a data source
Request: POST https://<myserver>:<port>/api/mgmt/datasources/{datasourceId}/test?user=<userName>
Permissions: The administrator must have the Administrator (12) permission; or the administrator must have administrative access on the tenant to which the user belongs, the MgmtAPI (11) permission, the OnBehalfOf (21) permission, the ViewDataSource (2) permission, and at least one query permission such as UseDataSourceWithJDBC (5), UseDataSourceWithODBC (6) or UseDataSourceWithOData (7).
Operation:Refresh the cached object mapping of a data source
Request: POST https://<myserver>:<port>/api/mgmt/datasources/{datasourceId}/map?user=<userName>
Permissions: The administrator must have the Administrator (12) permission; or the administrator must have administrative access on the tenant to which the user belongs, the MgmtAPI (11) permission, the OnBehalfOf (21) permission, and the ModifyDataSource (3) permission.

OData operations

Operation: Create or refresh a data source OData model
Request: POST https://<myserver>:<port>/api/mgmt/datasources/{datasourceId}/model?user=<userName>
Permissions: The administrator must have the Administrator (12) permission; or the administrator must have administrative access on the tenant to which the user belongs, the MgmtAPI (11) permission, the OnBehalfOf (21) permission, and the ModifyDataSource (3) permission.
Operation: Check status of the OData model refresh
Request: GET https://<myserver>:<port>/api/mgmt/datasources/{datasourceId}/model?user=<userName>
Permissions: The administrator must have the Administrator (12) permission; or the administrator must have administrative access on the tenant to which the user belongs, the MgmtAPI (11) permission, the OnBehalfOf (21) permission, and the ViewDataSource (2) permission.
Operation: Retrieve a list of available schemas
Request: GET https://<myserver>:<port>/api/mgmt/datasources/<datasourceid>/schemas?user=<userName>
Permissions: The administrator must have the Administrator (12) permission; or the administrator must have administrative access on the tenant to which the user belongs, the MgmtAPI (11) permission, the OnBehalfOf (21) permission, and the ViewDataSource (2) permission.
Operation: Retrieve table names
*For data stores that support schemas
GET https://<myserver>:<port>/api/mgmt/datasources/
*For data stores that do not support schemas
GET https://<myserver>:<port>/api/mgmt/datasources/
Permissions: The administrator must have the Administrator (12) permission; or the administrator must have administrative access on the tenant to which the user belongs, the MgmtAPI (11) permission, the OnBehalfOf (21) permission, and the ViewDataSource (2) permission.
Operation: Retrieve table information
*For data stores that support schemas
GET https://<myserver>:<port>/api/mgmt/datasources/<datasourceid>/
*For data stores that do not support schemas
GET https://<myserver>:<port>/api/mgmt/datasources/<datasourceid>/
Permissions: The administrator must have the Administrator (12) permission; or the administrator must have administrative access on the tenant to which the user belongs, the MgmtAPI (11) permission, the OnBehalfOf (21) permission, and the ViewDataSource (2) permission.
Operation: Retrieve column information for a table
*For data stores that support schemas
GET https://<myserver>:<port>/api/mgmt/datasources/<datasourceid>/
*For data stores that do not support schemas
GET https://<myserver>:<port>/api/mgmt/datasources/<datasourceid>/
Permissions: The administrator must have the Administrator (12) permission; or the administrator must have administrative access on the tenant to which the user belongs, the MgmtAPI (11) permission, the OnBehalfOf (21) permission, and the ViewDataSource (2) permission.
Operation: Retrieve primary keys for a table
*For data stores that support schemas
GET https://<myserver>:<port>/api/mgmt/datasources/<datasourceid>/schemas/
*For data stores that do not support schemas
GET https://<myserver>:<port>/api/mgmt/datasources/<datasourceid>/schemas/-/
Permissions: The administrator must have the Administrator (12) permission; or the administrator must have administrative access on the tenant to which the user belongs, the MgmtAPI (11) permission, the OnBehalfOf (21) permission, and the ViewDataSource (2) permission.

