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Hybrid Data Pipeline API reference : Management API : OAuth API for Google Analytics connectivity : OAuth applications API : Delete an OAuth application object

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Delete an OAuth application object


Deletes an OAuth application object. Deleting an OAuth application object deletes any associated OAuth profile objects.
Note: An administrator can execute this operation on behalf of a user by appending the user query parameter to the request and specifying a user name. See also Managing resources on behalf of users.





URL Parameters

<myserver> is the hostname or IP address of the machine hosting the Hybrid Data Pipeline server for a standalone installation, or the machine hosting the load balancer for a load balancer installation. For a standalone installation, <port> is the port number specified as the Server Access Port during installation. For a load balancer installation, <port> must be either 80 for http or 443 for https. Whenever port 80 or 443 are used, it is not necessary to include the port number in the URL.
The URL parameter {id} described is required.
Valid Values
The ID of the OAuth application object.
The automatically generated OAuth application ID.

Sample Server Success Response

Status code: 204
Successful response


Sample Server Failure Response

"error": {
"code": "222207711",
"message": {
"lang": "en-US",
"value": "Invalid OAuthApplicationId: 223344"


Basic Authentication using Login ID and Password.


Permissions apply in the following manner.
*With the Administrator (12) permission, a user can delete any OAuth application object across the system.
*With the MgmtAPI (11) and OAuth (28) permissions, a user in the system tenant can delete an OAuth application object in the system tenant and in any tenants for which he or she has administrative access.
*With the MgmtAPI (11) and OAuth (28) permissions, a user in a child tenant can only delete an OAuth application object in the tenant in which he or she resides.