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ABL Database Triggers and Indexes
Database Index Usage : How ABL chooses and brackets indexes to satisfy queries

How ABL chooses and brackets indexes to satisfy queries

Knowing the importance of creating indexes to support common data access patterns is a big step toward efficient design. However, to make your query code and indexes work together effectively, you must understand how ABL chooses indexes to satisfy a particular query.
Efficient query coding is outside the scope of this book, but its relevance to index design and creation cannot be overstated. Therefore, this section briefly explains how ABL chooses the most efficient indexes based on the ABL query. Then, you will learn how ABL brackets an index, when possible, to minimize the number of fetched records.
* Background and terminology
* Case 1: WHERE searchExpr
* Case 2: WHERE searchExpr AND searchExpr
* Case 3: WHERE searchExpr OR searchExpr
* General rules for choosing a single index
* Bracketing