Group data source operations

Operation: Create a data source or group data source
Request: POST https://<myserver>:<port>/api/mgmt/datasources?user=<userName>
Permissions: The administrator must have the Administrator (12) permission; or the administrator must have administrative access on the tenant to which the user belongs, the MgmtAPI (11) permission, the OnBehalfOf (21) permission, and the CreateDataSource (1) permission.
Operation: Retrieve the members of a group data source
Request: GET https://<myserver>:<port>/api/mgmt/datasources/{groupDatasourceId}/members?user=<userName>
Permissions: The administrator must have the Administrator (12) permission; or the administrator must have administrative access on the tenant to which the user belongs, the MgmtAPI (11) permission, the OnBehalfOf (21) permission, and the ViewDataSource (2) permission.
Operation: Add member data sources to a group data source
Request: POST https://<myserver>:<port>/api/mgmt/datasources/{groupDatasourceId}/members?user=<userName>
Permissions: The administrator must have the Administrator (12) permission; or the administrator must have administrative access on the tenant to which the user belongs, the MgmtAPI (11) permission, the OnBehalfOf (21) permission, and the ModifyDataSource (3) permission.
Operation: Update members of a group data source
Request: POST https://<myserver>:<port>/api/mgmt/datasources​/{groupDatasourceId}/members?user=<userName>
Permissions: The administrator must have the Administrator (12) permission; or the administrator must have administrative access on the tenant to which the user belongs, the MgmtAPI (11) permission, the OnBehalfOf (21) permission, and the ModifyDataSource (3) permission.
Operation: Delete a member data source from a group data source
Request: DELETE https://<myserver>:<port/api/mgmt/datasources/{groupDatasourceId}/members/{memberDatasourceId}?user=<userName>
Permissions: The administrator must have the Administrator (12) permission; or the administrator must have administrative access on the tenant to which the user belongs, the MgmtAPI (11) permission, the OnBehalfOf (21) permission, and the ModifyDataSource (3) permission.

Permissions operations

Operation: Retrieve permissions on a data source
Request: GET https://<myserver>:<port>/api/mgmt/datasources/{datasourceId}/permissions?user=<userName>
Permissions: The administrator must have the Administrator (12) permission; or the administrator must have administrative access on the tenant to which the user belongs, the MgmtAPI (11) permission, the OnBehalfOf (21) permission, and the ViewDataSource (2) permission.
Operation: Update permissions on data sources
Request: PUT https://<myserver>:<port>/api/mgmt/datasources/{datasourceId}/permissions?user=<userName>
Permissions: The administrator must have the Administrator (12) permission; or the administrator must have administrative access on the tenant to which the user belongs, the MgmtAPI (11) permission, the OnBehalfOf (21) permission, and the ModifyDataSource (3) permission.
Operation: Retrieve the user's permissions
Request: GET https://<myserver>:<port>/api/mgmt/permissions?user=<userName>
Permissions: The administrator must have the Administrator (12) permission; or the administrator must have administrative access on the tenant to which the user belongs, the MgmtAPI (11) permission, and the OnBehalfOf (21) permission.

