Using ABL documentation
References to ABL compiler and run-time features
References to ABL data types
Typographical conventions
Examples of syntax descriptions
Long syntax descriptions split across lines
Complex syntax descriptions with both required and optional elements
Example procedures
OpenEdge messages
Obtaining more information about OpenEdge messages
Database triggers
Trigger definition
ABL database events
Schema and session database triggers
Best practices for ABL triggers
Database Index Usage
Finding out which indexes are used
Maintaining indexes through ABL
Using the ABL ASSIGN statement
Indexes and unknown values
Indexes and case sensitivity
How ABL chooses and brackets indexes to satisfy queries
Background and terminology
Case 1: WHERE searchExpr
Case 2: WHERE searchExpr AND searchExpr
Case 3: WHERE searchExpr OR searchExpr
General rules for choosing a single index
Searching without index
When TABLE-SCAN is recommended instead of WHOLE-INDEX
When TABLE-SCAN is not recommended to be used
Index-related hints
Index-related hints