Data source sharing operations

Operation: Retrieve users with whom data source is being shared
Request: GET https://<myserver>:<port>/api/mgmt/datasources/{datasourceId}/sharedUsers?user=<userName>
Permissions: The administrator must have the Administrator (12) permission; or the administrator must have administrative access on the tenant to which the user belongs, the MgmtAPI (11) permission, the OnBehalfOf (21) permission, and the ViewDataSource (2) permission.
Operation: Share data source with a user or users
Request: POST https://<myserver>:<port>/api/mgmt/datasources/{datasourceId}/sharedUsers?user=<userName>
Permissions: The administrator must have the Administrator (12) permission; or the administrator must have administrative access on the tenant to which the user belongs, the MgmtAPI (11) permission, the OnBehalfOf (21) permission, and the ModifyDataSource (3) permission.
Operation: Stop sharing the data source with users
Request: DELETE https://<myserver>:<port>/api/mgmt/datasources/{datasourceId}/sharedUsers?user=<userName>
Permissions: The administrator must have the Administrator (12) permission; or the administrator must have administrative access on the tenant to which the user belongs, the MgmtAPI (11) permission, the OnBehalfOf (21) permission, and the DeleteDataSource (4) permission.
Operation: Retrieve the data source permissions for a user with whom the data source is being shared
Request: GET https://<myserver>:<port>/api/mgmt/datasources/{datasourceId}/sharedUsers/{userId}?user=userName
Permissions: The administrator must have the Administrator (12) permission; or the administrator must have administrative access on the tenant to which the user belongs, the MgmtAPI (11) permission, the OnBehalfOf (21) permission, and the ViewDataSource (2) permission.
Operation: Update the data source permissions for a user with whom the data source is being shared
Request: PUT https://<myserver>:<port>/api/mgmt/datasources/{datasourceId}/sharedUsers/{userId}?user=<userName>
Permissions: The administrator must have the Administrator (12) permission; or the administrator must have administrative access on the tenant to which the user belongs, the MgmtAPI (11) permission, the OnBehalfOf (21) permission, and the ModifyDataSource (3) permission.
Operation: Stop sharing the data source with a user
Request: DELETE https://<myserver>:<port>/api/mgmt/datasources/{datasourceId}/sharedUsers/{userId}?user=<userName>
Permissions: The administrator must have the Administrator (12) permission; or the administrator must have administrative access on the tenant to which the user belongs, the MgmtAPI (11) permission, the OnBehalfOf (21) permission, and the ModifyDataSource (3) permission.
Operation: Retrieve tenants with which the data source is being shared
Request: GET https://<myserver>:<port>/api/mgmt/datasources/{datasourceId}/sharedTenants?user=<userName>
Permissions: The administrator must have the Administrator (12) permission; or the administrator must have administrative access on the tenant, the MgmtAPI (11) permission, the OnBehalfOf (21) permission, and the ViewDataSource (2) permission.
Operation: Share data source with a tenant or tenants
Request: POST https://<myserver>:<port>/api/mgmt/datasources/{datasourceId}/sharedTenants?user=<userName>
Permissions: The administrator must have the Administrator (12) permission; or the administrator must have administrative access on the tenant, the MgmtAPI (11) permission, the OnBehalfOf (21) permission, and the ModifyDataSource (3) permission.
Operation: Stop sharing a data source with tenants
Request: DELETE https://<myserver>:<port>/api/mgmt/datasources/{datasourceId}/sharedTenants?user=<userName>
Permissions: The administrator must have the Administrator (12) permission; or the administrator must have administrative access on the tenant, the MgmtAPI (11) permission, the OnBehalfOf (21) permission, and the ModifyDataSource (3) permission.
Operation: Retrieve the data source permissions for a tenant with which the data source is being shared
Request: GET https://<myserver>:<port>/api/mgmt/datasources/{datasourceId}/sharedTenants/{tenantId}?user=<userName>
Permissions: The administrator must have the Administrator (12) permission; or the administrator must have administrative access on the tenant, the MgmtAPI (11) permission, the OnBehalfOf (21) permission, and the ViewDataSource (2) permission.
Operation: Update the data source permissions for a tenant with which the data source is being shared
Request: PUT https://<myserver>:<port>/api/mgmt/datasources/{datasourceId}/sharedTenants/{tenantId}?user=<userName>
Permissions: The administrator must have the Administrator (12) permission; or the administrator must have administrative access on the tenant, the MgmtAPI (11) permission, the OnBehalfOf (21) permission, and the ModifyDataSource (3) permission.
Operation: Stop sharing the data source with a tenant
Request: DELETE https://<myserver>:<port>/api/mgmt/datasources/{datasourceId}/sharedTenants/{tenantId}?user=<userName>
Permissions: The administrator must have the Administrator (12) permission; or the administrator must have administrative access on the tenant, the MgmtAPI (11) permission, the OnBehalfOf (21) permission, and the ModifyDataSource (3) permission.

OAuth application object operations for Google Analytics connectivity

Operation: Retrieve OAuth applications
Request: GET https://<myserver>:<port>/api/mgmt/oauthapps?user=<userName>
Permissions: The administrator must have the Administrator (12) permission; or the administrator must have administrative access on the tenant to which the user belongs, the MgmtAPI (11) permission, the OnBehalfOf (21) permission, and the OAuth (28) permission.
Operation: Create an OAuth application object
Request: POST https://<myserver>:<port>/api/mgmt/oauthapps?user=<userName>
Permissions: The administrator must have the Administrator (12) permission; or the administrator must have administrative access on the tenant to which the user belongs, the MgmtAPI (11) permission, the OnBehalfOf (21) permission, and the OAuth (28) permission.
Operation: Retrieve an OAuth application object
Request: GET https://<myserver>:<port>/api/mgmt/oauthapps/{id}?user=<userName>
Permissions: The administrator must have the Administrator (12) permission; or the administrator must have administrative access on the tenant to which the user belongs, the MgmtAPI (11) permission, the OnBehalfOf (21) permission, and the OAuth (28) permission.
Operation: Update an OAuth application object
Request: PUT https://<myserver>:<port>/api/mgmt/oauthapps/<id>?user=<userName>
Permissions: The administrator must have the Administrator (12) permission; or the administrator must have administrative access on the tenant to which the user belongs, the MgmtAPI (11) permission, the OnBehalfOf (21) permission, and the OAuth (28) permission.
Operation: Delete an OAuth application object
Request: DELETE https://<myserver>:<port>/api/mgmt/oauthapps/{id}?user=<userName>
Permissions: The administrator must have the Administrator (12) permission; or the administrator must have administrative access on the tenant to which the user belongs, the MgmtAPI (11) permission, the OnBehalfOf (21) permission, and the OAuth (28) permission.

OAuth profile object operations for Google Analytics connectivity

Operation: Retrieve OAuth profiles
Request: GET https://<myserver>:<port>/api/mgmt/oauthprofiles?user=<userName>
Permissions: The administrator must have the Administrator (12) permission; or the administrator must have administrative access on the tenant, the MgmtAPI (11) permission, the OnBehalfOf (21) permission, and the ViewDataSource (2) permission.
Operation: Create an OAuth profile
Request: POST https://<myserver>:<port>/api/mgmt/oauthprofiles?user=<userName>
Permissions: The administrator must have the Administrator (12) permission; or the administrator must have administrative access on the tenant to which the user belongs, the MgmtAPI (11) permission, the OnBehalfOf (21) permission, and the CreateDataSource (1) permission.
Operation: Retrieve an OAuth profile
Request: GET https://<myserver>:<port>/api/mgmt/oauthprofiles/{id}?user=<userName>
Permissions: The administrator must have the Administrator (12) permission; or the administrator must have administrative access on the tenant, the MgmtAPI (11) permission, the OnBehalfOf (21) permission, and the ViewDataSource (2) permission.
Operation: Update an OAuth profile
Request: PUT https://<myserver>:<port>/api/mgmt/oauthprofiles/{id}?user=<userName>
Permissions: The administrator must have the Administrator (12) permission; or the administrator must have administrative access on the tenant to which the user belongs, the MgmtAPI (11) permission, the OnBehalfOf (21) permission, and the ModifyDataSource (3) permission.
Operation: Delete an OAuth profile
Request: DELETE https://<myserver>:<port>/api/mgmt/oauthprofiles/{id}?user=<userName>
Permissions: The administrator must have the Administrator (12) permission; or the administrator must have administrative access on the tenant to which the user belongs, the MgmtAPI (11) permission, the OnBehalfOf (21) permission, and the ModifyDataSource (3) permission.
Operation: Retrieve statistics for an OAuth profile
Request: GET https://<myserver>:<port>/api/mgmt/oauthprofiles/{id}/stats?user=<userName>
Permissions: The administrator must have the Administrator (12) permission; or the administrator must have administrative access on the tenant, the MgmtAPI (11) permission, the OnBehalfOf (21) permission, and the ViewDataSource (2) permission.